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Water and some solutes
(like salts or glucose) Go to the
blood stream and then, into the
spaces between the cells in the
body tissues. This fluid is called
interstinal fluid. The excess of this
fluid is collected and returned to
the blood stream by a system called
lymphatic system. (Balance of the
interstinal fluid in tissues.)
Waste products produced
during cells metabolism are taken
by the lymphatic system and then
transported in to the circulatory
system to get read of them.
Lipids, as are hydrophobic can’t get in the blood stream directly, when they are
smaller, cause of bile salts, the lymphatic vessels that innerve the small intestine absorb
them through lymphatic vessels called lacteals and then they are taken to blood into the
subclavian vein.
The lymphatic system has lymphocytes (blood cells) in it. So the lymphatic
system also protects the body from infections and helps cicatrizing.
- Lymphatic vessels: Those are the tubes and tracks where lymph
and fluids in the lymph System are transported through.
Lymph capillaries innerve tissues and as they go further,
join together creating bigger ducts called lymphcollecting vessels which are the ones taking it to blood.
The movement of lymph through them is produced by the
own body movement and valves in the vessels make
lymph only go in the right direction.
The two most important vessels are:
 The right lymphatic duct
 Receives from the head and right arm.
 Empties into the right subclavian vein
 The thoracic lymphatic duct
 Originates in a structure called cisterna chyli
 Empties into the left subclavian vein.
- Lymph nodes: Are the organs located along the lymphatic system.
They produce lymphocytes and release them into the
Filters waste substances out from the vessels
Lymph: The mixture of interstinal fluid, lymphocytes and other substances (like lipids
or waste)
Interstinal fluid: The substance which surround the cells in tissues made up of water
and other substances (Like salts or glucose.)
Internal medium: Is blood, interstitial plasma and lymph