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Lymphatic System Notes Worksheet
1. Describe three main functions of the lymphatic system:
2. Describe why it is important for interstitial fluid to be removed from by the lymphatic system:
3. ___________________ is a thin, watery fluid composed of intercellular, or interstitial fluid, which forms when plasma
diffuses into tissue spaces.
4. _______________________ transport lymph by peristalsis, one-way valves, and contraction of skeletal muscle.
5. _________________________ act like drain pipes by picking up lymph at tissues throughout the body.
6. ________________________ are specialized lymphatic capillaries found in the small intestine that pick up digested
fats or lipids and assist in transporting chyle (lipids and lymph mixed together) to the bloodstream.
7. _________________________ filter the lymph and remove impurities such as carbon, cancer cells, pathogens, and
dead blood cells; also produce leukocytes and antibodies.
8. The __________________________ receives all the purified lymph from the right side of the head and neck, the right
chest, and the right arm; empties into the right subclavian vein, returning the purified lymph to the blood.
9. The __________________________ drains lymph from the rest of the body; empties into the left subclavian vein,
returning the purified lymph to the blood.
10. The ___________________________ is an enlarged pouch-like structure that serves as storage for purified lymph
before it returns to the blood stream; also receives chlye from the intestinal lacteals.
11. Describe the flow of the lymphatic drainage system:
12. Tonsils are ____________________________________________________________.
13. The spleen has the following functions: ______________________________________________________________
14. Early in life this mass of tissue in the upper chest produces antibodies and manufactures lymphocytes to fight
infection; after puberty this tissue atrophies. This mass of tissue is called the _____________________________.
15. Tonsillitis is _________________________________________________________________________________.
16. Adenitis is __________________________________________________________________________________.
17. ____________________________ is a chronic, malignant disease of the lymph nodes and the most common form of
18. Splenomegaly is _______________________________________________________________________________.
19. ___________________________ is a condition of localized fluid retention caused by a compromised lymphatic
20. The _____________________________ is a response in which the immune system attacks organisms and
substances that invade our system and cause disease.
21. There are two kinds of lymphocytes: the ________________________ and the ________________________. The
____________________________are like the body's military intelligence system, seeking out their targets and
sending defenses to lock onto them. The ______________________________ are like the soldiers, destroying the
invaders that the intelligence system has identified.
22. B lymphocytes produce __________________________________ that remain in the body to detect an antigen if
invades the body again.
23. List the three types of immunity and briefly describe each one