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Malignant Edema
Also Called: gas gangrene; necrotic cellutlitis
Affecting: all age groups are susceptible
Occurrence: sporadic; spread depends on the
prevalence of wounds due to environmental
Signs: fever; dyspnea; toxemia; diarrhea; heat,
inflammation and swelling at wound site;
edema; pain; emphysema under the skin;
death can occur within 1 to 4 days
Cause: bacteria from the Clostridium genus
Salivation and edematous
enlargement of the brisket are
signs of malignant edema.
Diagnosis: signs; fluorescent antibody staining; gangrene;
edema around the wound; muscle is reddish-black
Remedy: surgical removal of infected or dead tissue; antibiotics;
multiple injections of penicillin directly into the wound
Prevention: vaccination; preventative antibiotics
Also Consider: blackleg
source: Dairy Production Primer - Herd Health Management
©2004 Western Dairy Science Inc.