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Chapter 16 Review
1. What is the goal of liberal studies ? the goal of liberal studies is to produce people of wise and
virtuous people
2. Who was Petrarch ? Italian humanist who protected Roman manuscripts ____
3. Who were the humanists? People who believed that through reason people can improve themselves
4. Why was Canterbury Tales important? __they were written in English
5. What was the main idea of The Book of the City of the Ladies? Women should be educated
6. What was the main idea of the Praise of Folly? Leading a good life ______
7. Who was Erasmus? Christian humanist who criticized rituals ___
8. What was Martin Luther’s goal? _to create a reformed church ___
9. Who did Luther support in the peasant rebellion? Luther supported the princes in the peasant revolt
10. Why was Charles V unable to defeat the German princes? _he was delayed by _a war with France
11. What was the Renaissance ? rebirth of learning _____
12. What were the three most powerful city-states in Italy? Milan, Florence, Venice
13. What was the main idea of the Prince? Government should rule by results not moral s _
14. What was the main idea of The Book of the Courtier? Nobles should be moral Christians
15. What was the third estate? Commoners and merchants
16. Why did Northern Renaissance arts specialize in highly detailed books and wooden panels ? they had
less room in their churches than Italian church __
17. Who were some of the most famous artists of the Renaissance? Di Vinci , Raphael Michelangelo, ___
18. What was the goal of Renaissance artists? To portray realism _____
19. What type of learning was valued by Humanist educators? Rhetoric logic, religion _____
20. What type of education did Women receive? Mostly in domestic skills , morals and the arts ___
21. Where did Charles V rule? The Holy Roman Empire, Spain and Italy _______
22. What was the peace of Augsburg? Allowed the princes of Germany to chose whether they wanted to
Lutheran or Catholic ___
23. What change to the clergy did Martin Luther bring to the Lutheran church? __he allowed clergy to
marry _
24. According to Luther, what was justification? __faith in God that led to your salvation __
25. According to Erasmus, what was the goal of Christianity? To lead a good life _
26. Who was Henry VIII? _English king who wanted a divorce which caused the protestant reformation in
27. Who was John Calvin? Protestant reformer who believed in predestination ___
28. Why were the Calvinists a dynamic faith ? _they believed that they were doing god’s work
29. What was the Consistory? __governmental body under Calvin that banned Dancing, gambling and
other sinful things
30. What were the three most powerful city state in Renaissance Italy ? Venice, Milan and Florence ______
31. How did someone become an adult in Renaissance Italy? _there father had to legally grant them adult
status before a judge _
32. What city was Attacked by Charles I of Spain? Rome
33. Who was Francesco Sforza ?
34. What city was ruled by the di Medici family? Florence
35. What was the Act of Supremacy? Created the protestant church of England __
36. Who was Bloody Mary? Henry’s daughter who became Queen and killed people to return England to
Catholicism ______
37. Where did John Calvin begin his ministry ? Geneva _______
38. Who were the Jesuits ? Catholic priests in the society of Jesus _
39. What was the Edict of Worms? Declared Luther an outlaw
40. What were the 95 theses? _Luther’s criticism of the Catholic Church ___
41. What was the peace of Augsburg? Allowed German Princes to chose their religion
42. What is an indulgence? Release from punishment for sin
43. Who was Frederick the Elder? Protector of Luther
44. What title did Charles V hold? Holy Roman Emperor
45. Who was the reprobate? The Damned
46. Who are the elect? The Saved
47. What is predestination? The belief that you are destined to be saved or not before you are born __
48. What was the council of Trent? _Church council that reformed the Catholic Church
49. What does secular mean ? worldly ____________
50. What does urban mean? Relating to cities __
51. What does renaissance mean? Rebirth _
52. What is a dowry? Gift given by a bride’s family
53. What was the Prince? Book by Machiavelli that believed rulers did not have to led by morals
54. What was the Divine comedy? Dante’s book that described his journey to heaven, hell and purgatory
55. Who was Michelangelo? Famous artist who painted the Sistine chapel and sculptured David _
56. Who was Rapheal ? Famous artist who painted the school of Athens
57. Who was Michelangelo’s masterpiece ? Pieta
58. Who was Durer ? German artist who painted Adoration of the Magi
59. Who was Van Eyck ? Famous artist who painted the Ghent Altarpiece