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General Biology
Notes 10 Energy: ATP, Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis (pages 226 – 265)
A. The cell uses ______________ to do many things, such as…
1. Movement: energy is used to moves ions, monosaccharides, _____________
___________, and other things across the cell membrane (active transport); energy
is used to move things within cells, such as _________________ and ____________
strands in muscle cells
2. Building compounds: energy helps enzymes build new molecules (such as large
________________ and ________________ _______________)
3. Reproduction: energy is used in cell ______________, which produces new cells and
sometimes a new organism
B. In order for the cell to make these things happen, it has to be able to inject enzymes and
other molecules with energy so they can do the necessary ________________
C. Cells use ___________, a special kind of molecule, to inject energy into reactions
1. ATP is a high energy ____________________ that “plugs” into other molecules and
gives its energy to those molecules so that they can do work
2. In the process of giving away its energy ATP becomes depleted of energy and part of
it falls off; in its depleted state ATP is known as ____________
3. Cells must be able to _______________ ATP by rebuilding it from ADP
D. In life ______ major chemical processes are involved in recharging ADP to form ATP;
almost all organisms use one of these processes (called cellular respiration), while
some use both (photosynthesis and CR)
II. Cellular respiration
A. Almost all organisms use the same process to recharge ATP - ________________
1. In this process biomolecules (usually ____________________ and ____________) are
broken down and their energy is used to recharge ATP
2. ________________ is used by most organisms to help extract energy; reactions that
require oxygen are called __________________ reactions
3. The chemical equation that summarizes the breakdown of ____________ is as follows
________________ + _______________  _______________ + ___________
a. Glucose and oxygen are reactants and CO2 and H2O are products of the process
4. The energy released when the biomolecule is broken down is used to recharge _____
B. Cellular location of cellular respiration
1. In _______________________ cells cellular respiration primarily takes place in the
2. In prokaryotic cells it takes place in the _________ and uses the cellular membranes
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C. Almost all ___________, ___________, _____________, ________________ and most
_________________ use this method
D. Some organisms can also or only break down carbohydrates with a less efficient process
(makes less ATP) that does _______ use oxygen, called ____________________
1. One type of fermentation produces CO2 and _____________, and is used in the
beverage and bakery industries
III. Photosynthesis
A. Some organisms (called autotrophs) have the ability to make their own food biomolecules
in a process called _________________________
1. Food biomolecules are important because they can be broken down to provide
__________ and elemental/molecular _____________ __________ for the organism
a. The most common process used by cells to break down food is cellular
respiration, used by almost all organisms, including most autotrophs
2. In order to build food molecules, such as glucose, autotrophs…
a. …obtain energy from ___________
b. …and elements from the _____________, soil and water that make up their
c. For example plants get the carbon and oxygen they need to build carbohydrates
from __________ in the air
i. Other elements needed to build their body, such as nitrogen and
phosphorous, are absorbed from the watery solution in the _____________
3. The chemical equation that summarizes the buildup of __________ is as follows
______________ + _____________  __________________ + __________
a. Glucose is then used as a source of energy to recharge ATP (_______________
___________________), or is used to build the organism’s ____________ and
body (for example, build cell walls or used to make amino acids)
4. Cellular location of photosynthesis
a. In __________________ cells photosynthesis takes place in an organelle called
the __________________
b. In _________________ cells photosynthesis takes place in the cytosol, and also
used the cellular membrane
IV. Organisms can be classified according to how they acquire energy and elemental/molecular
building blocks
1. Organisms that are able to build their own food molecules and then break them down
using cellular respiration are called _____________________, or _________________
a. All _____________, many protists and many ____________ are autotrophs
2. Organisms that cannot build their own food molecules, but must instead absorb or
ingest them, are called ______________________ or ___________________
a. All ________________, all______________, many protists and many bacteria are