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Hitler’s Control of Germany
Hitler’s Control of Germany
How did Hitler establish control over Germany?
THREE main methods of control:
 The Carrot
 The Stick
 Propaganda
Carrot, Stick & Propaganda
The Stick
Use of
to influence
The Carrot
Use of
benefits to
Use of mass media
and censorship to
promote an ideological
viewpoint and to
influence people’s
Method 1: the Carrot
Achievements and benefits of Nazi rule
 people supported Nazi rule
The economy:
 Rearmament programme
 Huge public works programme, e.g. roadbuilding and housing
 Created jobs and reduced unemployment
Big businesses:
 Given large government contracts
 No trade unions to cause trouble
Method 1: the Carrot
Middle class:
 Threat of Communism was removed
 People had pride in Germany after Hitler
overturned the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
Industrial workers:
 German Labour Front set up to improve
workers’ lives
The ‘Strength Through Joy’ organisation
provided leisure opportunities (e.g. sports and
Method 2: the Stick
Use of terror and persecution
 Fear made people conform to Nazi rule
Police and courts:
 Emergency powers used to suspend all rights
and to detain anti-Nazi suspects without trial
 Controlled judges and lawyers in the courts
 Opponents unable to get a fair trial
The SS (headed by Heinrich Himmler):
 Hitler’s personal elite bodyguard unit
 Used its own courts to deal with opponents of
the Nazis
Method 2: the Stick
The Gestapo (headed by Reinhard Heydrich):
 Secret police of the Nazi regime
 Role was to get rid of those who opposed Hitler
 Germans feared that the Gestapo agents were
everywhere, so they reported on each other
 Terror organisations gave the Nazis power over
the people
It is clear that the majority of the people have two faces; one which
they show to close friends and family; and the other for the
authorities. The private face criticises everything; the official one
beams with optimism and contentment.
From a report written by an agent of the Socialist Party
living in Germany, August 1937.
Method 2: the Stick
Persecuting minorities:
 Use of violence against other groups in
society which the Nazis did not like
 E.g. Jews, homosexuals, gypsies,
prostitutes, alcoholics, the disabled were
sent to concentration camps
Method 3: Propaganda
Control of mass media and
use of censorship to
aggressively promote Nazi
To influence people’s minds
so that they would support
and obey Nazi rule
Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels,
Propaganda Minister
Method 3: Propaganda
Art and
The Reich Ministry for Popular
Enlightenment and Propaganda
(headed by Joseph Goebbels)
Method 3: Propaganda
 Controlled radio stations
 Cheap radio sets were made to get as
many people as possible to listen to Nazi
propaganda messages
 Broadcast of Hitler’s speeches (Hitler was
a brilliant public speaker)
 Special wardens made sure people
listened to the radio
Method 3: Propaganda
The text translates: "All Germany
hears the Führer on the People's
Receiver“. The Nazis, eager to
encourage radio listenership,
developed an inexpensive radio
receiver to enable as many
people as possible to hear Nazi
Method 3: Propaganda
 Banned many German newspapers
 Controlled information supplied to the
remaining newspapers
All articles had to support the Nazi government
and portray Hitler in a positive light
Method 3: Propaganda
Propaganda events:
 Staged huge and spectacular rallies,
meetings and processions to create the image
of a strong and united Nazi Party
E.g. The Nuremburg Rallies – smart Nazi
uniforms, colourful flags, floodlights, military
music, marches
Impressed people and convinced them to
support the Nazis
Method 3: Propaganda
Art and culture:
 Anyone who worked in journalism, radio, film,
literature, theatre, music or the arts had to
belong to the Reich Chamber of Culture
 Otherwise, they could not get a role in a play,
publish a book, sell a painting, etc.
 Members had to be approved by Goebbels so
that there was no need for censorship
Method 3: Propaganda
 Used to show Hitler and the Nazis in a
positive light as often as possible
 E.g. Triumph of the Will – depicting the
return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler
as a German Messiah (saviour) who will bring
glory to the nation
 E.g. The Eternal Jew – anti-Semitic (antiJewish) theme, to depict the Jews as the
enemies of the Germans
Method 3: Propaganda
Directed by Leni Riefenstahl
About the 1934 Nuremberg
Theme: return of Germany
as a great power, with Hitler
as a German Messiah who
will bring glory to the
Triumph of the Will
Leni Riefenstahl
Method 3: Propaganda
Hitler, shot from a low angle to make
him appear as a larger-than-life hero
Hitler descending in a plane
from the skies above
Marching SS men move through a sea of SA troopers as
they parade down the steps towards Hitler’s podium
Method 3: Propaganda
The Lord of the Rings
movies have many scenes
where the orc armies use
the geometric formations
seen in Triumph of the Will,
as well as one where
Saruman addresses his
legions from a balcony
much like Hitler.
Hitler leads a delegation of highranking Nazis into the Congress
Hall for the closing of the rally
The throne room scene from
Star Wars Episode IV: A New
Hope, which features similar
imagery and music
Method 3: Propaganda
The Eternal Jew
Directed by Fritz Hippler
Theme: anti-Semiticism
Purpose: to generate
hatred for the Jewish
population, associated
with corrupt personality
and decadent lifestyle, a
stark contrast to Nazi
Method 3: Propaganda
 Cheap to produce and distributed everywhere
 Acted as a constant reminder of Nazi ideology
 Also glorified Hitler
Method 3: Propaganda
This poster is from the 1936 referendum.
The caption: “German construction expenditures rose
from 10.9 billion marks in 1932 to 14.5 billion marks
in 1935. That is what Adolf Hitler has done for
German craftsmen. All classes vote on 29 March for
freedom, peace and construction.”
This poster makes a direct comparison between
Hitler and Jesus Christ.
Just as a dove descended on Christ when he was
baptised by John the Baptist, so what looks to be an
eagle hovering against the light of heaven over an
idealised Hitler. The text: “Long live Germany!”
Method 3: Propaganda
Nazi propaganda depicting
Jews (Stars of David),
Capitalism (Dollar Signs)
and Communism (Hammer
and Sickles) all as part of
the disease under