Download 40-Hz Sinusoidal Auditory Steady-State Response and Tone Burst

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From: 40-Hz Sinusoidal Auditory Steady-State Response and Tone Burst Auditory Brainstem Response Using a
Kalman Filter to Determine Thresholds Pre- and Post-Myringotomy With Grommet Tube in Children With Mild,
Low-Frequency Conductive Hearing Loss
Am J Audiol. 2016;25(1):41-53. doi:10.1044/2015_AJA-15-0052
A recording at 4000-Hz tone burst ABR (left panel) and 4000-Hz 40-Hz sASSR (right panel) from the right ear of one of the children with OME.
ABR wave V was marked, as were the statistical start (SS) and statistical end (SE) markers of each waveform. The 40-Hz sASSR wave M1 and
M2 were marked for each wave. Recording shows that both ABR and sASSR to 4000 Hz have the same threshold at 40 dB nHL.
Date of download: 5/10/2017
Copyright © American Speech-LanguageHearing Association