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Rhode Island Hospital/ Hasbro Children’s Hospital
Sedated Auditory Evaluation / Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Program
Goal of the Program:
To provide timely diagnosis of hearing loss to the population of children and disabled adults who cannot be tested using
conventional audiological methods. Quality customer service through coordination of multiple sedated services as
needed to limit sedation for accurate diagnosis and care. Coordination with other services such as CT scan, MRI, blood
work, Echo-cardiology, heme-oncology and other programs.
Population We Serve:
 Infants and small children.
 Developmentally delayed older children and adults.
Types of Testing /Services Provided:
 Otoscopy
 Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) otherwise known as Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER)
 Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR)
 Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE)
 Tympanometry
 Acoustic Reflexes (when possible)
 Ear mold impressions
What to Expect During the Evaluation Process:
 A comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s auditory system function.
 A full explanation of results
 A written report mailed to you and your child’s doctor
 Referrals to other relevant specialists such as : Speech Language Pathologist, Geneticist , Otolaryngologist, Early
 Interpretation of results and guidance regarding the findings, and the implications of results.
 Follow up appointments to determine options to help your child hear better when hearing loss exists
 Hearing aid or FM system trial and fitting can be coordinated if necessary.
Our Team:
Deborah Lyon Au.D CCC-A F-AAA Audiologist and Manager Audiology
Heather Taylor Au.D CCC-A, Audiologist, Clinical Specialist
Members of the Pediatric Sedation Team such as a Pediatric Intensive Care Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Staff
and Recreation Staff.
Members of the Operating Room Staff such as Anesthesiologists, and Nursing, are involved as necessary for services
provided in conjunction with surgeries.
Making an Appointment:
A referral from a physician is needed for a sedated audiological evaluation. This referral may be faxed to 444-6212. Once
this is received, you may call our secretary at 444-9281. We will contact your child’s physician to obtain the other
required documentation prior to booking the appointment. Once this information is received and reviewed, we will call
you with an appointment time and date.
115 Georgia Avenue, Providence, RI 02905  (401) 444-5485