Download Judaism: LT 1 and LT 2

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Judaism: LT 1 and LT 2
Judaism Facts:
• The Hebrews were the founders of a major world
religion that
still exists today.
• They were the founders of Judaism.
• Therefore, the Hebrews eventually became known as
Jewish people, since Judaism is the Jewish Religion.
– Ancient Hebrews are also referred to as “Iraelites,” since
they settled in Canaan, which is modern day Israel.
• Judaism’s main religious text is called the Torah. The
Torah is part of a larger text called, “The Hebrew Bible.”
• The Hebrew Bible (which has the Torah in it) is THE
SAME as the Old Testament in the Christian Bible.
Let’s start with learning target 2:
• I can describe the geographical origin of
Judaism. Where did Judaism begin?
• The Hebrews moved from _________________to Canaan
under the leadership of _______________.
• According to the Torah, God promised the land of Canaan to
Abraham and his descendants. So, many Jewish people look at
Canaan as the “promised land.” Canaan is where Judaism was
• Throughout the history of the Hebrews, they struggled to keep
control of and stay in Canaan, but they always tried to return
to it.
Where did the Hebrews settle after moving from
What country is Canaan today?
What country is Canaan today?
LT 2:
So, where did Judaism begin?
OR, “what is the geographical origin of
• Canaan!
–Also known as Israel
Let’s back up to Learning Target
• LT 1: I can describe the main beliefs of
• There are 4 main beliefs, they are:
Following God’s Law (The 10 Commandments)
Equality and Social Justice
The Importance of Study (The Talmud)
The Ten Commandments
You shall have no other Gods but me.
You shall not make for yourself any
idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
You shall not misuse the name
of the Lord your God.
You shall remember and keep
the Sabbath day holy.
Respect your father and mother.
You must not commit murder.
You must not commit adultery.
You must not steal.
You must not give false evidence against your neighbor.
You must not be envious of your neighbor's goods. You
shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor
anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Let’s sum up
Learning Target #1
• LT 1: I can describe the main beliefs of
• There are 4 main beliefs, they are:
Monotheism (what does this mean?)
_____________God’s Law (The 10 _______________)
___________ and Social Justice (what does this mean?)
The Importance of ___________(The __________)