Download Automatic Meter Reading Using GSM Network

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Automatic Meter Reading Using GSM Network
Wireless energy meter is used to monitor the electric energy consumed by
customers. This meter is free from inherent defects of ordinary ferry wheel energy meters used
currently, such as low accuracy, low reliability, lack of user friendliness & safety, etc. This meter
is static in that it does not depend on moving parts such as rotating ferry wheels (used in
induction type meters) for its operation. The meter is highly user friendly in the sense that the
power used is monitored in real time and the information is displayed through a LCD module.
The LCD module also displays the unit and monthly bill amount corresponding to the power
used so far, as per the existing tariff/ slab structure. Thus the user is constantly informed of his
power usage. This system also provides wireless access to a remote place where we can control
the ON/OFF state of the energy meter. That is the electricity board can ON or OFF the electric
supply to the consumer. If the bill is not paid the supply can be disconnected.
In this voltage sensing module sense the ac voltage, then stepped down it first and
then rectified it. Then rectified output can directly give to the microcontroller. The current
sensing module used to measure ac current. It is measured by using a current transformer or
series resistor. The relay is used to fuse or defuse the power supply to the load. LCD displays the
units in digits and monthly bill amount according to the current tariff. The GSM modem is used
to communicate with billing station and energy meter. The PIC (peripheral interface Controller)
is used to control and manipulate all the process inside the energy meter.
Block Diagram
LCD Display
Voltage Sensing
PIC 16F877A
Current Sensing
Relay Driver
GSM modem
Relay (Cut Off