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To find out about Small Pox, Monkey Pox, Cow Pox and Chicken Pox.
The vaccination methods for the pox family (small pox, cow pox, monkey
pox, chicken pox) are related.
Smallpox first appeared in China and the Far East at least 2000 years ago.
The Pharaoh Ramses V died of smallpox in 1157 B.C.
Smallpox killed five reigning European monarchs during the 18th century.
Smallpox has now been eradicated.
The last naturally occurring outbreak was in Somalia on 26th October 1977.
Smallpox is a serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease.
There is no specific treatment for smallpox disease, and the only prevention is
vaccination. The name smallpox is derived from the Latin word for "spotted" and
refers to the raised bumps that appear on the face and body of an infected
Generally, direct and fairly prolonged face-to-face contact is required to spread smallpox
from one person to another. Smallpox also can be spread through direct contact with
infected bodily fluids or contaminated objects such as bedding or clothing. Rarely,
smallpox has been spread by virus carried in the air in enclosed settings such as
buildings, buses, and trains. Humans are the only natural hosts of variola. Smallpox is
not known to be transmitted by insects or animals.
The smallpox vaccine helps the body develop immunity to smallpox. The
vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia which is a “pox”-type virus related
to smallpox. The smallpox vaccine contains the “live” vaccinia virus—not dead
virus like many other vaccines. For that reason, the vaccination site must be
cared for carefully to prevent the virus from spreading. Also, the vaccine can
have side effects, like The arm receiving the vaccination may be sore and red
where the vaccine was given.
The glands in the armpits may become large and sore.
The vaccinated person may run a low fever.
One out of 3 people may feel bad enough to miss work, school, or recreational
activity or have trouble sleeping The vaccine does not contain the smallpox
virus and cannot give you Smallpox.
In these slides I will explain about ‘chicken pox’ (also known
as ‘varicella-zoster’) and tell of its effects and different
methods on how to cure it.
Chickenpox is a common disease caused by the varicellazoster virus (VZV), which is part of the herpes virus family.
Although many people associate the word herpes with genital
herpes, the herpes virus family is made up of nearly 100
kinds of viruses, eight of which cause disease in humans.
Examples of different herpes viruses are herpes simplex virus
(which causes cold sores and genital herpes infections),
Epstein-Barr virus (which causes infectious mononucleosis),
and varicella-zoster virus (which causes chickenpox and
shingles). Varicella-zoster virus spreads in the air through
coughs or sneezes or through contact with fluid from inside
the chickenpox blisters.
• Well, Chicken pox is one of the last childhood diseases
that is not widely immunized against. Very few children
will escape getting this virus unless immunization
becomes more popular. If your child gets the chicken pox
there are many things that you can do to make them
more comfortable. This article will go over how the
disease is spread, the symptoms, the specifics of
quarantine and what a parent can do to make the case
lighter and not develop into the dangerous complications
that can occur. “Very few children will escape
getting this virus unless immunization
becomes more popular.”
Vaccination for chicken pox
• The way that a person can get chicken
pox is from another person when they
cough or sneeze, or if they come in
contact with the fluid in the blisters. Most
people who get chicken pox vaccination
don’t get the disease again……BUT the
people who do get it again don’t have
anything to worry about as it is very mild:
e.t.c less spots and they recover quicker.
What is monkey pox?
Monkey pox is a rare viral disease that occurs mostly in central and western Africa. It
is called “monkey pox” because it was first found in 1958 in laboratory monkeys.
Blood tests of animals in Africa later found that other types of animals probably had
monkey pox. Scientists also recovered the virus that causes monkey pox from an
African squirrel. These types of squirrels might be the common host for the disease.
Rats, mice, and rabbits can get monkey pox, too. Monkey pox was reported in
humans for the first time in 1970.
Is there monkey pox in the United States?
In early June 2003, monkey pox was reported among several people in the United
States. Most of these people got sick after having contact with pet prairie dogs that
were sick with monkey pox. This is the first time that there has been an outbreak of
monkey pox in the United States.
What causes monkey pox?
The disease is caused by Monkey pox virus. It belongs to a group of viruses that
includes the smallpox virus (variola), the virus used in the smallpox vaccine
(vaccinia), and the cowpox virus.
What are the signs and symptoms of monkey pox?
In humans, the signs and symptoms of monkey pox are like those of
smallpox, but usually they are milder. Another difference is that monkey pox
causes the lymph nodes to swell.
About 12 days after people are infected with the virus, they will get a fever,
headache, muscle aches, and backache; their lymph nodes will swell; and
they will feel tired. One to 3 days (or longer) after the fever starts, they will
get a rash. This rash develops into raised bumps filled with fluid and often
starts on the face and spreads, but it can start on other parts of the body
too. The bumps go through several stages before they get crusty, scab over,
and fall off. The illness usually lasts for 2 to 4 weeks.
Can you die from monkey pox?
In Africa, monkey pox has killed between 1 percent and 10 percent of
people who get it. However, this risk would probably be lower in the United
States, where nutrition and access to medical care are better.
• How do you catch monkey pox?
People can get monkey pox from an animal with monkey pox if they
are bitten or if they touch the animal’s blood, body fluids, or its rash.
The disease also can spread from person to person through large
respiratory droplets during long periods of face-to-face contact or by
touching body fluids of a sick person or objects such as bedding or
clothing contaminated with the virus.
• How do you treat monkey pox?
There is no specific treatment for monkey pox. In Africa, people who
got the smallpox vaccine in the past had a lower risk of monkey pox.
CDC has sent out guidelines explaining when smallpox vaccine
should be used to protect against monkey pox. For example, people
taking care of someone infected with monkey pox should think about
getting vaccinated. Contact your state or local health department for
more information.
• What is Cowpox?
Cowpox is a contagious viral disease of cows and is a mild form of
smallpox. It has been around for hundreds of years. There are
many hosts of the disease including voles and wood mice even
spreading to cats. The last recorded case of a cow with cowpox in
the UK was in 1978. There are about 1-4 cases in man per year.
• How do you catch Cowpox?
As the disease progresses the cows develop pustular eruptions,
particularly on the udders and teats. People can catch cowpox by
direct contact with an infected animal. People infected with cowpox
are immune to smallpox which is a much more serious disease.
People can catch cowpox by direct contact with an infected animal
and they then go on to develop pustules, on their hands.
• Effects of Cowpox.
These are quite painful and there is a general feeling of
being unwell. The incubation period is about 1 week and
the illness lasts about 4-6 weeks. There is a full recovery.
• Investigation on Cowpox.
It had always been noticed in rural communities that
dairy maids who caught cowpox would never get
smallpox- they were immune. This was investigated by
Edward Jenner in 1796 and the vaccine for smallpox
produced. This effectively wiped out smallpox which was
a major killer at the time.
The vaccine for small pox was the first vaccine ever developed. In fact, the term
"vaccine" comes from the Latin word for cow, vaccinus, since the original small pox
vaccine was made using the cow pox virus.
Prior to the development of the small pox vaccine, at least two other forms of
inoculation were used to try to protect people against the deadly disease. For
centuries in China, the virus was inoculated into the nose, while in the Middle East
there was the practice of variolation, in which the virus was inoculated into the skin.
In 1721, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, the wife of the British ambassador to Turkey,
learned about variolation in Turkey and had her children variolated, thus introducing
the practice to England. Variolation was then adopted by Princess Caroline two years
later, which resulted in its widespread acceptance.
In 1796, the world's first vaccination was performed when an English country doctor
named Edward Jenner inoculated James Phipps, an eight year old boy, with cow
pox virus. Jenner had observed that, although small pox was a widespread disease,
milkmaids never seemed to get the disease. This was because they had been
infected by cow pox from the cows they worked with, and this virus was similar
enough to small pox to protect against it. A month and a half after inoculating Phipps,
Jenner tested the effectiveness of his vaccine by injecting the boy with live small pox
virus. Phipps was completely protected and did not show any symptoms. In 1798,
Jenner published an article called "An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the
Variolae Vaccinae," reporting the efficacy of his new treatment.
Answering the hypothesis
• Well, for monkey pox there is no current vaccine available unless,
you count: using small pox as a preventative.
• The chicken pox vaccine available only as a single-antigen formula
which, after 1 dose, makes you develop antibody titers Vaccineinduced immunity is believed to be long lasting. Vaccine efficacy is
estimated to be 70%–90% against VZV infection and 95% against
severe disease. Among healthy adolescents and adults, an average
of 78% develop antibody after one dose and 99% develop antibody
after a second dose given 4–8 weeks later.
• Small pox has a vaccine which is used to immunize against it. It is
linked to cow pox as it is needed for the preventation of cow pox.
• lastly, the cow pox vaccine, which is basically small pox used as a
stronger disease to cure and prevent cow pox.
• The method would be to, first know about the
vaccinations for the pox family which are already
explained. Then to decide whether the curing ways are
different of the same…
• This would be done by analysing the information.
• So far we have found out that cow pox and small pox are
related and that monkey has no vaccination, as for
chicken pox, in the U.K there is no vaccination used
because it is considered dangerous for children under 15
and as most of the victims of this disease are children it
is the right choice.
• What we have found out is that these diseases are both
linked and that to cure them is a difficult and dangerous