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The Smith College Vibes Charter
Name: The Vibes (also recognized as The Smith College Vibes)
The Vibes strive to provide its members and the greater Smith campus with a unique
a cappella experience.
With a jazzy, fresh, and fun repertoire and outlook on a cappella we are constantly searching for
ways to go beyond the ordinary to deliver innovative and entertaining performances, events, CDs
and merchandise.
Membership Requirements:
A) Auditions
1. Each member is required to audition and attend a callback session at the start
of a new semester prior to admittance into the group.
2. Those who audition will be admitted based on said audition and
callback audition, at the discretion of the current members.
B) Contact Information
1. Upon membership each person is required to provide basic contact information. It is
crucial for the group to be in contact with one another, particularly with regards to off
campus gigs.
C) Contracts
1. At the start of each year members may be required to sign a contract outlining group
protocol and a basic expected Code of Conduct. This will outline policy on absences,
tardiness, etc.
2. The existence and specificity of said contract is to be determined at the start of each
year by returning members.
3. When formal written Contract is non-existent members are still required to comport
themselves in a professional manner and live up to guidelines set by the group at the start
of each year/semester.
4. Ramifications for those who break a formal or informal contract may be subject to
consequences decided upon by the group or board.
5. Serious infringements may result in expulsion from the group.
a. Note: A unanimous vote (excluding the person in question) among all
members is required prior to the ejection of any member from the group.
D) Rehearsals/Performances/Recording
1. It is expected that all members attend as many rehearsals, performances, recording
sessions, and auditions as possible.
E) Leaves of absence
1. All Vibes are entitled to a leave of absence from the group of up to two semesters (one year).
At this point should a former member wish to rejoin the group it is required that they do so by
means of the audition process.
Officers, Duties, Election Procedure:
A) Election Procedures
All of our elected positions are decided based on a majority vote. Any person in the group may
run for any position and is expected to present their experiences and how they would fulfill the
duties of said position(s).
B) Officers:
1. The following positions are recognized official titles:
a. Pitch/Co-Pitch
i. The Head Pitch or Co-Pitches are responsible for the musical
organization of the group. Pitches teach songs to the group, conduct, and
may determine dynamics and other musical aspects of the repertoire.
Pitches are also expected to make and distribute copies of sheet music for
new songs, and have a copy of the sheet music for each song in our
repertoire, as well as for songs formerly in our repertoire. They run
rehearsal and decide what songs will be learned and practiced when.
During gigs and jams Pitches determine the set list. They are responsible
for bringing a pitch-pipe to rehearsals and gigs and for giving the starting
notes to each song. Pitches also run auditions and lead auditionees in
various musical exercises while noting accuracy, pitch, tone, etc. In the
absence of a President Pitches may be asked to take on some Presidential
duties at the discretion of the board and the group.
b. Assistant Pitch
i. The Assistant Pitch position is traditionally given to an underclassman
in training for the Pitch position, though this may vary from year to year
depending on group dynamic. The Assistant Pitch leads the group in
warm ups and may also be asked to carry a pitch pipe and give starting
notes. She/he typically helps to teach music, pitches songs, and assists
the Pitch/Co-Pitches in whatever ways are deemed necessary. In the past
Assistant Pitches have been asked to assist in the copying and
distribution of sheet music. The Assistant Pitch should work with the
Pitch closely on musical decisions. In the absence of a President the
Assistant Pitch may be asked to take on some Presidential duties at the
discretion of the board and group.
c. Business Manager
i. The Business Manager is responsible for the organization of nonmusical matters within the group. The Business Manager deals with
spatial reservations for auditions, practices, and jams. Transition
paperwork, and other related SGA org. paperwork is filled out by the
Business Manager and she/he is to keep in contact with the SGA and its
liaisons. The Business Manager is the group’s go-to person for booking
and obtaining gigs. The Business Manager fills out and keeps copies of
all contracts for gigs and paid performances. She/he is expected to
attend regular meetings with the Business Managers of the other on
campus a cappella groups to discuss and claim dates for jams, and arch
sing, set rates, and any other on campus business that might arise
between groups. The Business Manager is responsible for all claims
including, songs, jam dates/locations, rehearsal/audition locations,
callback day and time, illuminations night location etc. (In the absence
of an Assistant BM, the Business Manager is also responsible for seeking
out and booking guest groups to perform with and to host for jams or
other performances. She/he is responsible for maintaining contact with
groups we have previously performed with and fostering a positive
image and relationships for the Vibes within the inter-collegiate a
cappella community.) In the absence of a President, the Business
Manager may be asked to take on some Presidential duties at the
discretion of the board and group.
d. Assistant Business Manager (optional)
i. The Assistant Business Manager position is an optional position
designed to assist the Business Manager and may possibly be a training
position as well. This position may be particularly useful in the absence
of a President, as other officers may need to take on extra
responsibilities. The Assistant Business manager may help the Business
Manager in whatever capacity is deemed the most useful by the board
and the group, though typically the Assistant Business Manager will take
on the responsibility of finding and hosting guest groups. This involves
contacting and working out the logistics of hosting. She/he may be
asked to assist with other miscellaneous BM tasks, and in the absence of
a President to take on some Presidential duties at the discretion of the
e. President (Optional)
i. The President is in charge of many crucial elements of organization.
However as there is not always one ideal candidate to take on these
responsibilities the position is optional. In the absence of a President it is
crucial that these duties be divided among the existing officers either
according to the wishes of the board or the group. These responsibilities
are as followed:
 Attendance – The President is responsible for
keeping a record of attendance for every rehearsal. She/he must
call latecomers and those absent if they have not already claimed
their mental health day. All mental health days and absences are
to be reported to the President.
 Scheduling – At the start of the year the President is
expected to obtain a copy of each members schedule and
determine the best days/times for rehearsals accordingly.
 Contact info. – The President obtains and distributes
contact information for and among the group members.
 Email reminders – The President is responsible for
sending email alerts to remind members about rehearsals and
 Contracts – The President is responsible for
producing and distributing a copy of an updated contract at the
start of each semester. When required the President will collect
the groups signatures of acceptance of the stipulations put
forward by said contract. The President is also responsible for
addressing breaches of contract in an appropriate manner,
usually dictated within the contract itself.
f. Treasurer
i. The Treasurer is responsible for all of the money-related aspects of the
group. She/he must work with the Student Bank to make deposits and
withdrawals and refund expenses accrued by group members and will be
required to go through a training provided by the college. The Treasurer,
also works with the Business Manager(s) to ensure the group is paid for
all gigs and should have a spreadsheet of all gigs, the amount of money
due from each gig and whether or not we have been paid. The Treasurer
will also be responsible for managing recoding invoices and ensuring
that all necessary parties are paid in a timely fashion. It is crucial the
Treasurer keeps and passes on to future officers a record of all previously
mentioned transactions.
g. Publicity Chair (Optional - auxiliary)
i. When active the Publicity Chair is responsible for publicizing all
events by designing and distributing flyers, organizing chalking,
creating online events etc. Publicity Chair also is in charge of making
programs and setting up tables for Org fairs and CD/Ticket sales.
h. Web Manager (Optional –auxiliary)
i. When active the Web Manager is responsible for managing the Vibes
official website and any other online Vibes groups or pages in existence.
i. Social Chair (Optional - auxiliary)
i. When active the Social Chair is responsible for the organization and
management of all social events related to the Vibes i.e. after Jam
functions, group bonding, Senior Banquet etc. He/she is responsible for
budgeting and arranging for the appropriate funding of said events. The
Social Chair keeps all receipts related to these events to pass on to the
treasurer. Social Chair is also responsible for Vibes t-shirt making.
VI. Sources of Funding:
A) Money earned from gigs, CD sales, and fundraisers is a crucial part of how we obtain funds.
In the past gigs and CD sales have been the backbone of how we obtain money to allow us to
record, tour, etc.
B) With the recent chartering requirement put in place by the SGA we hope to apply for funds
that will assist us with recording and CD production costs without compromising funds already
earned from gigs, CD sales, and fundraising.
VII. Method to Amend:
A) To amend this Charter, 2/3 of the group must express a desire to vote upon the amendment.
Then there must be a unanimous vote to alter it.
VIII. Method to Impeach Officers:
A) Similarly to amending the charter, in order to impeach an officer 2/3 of the group must bring
impeachment to the table as an issue in order for it to be voted upon. Once brought up, there
must be a unanimous vote (excluding the officer in question) to impeach.
B) Grounds for impeachment include failure to adequately perform the duties of one’s position as
laid out in this charter. Serious actions of assault or disrespect towards another member may also
result in impeachment.
C) Group members may file a complaint by contacting the remaining members of the board in