Download Late and Make-up Work - Mr. Turski`s Technical Theatre

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Fall 2013
Instructor: Mr. Turski
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 252-702-0458
Office: Located in the auditorium
Tutoring Hours: Tuesday 2:30-4:00
“An ounce of behavior is worth a pound of
- Sanford Meisner
Course Overview
In this course, students explore the use of body language to express human
motivations through improvisation. They are able to execute basic acting
fundamentals of projection, articulation and vocal expression. Intermediate
students analyze dramatic literature including, but not limited to, the 6
elements of Aristotle. They are able to illustrate technical elements of theatrical
productions and identify links between storytelling traditions and cultural
growth. Participation in after-school rehearsals and performances is expected.
Classroom Rules and Expectations
Students should be in their assigned seat by the time the bell rings. If
you are in the room and not in YOUR seat then that will count as an inclass tardy. Three in-class tardies will equal one regular tardy and the
student will be expected to go to SMC.
Talking while the instructor is giving instructions or directions will not
be tolerated.
Theatre requires you to step outside the box and really feel safe, and in
my class this is a safe environment. I expect everyone to be supportive
of your fellow actors, as you would support them on stage. I will not
allow anyone to feel less that the person next to you. We are a team and
that is how we will treat each other.
No student is permitted in the shop, technical booth, in the instructor’s
office, or backstage without permission of instructor.
Food, candy, gum and beverages are not permitted in the theatre, shop
or backstage.
Cellphones, tablets, and other electronics must remain off and out of
sight, unless instructed by the teacher for classroom instructional use
Respect each other!
This course will ask you to:
o Perform
Materials and Lab Fee
Also needed for the course:
 Thick 3-Ring Binder.
 Notebook paper
 Pencil (mechanical is
Grade Scale
A 100-93
B 92-85
C 84-77
D 76-70
F Below 70, Failing
Memorize lines
Mask work
Character study
Script analysis
And directing.
Course Outline and Grade Breakdown
Participation %30
Theatre is a performance-based class; most of the work done requires
the students to participate on their own, with partners, or as a group.
Theatre II students will be required to audition for PHS fall play, and
the spring musical. If there are conflict and are not able to audition after
school, arrangement may be made in advance to accommodate
students. Performance in the show is not required, just the audition.
Non-participation when asked will significantly affect your grade. A
participation grade is recorded daily. (20 pts. per class, so 5 classes
equal 100 pts.)
Exams %20
Written Critiques 10%
 Each student will write three critiques per semester. One will be for
the PHS Fall performance, and the other two will be for
performances outside of the school.
Performances and Projects %40
The students will have multiple in class performances throughout the
year. These performances will be graded with a rubric of the criteria
provided to them ahead of time.
There will also be many script writing projects, mask making, directing
projects, and script analysis that the students will have to complete
throughout the year.
Late and Make-up Work
Make-Up Work
Make-up work for written assignments is permitted and will be graded for full credit provided that it is turned in within two (2)
days after a student returns to school. Performance work that is missed must be made up the day the student returns to
class. It is the student’s responsibility to request work missed and to turn in or perform within the above guidelines. Missed tests
must be made up either before or after school.
Late Work
Late work will be accepted and receive full credit if student has an excused absence, but must be turned in the next class day.
Otherwise, ten percent (10%) will be deducted from the total points for that assignment everyday (not every class day) after
original due date. If the assignment is more than 5 class days late, a “0” will be given for that assignment.
This is my first year here at Providence High School and I am really excited to work in such a great
school, with such a great community. I will learn just as much from each student as I plan to teach
him or her. I also plan on build strong relationship with the parents so the children get the best
education possible. So please, if you have any questions please feel free to email me, call me, or
stop by before or after school and I will get back to you promptly with the information you have
requested. Thank you ahead of time and I am really looking forward to such a great year.
Thank Your Again,
Richard Turski
By signing this document I indicate that I understand and agree to all of the information and
expectations included in this Technical Theatre class. I understand my responsibilities for the
policies, which will be upheld during the 2013-2014 school year. Please return this half of the slip
to the teacher.
Student’s Signature: __________________________________Class Period: ____________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ___________________________Date: __________________________
Please print the following information:
Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
Home Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________
Work Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________