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Scientific Revolution Formative Assessment
Part 1 – Multiple Choice: mark most appropriate letter on Scantron form – in PENCIL
1) Prior to the Enlightenment, most writing of knowledge – including manuscripts of known literature, science,
religious doctrine & economics were translated and printed in Europe by ____________________
A) Agnostics
B) Byzantines
C) Monks
D) Dutch Reformers
E) Vikings
2) Marco Polo wrote his famous book (Il Milione) based on years of living in/traveling to _____________?
A) America
B) Byzantine Empire
C) China
D) Dutch East Indies
E) Middle East
3) Using the map shown above – identify the major historical trade route that Marco and his family chose to
move along … and ending with their final destination as being in what nation?
A) Afghan Highway & Mongolia
B) Kyber Pass & Tibet
C) Silk Road & China
D) Great Wall & China
4) Following Polo’s return, his book (The Travels of Marco Polo) was printed and read throughout Europe
because of the invention of the movable type printing press by …
A) Albert Einstein
B) Benghazi
C) Copernicus
D) Gutenberg
E) Galileo
5) All of the following (except one) were developments in Europe that are linked in some way to this new form
of more efficient printing of books, articles, papers, etc…
A) Age of Enlightenment
B) Multi-language Bibles
C) Catholicism
D) Scientific Development
E) Reformation
6) The significant jump in Europe’s literacy rate that was spurred by the printing press – increased the
education level and economic influence of this group …
A) Upper Class
B) Jesuit Bishops
C) Middle Class
D) Doctors
E) Elites
7) 15th Century explorers (Columbus, de Gama, Magellan, Vespucci …) became aware that travel across the
Atlantic & Indian Oceans was not as impossible as most Europeans had traditionally believed because they had
learned to chart winds & _______________ (shown above) moving East/West during certain parts of the year
A) Mammals (whales)
B) Bearings
C) Currents
D) Docks
E) Ellipses
8) All of the following (except one) were primary Motives for Nations (Monarchies) to invest in new
Exploration & Expansion during the 15th & 16th Centuries:
A)Agriculture (Cash Crops)
B) Gold & Silver
C) Spices & Silk
D) Dogma
E) Trade Routes
9) Although Spain (Columbus), England (American Colonies), & France (Canada) eventually became major
players/colonizers in the Americas during 17th/18th Centuries, it was actually ___________________ that
benefitted the most in early years (16th Century) of Western exploration because it gained control of a major
chunk of South America (________________) in the Treaty of Tordesillas.
A)United States & Florida
B) Belgium & South Africa
C) China & East Indies
D) Portugal & Brazil
10) Because of new technology (like Caravel & Compass) and desires for new products (Spices & Silk), many
European nations expanded beyond Feudalism into a new economic system based on international trade &
the acquisition of additional resources. This became known as ______________________
B) Bicameralism
C) Mercantilism
D) Dogmatic
E) Inquisition
11) 16th Century mathematician Nicolas Copernicus changed the study of science throughout Europe with his
theory & model of ________________ Planetary System (above) – with the sun, not Earth, as centerpiece
A) Geocentric
B) Big Bang Theory
C) Heliocentric
D) Darwinistic
E) Reformation
12) Galileo became a noted revolutionary because of his ability to use invention of ________________ - which
could magnify up to 30x and his emphasis upon using _______________ _______________ - including
mathematical experimentation
A) Astrolabe & Big Bang (theory)
D) Displacement & Social Darwinism
B) Telescope & Scientific Method
C) Currents (AC/DC) & Heliocentric Theory
E) Energy & Heliocentric Theology
13) Early revolutionary scientists like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, … often had their theories come
into conflict with the Church – which had a specific set of rules & writings called _______________ that they
expected everyone to unquestioningly follow – including the practice of Divine Right
A) Anglicanism
B) Bicameral
C) Indulgences
D) Dogma
E) Geocentricism
14) Martin Luther became an influential revolutionary thinker during the 15 th/16th Centuries when he posted
his 95 Theses to the door of the Church in protest to the practice of Indulgences. His ideas and the Church’s
unwillingness to address these Theses eventually led to _____________ _______________ - in which a whole
new form of religion started in Germany & spread throughout Europe.
A) Anglican Church
B) Biblical Prophesy
C) Catholic Dogma
D) Social Darwinism
E) Protestant Reformation
Part 2 – Extended Response – discuss as best as you can the following TWO statements (4 points each)
15) Discuss how 15th/16th Century explorers from countries like Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Britain, France …
had a significant impact upon the development of Europe during the post-Middle Ages period
16) Discuss how revolutionary thinkers such as Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Luther … had a significant impact
on the modernization of science in Europe during Enlightenment period (16th/17th century)