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Music Workbook
Semester 1
Rhythm and Metre
         
Compound Metre       Anacrusis
Pitch and Melody
s,l, drm sl d’
m3rd M2nd M3rd Perfect 4th Perfect 5th
All note names on treble clef, F
B, La Pentatonic
Part Work
Canon, Tonic Dominant accompaniments, ostinato,
Partner Songs
Form and Structure
Da capo al fine
Tone Colour
All Orchestral Instruments, Instruments - other cultures
Expressive Elements
p pp f ff
mp mf
Semester 1 Task
Sing the Pentatonic Scale in
Canon with Optional Ostinato
In pairs (one on a part), sing the extended pentatonic scale in canon.
To receive an A or B, you may create an ostinato to perform during
the canon.
1. Did you sing in tune?
2. Did the canon work?
3. Was there a balance between the parts?
4. Did you perform the ostinato accurately?
In this task I learnt…
(May refer to: pentatonic scale and
intervals, canon, balance and part work, ostinato)
Activity 1
     ___ ___ 
Write the notes in minims
A C E (high) E (low) G B
Activity 2
Aural – Circle what you hear
List the four families of orchestral Instruments
_________ _________ _________ __________
Activity 3
Aural - Spot the Difference
      
   
Assessment: Two-Part Rhythmic Composition
Are there two dotted crotchet beats in a bar? Are your beats under each other? Does your
piece have a strong finish? Do your two parts work well together?
Activity 4
Adding a flat
lowers the note
by a half step also known as a semitone or a minor
second. This note is B flat.
Aural – 1. Binary
2. Binary
3. Binary
4. Binary
Activity 5
Ludwig van Beethoven
1770 – 1827
Born in Germany
Composer and pianist
Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Opus 68, also known as the
Pastoral Symphony expresses Beethoven’s love of nature.
Activity 6
Aural - Create the Ending
      
d’ l
s m __
__ __ __
Draw lines to match the terms, symbols and meanings.
Moderately soft
Very Soft
Moderately Loud
Very Loud
Mezzo Piano
Mezzo Forte
Activity 7
Aural – Create your own Rhythmic pattern
Activity 8
Aural - Dictation – ending
Two uneven sounds on one beat, the first one longer.
Activity 9
Aural - Create the ending
      
When the beat divides equally into two, then it is ‘simple
metre’, when the beat divides equally into three, then it is
‘compound metre’. Listen to these rhythms and circle the
1. Simple / Compound
2. Simple / Compound
3. Simple / Compound
4. Simple / Compound
5.Simple / Compound
Activity 10
Aural – Dictation
D.C. al fine, or da capo al fine, means “from the head
[beginning] to the end.” It is an indication to repeat from the
beginning of the music, and continue until you reach the final
barline or a double-barline marked with the word fine.
Activity 11
Aural Circle what you hear
Circle the interval you hear.
1. Major 3rd
minor 3rd
2. Perfect 4th Major 2nd
3. Perfect 5th Major 3rd
4. Perfect 4th Perfect 5th
Perfect Octave
Activity 12
Aural - Circle what you hear
    
    
    
Activity 13
Aural - Spot the difference
        
  
A pause or fermata is an articulation mark that allows a
note or chord to be held for as long as desired.
Activity 14
What do you hear?
1    
 
2    
   
3    
 
A  
B 
C  
4    
 
D   
Colour the Mandala as
Crotchets – Blue
Minims – Yellow
Quavers – Red
Semiquavers - green
 Tie - a curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch.
Tied notes are held for the length of both notes.
 Canon – A piece of music where one voice repeats the part of another, throughout the
whole piece. It is singing the same song starting at different times.
 Partner Songs - Two different songs, that have a similar harmonic structure so that they
may be sung together.
 Introduction – The beginning of a piece of music.
 Ostinato – A repeated rhythmic or melodic pattern.
 Accompaniment - is the art of playing along with an instrumental or vocal soloist or
ensemble, in a supporting manner.
 Piano – p - soft
 Pianissimo – pp - very soft
 Mezzo Piano – mp - moderately soft
 Forte – f - loud
 Fortissimo – ff - very loud
 Mezzo Forte – mf - moderately loud
 Staccato – short and detached
 Legato – smooth and connected
 Crescendo – Gradually getting louder
 Decrescendo – Gradually getting softer
 Anacrusis – the note or sequence of notes which precedes the first beat in a bar. There is a
corresponding number of beats missing from the music's final bar.
 Ternary Form – a musical structure consisting of two contrasting sections followed by a
repetition of the first (ABA). Often, the first section is repeated (AABA).
 Binary Form – a musical structure with two sections (AB); each section is often repeated
 Rondo Form – a musical structure with a recurring theme alternating with different sections
 Accent – an emphasis placed on a particular note.
 Volta Brackets – Numbered brackets that change the end of each repeated passage.
 D.C. al fine, or da capo al fine, means “from the head [beginning]
to the end.” It is an indication to repeat from the beginning of
the music, and continue until you reach the final barline or a
double-barline marked with the word fine.