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Athens and Sparta Video Questions
1) Which statement about Sparta is false
 Sparta won the Peloponnesian War
 Sparta had two kings that shared total control over the city-state
This answer is false because while Sparta shared two kings, these kings were only in charge of
leading the army in battle and overseeing religious services, they did not share TOTAL control over
the city state
 Spartans were outnumbered by their slaves captured in war
 Sparta was a militaristic society
2) Was life better for women in Sparta or for women in Athens? Explain your answer.
See notes from class on this. Women in Sparta, although they still were not considered citizens (and
therefore could not participate in government) had more rights than women in Athens, including owning
property, going to shop in the marketplace, and freedom of speech. This is connected to the fact that at
any given time in Sparta, a large percentage of the men might be away at war, which left women in charge
of their households—which they needed more rights to be able to run.
3) Which statement is TRUE?
Helots were slaves captured by the Spartans who were able to join the Spartan government
Helots usually volunteered to join Sparta
Helots were responsible for farming and labor in Sparta
This is the only true statement. Choice A is incorrect because slaves were not allowed to become
citizens in Sparta, and therefore they would never be able to take part in government. Choice B is
incorrect because the slaves were captured prisoners of war from other city-states who were
forcibly taken back to Sparta, they did not have any choice in the matter. Choice D is incorrect
because even though the perioikoi (the slaves who specialized in crafts as artisans) had special
skills, they still were slaves without rights.
Helots enjoyed freedoms that perioikoi did not
4) Which statement is TRUE?
 Men and women became citizens of Sparta once they graduated military school at 20
 All men in Sparta were citizens and could participate in government equally
 The Assembly in Sparta was responsible for making most major decisions in the city-state
Choice A is false because although women attended school in Sparta, they never became citizens.
Choice B is false because it describes life in Athens, not Sparta. Choice D is false because only
citizens could participate in government—and women in Sparta could never become citizens.
Choice C is correct because in Sparta there were two kings at the top of the government in charge
of the military and religion, but most of the important decisions in the city-state were made by a
group of men called the Assembly, that served as the government in Sparta.
 Sparta women were not citizens but could participate in government
5) Which group of people were allowed to be citizens in Athens?
 Poor men
In Athens, women, slaves, and men born in different city-states would never be able to become
citizens and participate in Athenian government. However, Athens is known as the birthplace of
democracy because they allowed men to become citizens regardless of how rich or poor they were.
As long as they were free men, born in Athens, they were expected to participate in government no
matter how rich or poor they were.
 Women
 Foreign-born men
 Slaves
6) What statement is FALSE about life in Athens?
 Boys and girls in Athens began school at age 7
Only boys attended formal school in Athens. All other answers are correct.
 As boys grew older, they learned rhetoric (public speaking) in school
 Athenian citizens were required to educate their sons
 After graduation, men served for two years in the army
7) Which of the following statements about the Peloponnesian War is true?
 Athens was weakened by a plague but was still able to beat Sparta
 The war was between Athens and Sparta and lasted for over 50 years
 Sparta was strengthened financially by gold from a group of people called the Persians
The Spartans won the war after they defeated the Athenian navy and then proceeded to a land
invasion of Athens (after Athens had been weakened by a plague). The Spartans were able to build
such a strong navy because they received money from the Persians, who did not like Athens’
growing power. Choice A is wrong because Athens lost the war. Choice B is wrong because the
war did not last that long, it lasted from 431-404 BC (~27 years). Choice D is wrong because the
Spartan navy defeated the Athenian navy.
 The Spartan navy was defeated by Athens navy, but the Spartans still were victorious
8) Which statement best describes the effects of the Peloponnesian War?
 Sparta controlled all of the Ancient Greek City States and created a 'Spartan Empire'
 The Ancient Greek City States were weakened and eventually overrun by foreigners
The homework video on ‘Athens, Sparta, and the Peloponnesian War’ clearly states that as a result
of the Peloponnesian War, Greek city-states were weakened and land was destroyed. Sparta did
not take over Ancient Greece to create an empire, and the war hurt the economy, it did not
strengthen the economy.
 The war boosted the economies of Athens and Sparta by increasing trade in the Mediterranean