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CH. 1-3 Exam Review
1. What do lines of latitude and longitude measure?
2. What is the prime meridian, equator, tropic of cancer, tropic of Capricorn?
3. What is the world’s largest land mass?
4. Identify the key elements of a map.
5. What does a climate and precipitation map measure?
6. What is a topographic map and how is it exaggerated?
7. What are the five themes of geography?
8. Who studies geography?
9. What are the two types of geography?
10. Define environment
11. What does the atmosphere include?
12. Locate the Antarctic Circle
13. What are the four major pressure zones around the globe?
14. Which way does the ocean current move in the Northern and southern hemispheres?
15. Identify the windward and Leeward side of a mountain
16. What type of perspective do geographers use to study the world
17. What is a formal, functional, and perceptual region?
18. Degrees on a map are subdivided into what?
19. What is the smallest ocean in the world?
20. What is the largest island in the world?
21. What is considered part of the contiguous United States?
22. What is a contour map?
23. How long does it take the moon to orbit Earth?
24. What is a galaxy?
25. Which area of Earth receives the most solar energy?
26. Which planets do not have moons?
27. Which planets are not terrestrial?
28. Which planets do not have a lithosphere or atmosphere?
29. When does the fall equinox occur in the Northern Hemisphere? Southern Hemisphere?
30. 78% of Earth’s atmosphere is made up of what?
31. How many days are in a year? Leap year?
32. What are the 4 spheres of Earth and where are they located?
33. What is a solstice?
34. What is an equinox?
35. Where are the most diverse ecosystems found?
36. What are the factors of global warming?
37. What are condensation, evaporation, and precipitation?
38. Where are most temperate climates located?
39. What is a savanna?
40. What causes air pressure to decrease?
41. Where are doldrums located?
42. Define weather
43. What are the two influences on climate in a highland area?
44. Where are tornadoes commonly found?
45. What factors influence ocean currents?
46. What are the middle-latitude climates?
47. What climate supports large boreal forests?
48. When does the Mediterranean climate receive the most rainfall?
49. What happens to a hurricane when it hits land
50. In what climate can a temperate forest be found?
51. Define degree
52. What are examples of a formal region
53. What are examples of functional regions
54. Define meteorology
55. Define perspective
56. Define planet, moon, satellite
57. Define system
58. Define revolution and rotation
59. Define biosphere
60. What is the atmosphere
61. Where are the tropics located?
Essay: Two of the following will be on the exam
1. How does the Earth’s rotation, revolution, and tilt affect the amount of solar energy it receives?
2. Why are maps essential to geography?
3. Why is it important for people to understand and learn about climates?
4. Describe how the Earth’s climates would change if the Earth was not tilted on its axis.