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Insect Hunt
Adult butterflies lay small yellow eggs .
Butterflies taste by their legs .
These popular insects have six legs.
The body of an adult butterfly has three main sections. The
fist is called the head; the head has eyes antennae and a
mouth for eating .The second is the thorax which has six
legs and two pairs of wings and the third is the abdomen .
The abdomen contains parts for breathing and digesting
food and reproducing.
Ladybirds have six legs, that’s why they are an insect.
Baby ladybirds are called larva.
These popular insects are red and black or yellow and
black. Those colours are a sign of danger to it’s
Ladybirds lay delicate eggs on green leaves.
They can eat up to fifty aphids a day .
Adult ladybirds have compound eyes which means
they can see more than one thing at a time.
If ladybirds stay together the can survive.