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Final Exam 2016 Review
1. Scientists do not consider viruses as true living organisms because they
cannot reproduce on their own.
2. Organic compounds are mainly composed of carbon and hydrogen.
3. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the living things.
4. Lipids function as long term energy storage compounds in many animals.
5. Examples of lipids are fats, oils and waxes.
6. Proteins are also called polypeptides.
7. The monomers that make proteins are called amino acids, that are linked
in a chain, which is folded to make a particular protein molecule.
8. If a protein was heated it would experience denaturation, which is the loss
of shape and function of a protein.
9. DNA stores heredity/genetic information.
10.The sections of DNA that stores genetic/heredity information to make
proteins are called genes.
11.Summarize the flow of genetic information.
12. The monomers that make DNA are called nucleotides.
13. The sequence of nucleotides is most important in determining an
organism’s phenotype.
14.A change in a gene/DNA sequence called a mutation can result in a
defective protein.
15.Mutations in DNA/genes give rise to variations in organisms that may help
them to adapt/survive in a certain environment.
16. A karyotype is a picture of human chromosomes. The normal number of
chromosomes in humans is 46.
17. Some genetic disorders are caused by an extra or missing chromosome.
18. Identify the abnormality in the karyotype shown below:
The individual has 45 chromosomes.
19. How many chromosomes are present in the karyotype shown below:
The individual has 47 chromosomes.
20. Sexual reproduction involves two parents and asexual reproduction only
one parent.
21. In the S-phase of a cell cycle DNA is synthesized, and in the M-phase,
Mitosis/cell division takes place.
22.Old and worn out skin cells are replaced by Mitosis.
23.Separation of homologous chromosomes takes place only in Meiosis.
24.How many daughter cells are produced by mitosis? By meiosis?
Mitosis: Two diploid cells
Meiosis: Four haploid gametes
25. The cells produced as a result of Mitosis are genetically identical and
those produced by meiosis are genetically nonidentical.
26.A human gamete/sex cell contains 23 chromosomes. A fertilized egg
contains 46 chromosomes.
27.Gamete cells are produced by meiosis.
28. Dolphins have 44 chromosomes in their cells. The number of
chromosomes in Dolphin’s sex cell is 22.
29. Identify the type of cell division in the illustration shown below:
A: _Meiosis___
B: _Mitosis
30. The illustration below shows two adult lady bugs and their offspring.
31.1. In lady bugs, the allele for red color (R) is dominant to the allele for
orange color (r). What is the most likely genotype of the parent ladybugs
in the illustration?
______________Rr X rr
32. Complete the following sentences:
a. Black is dominant over white. The genotype of a homozygous black cat
would be BB.
b. Spots are dominant over solid color. The genotype of heterozygous
spotted lady bugs would be Ss.
c. Blue is dominant over grey. The genotype of blue birds would be BB or
Bb. The genotype of grey birds would be bb.
d. Two spotted lady bugs mated and produced six solid red color
offspring. The solid color is probably what type of trait?
Genotype for spotted lady bugs: Bb and for solid color: bb
Bb X Bb
In pigeons, the allele B produces ash-red feathers. The allele b produces blue
feathers. The B allele is dominant to the b allele.
33. a. A pigeon with genotype Bb is crossed with a pigeon with genotype bb.
What percent of the offspring’s are expected to have blue feathers?
34. In active transport, molecules are moved against their concentration
gradient, whereas in passive transport molecules are moved with the
concentration gradient.
35.A cell containing a cell wall and chloroplasts is a plant cell.
36. A cell that lacks chloroplasts and a cell wall is an animal cell.
37.The site where cellular respiration takes place is mitochondria.
38.The products of cellular respiration are carbon dioxide, water and ATP
39. Why do muscle cells have more mitochondria than skin cells?
The muscle cell need more energy since they are continuously contracting
and relaxing.
40.Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells.
41.The products of photosynthesis are Glucose and oxygen.
42.ATP molecules are used by organisms to transfer/store energy.
43. Oxygen is produced by photosynthesis, which most organisms use to
break down glucose to get energy by a process called cellular respiration.
44.Photosynthetic and chemosynthetic organisms are called the producers.
45.Herbivores are primary consumers.
46.Omnivores are secondary/tertiary consumers.
47. Why is energy lost as it flows from one trophic level to the next?
About 90% of the energy is consumed as ATP by the organisms and some
gets lost as heat at each trophic level.
48.Identify producers, primary consumer, secondary consumers and top order
consumers in the food web shown below:
49.What is missing in the food web shown above? Decomposers.
50. Complete the food web by adding decomposers to it and making arrows to
show the flow of energy.
51. How do producers make high energy containing chemical
compounds/carbohydrates? They use light energy to convert CO2 and H2O
to carbohydrates and oxygen through photosynthesis.
52.If the berry plant has 140,000 calories of energy, how much of that energy
is available to the snake get as it consumes the rabbit? 1,400 C
53.How much of the energy would be used up by the snake as ATP and lost as
heat during cellular respiration? 1,260 C
54.Which organisms shown in the food web get the least amount of energy?
55.If the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere were to decrease, which
organism in the diagram would be affected first?
56. How would it affect the habitat if the amount of sunlight is decreased?
The amount of food energy will decrease because the rate of
photosynthesis will decrease.
57.Analyze the pictures shown below and answer the following question:
Mouse A
Mouse B
a. Which mouse has better chances of survival and reproduction in the
habitat shown in the pictures? Explain why?
Mouse A has better chances of survival and reproduction to pass on its
genes to the next generation because its fur coloration enables it to
camouflage with the environment and conceal itself from the predators.
b. Imagine due to volcanic eruption the habitat has become darker, which
mouse will have better chances of survival in a dark habitat? Explain how
the trait for dark fur would favor natural selection of dark mice? Be sure to
include the following key terms: “fitness/fit”, “survival”,
“selection/selective advantage”, “reproduction” and “evolution/evolve”.
The mice with dark color fur have a selective advantage over mice with
light color fur in a dark environment. In a dark environment, the light
colored mice will be easily seen and killed by the predators. The dark fur
color trait will favor the survival of dark mice since they will be able to
conceal themselves from the predators, prey upon food easily since the
prey will not be able to see them, and reproduce to produce more mice
with dark fur. They will be the most fit to survive in a dark environment.
This type of selection is called natural selection.
58._____ Which of the following is a symbiotic relationship where one
partner benefits and the other does not benefit or lose from the
a. commensalism
b. mutualism
c. parasitism
d. decomposition
59._____ Which of the following is a symbiotic relationship where both
partners benefit?
a. commensalism
b. mutualism
c. parasitism
d. decomposition
60._____ Which of the following is a symbiotic relationship where one
partner benefits and the other is harmed?
a. commensalism
b. mutualism
c. symbolism
d. parasitism
61. What does the fossil evidence indicate about evolution of organisms?
Organisms/species have changed overtime.
62. What are homologous structures? Give some examples of homologous
structures found in different organisms.
Structures that are similar and have developed from similar embryonic
tissue. They are found in different organisms, may have similar or different
functions. For example Bat’s wing, human arm, alligators forelimb and
whale’s flipper are homologous structures.
63.Early stages of development in embryos of chicken, fish and rabbits show
remarkable similarities. What does this indicate?
These organisms have descended/ shared a common ancestor.
64.In addition to fossil record, comparative embryology and anatomy,
scientists have also studied DNA/ amino acid sequences for proteins in
various species of organisms. What does similarities in the DNA or amino
acid sequences indicate about how different species are related?
Similarities in DNA/amino acid sequences indicate that species are closely
65.An elephant shrew and a shrew are pictured below.
For many years, scientists had classified elephant shrews in the same family as shrews. In the
1990s, however, scientists gathered evidence for the evolutionary tree below and reclassified
elephant shrews into a different family from shrews.
Identify the type of evidence that scientists use to determine evolutionary relationships and build
evolutionary trees.
Molecular evidence (DNA/Amino acid sequence analysis)
66.Briefly explain type of relationship is shown in the picture A, B and C.
Picture A
Picture C
Picture B
Picture D
Picture A shows mutualistic relationship between the bee and the flower. Bee
gets the nectar/food from the flower, and the flower gets pollinated.
Picture B shows parasitic relationship between the ticks and the dog. Ticks are
benefitted since they get the nutrition from the dog’s blood and dog gets
Picture C shows commensalism: Barnacles get benefitted by getting shelter
from the whale and whale is neither harmed nor benefitted from this
Picture D shows mutualistic relationship in which both the clown fish and the
sea anemone get benifitted from each other. The clown fish finds shelter in the
sea anemone’s tentacles while attracting food for the anemone.