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Unit 6: Lesson 4 Notes
Maxwell: Science
Indiana Standards
• 7.3.5 Explain that cells in _____________________________ organisms repeatedly divide to
make more cells for _____________________ and repair.
7.3.7 Describe how various _____________________ and _______________________ serve the
needs of cells for nutrient and oxygen delivery and waste removal.
What is homeostasis?
__________________________ is the maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing
How do they do this?
Cells obtain and use _______________, make ___________cells, exchange
_______________________, and eliminate ___________________ in response to a changing
What is homeostasis?
_______________________ organisms exchange materials directly with the environment.
________________________________ organisms have systems that transport materials to
other places within the organism.
The _______________________________ system in humans and _________________ and
________________ in plants are transport systems.
How do cells get energy?
Cells get energy by breaking down __________________________.
Plants, algae, and some bacteria make their own food from the sun by
Carbon dioxide and water are converted to sugar and oxygen in the
Plants and animals use oxygen during ________________________________________ to produce
energy from food.
Sugars and oxygen are converted to water, carbon dioxide, and energy during
__________________________________ and ______________________________ are linked because
each one depends on the products of the other.
How do cells divide?
Cells grow, divide, and die at different rates and for different reasons.
In eukaryotes, DNA is copied before a cell can divide. This is called
The nucleus and the rest of the cell divide to make two new cells. This is called
After two new cells are formed, it is called _____________________________.
___________________________ is cell division that forms two new nuclei that are identical
to each other.
DNA is packaged as __________________________________ in the cell.
During mitosis, the chromosomes are separated and genetic material is
_________________evenly between the new genetically identical cells
What are the phases of mitosis?
____________________________ condense into rod-like structures,
the membrane around the nucleus dissolves
The ___________________________ line up in the middle of the cell
_____________________________ chromosomes pair up.
_______________________________ separate and move opposite sides if the cell
Each side of the cell has a complete set of _________________________________
A new ______________________________________________ forms around each group of
chromosomes producing two genetically identical nuclei.
This is the ___________________ phase of mitosis.
How do cells exchange materials?
Cell membranes are _________________________________, allowing only certain particles to
move into or out of the cell.
The movement of materials across a cell membrane without the use of energy is
called ________________________________________.
_________________________________ is the movement of molecules from high
concentrations to low concentrations.
_____________________________ is the diffusion of water through a semipermeable
Large molecules move into and out of cells through ___________________ channels.
______________________________________ is the movement of particles against a
concentration gradient and requires energy.
__________________________________ and _______________________________are forms of active
transport that move large particles into and out of cells.
____________________________________ is a process in which cells use energy to surround
and enclose a particle in a vesicle to bring the particle into the cell.
_____________________________________ is a process in which particles are enclosed in a
vesicle in a cell and released from the cell.
How do organisms respond to the environment?
Cells and whole organisms must work to maintain______________________________________
in a constantly changing environment.
Some animals _____________________ their behavior to control body temperature.
Trees can show _________________________responses to changes in the environment.