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The Weighing of the Heart Ceremony
People in most ancient civilizations were afraid of their ______.
This was not true in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians loved their Gods.
They had little fear and great wonder.
There was one exception, though - the God Ammut. Almost
everyone in ancient Egypt was afraid of Ammut! Ammut was the
____________. The ancient Egyptians believed if a person did
something bad, their heart would be _______, and the God Ammut
might suddenly appear and eat them up! The God Ammut had a
big part in the weighing of the heart ceremony.
When a person died, the ancient Egyptians believed they travelled
to an ____________, a heavenly place where they spent eternity.
They had to earn their way. To enter the afterlife, a person had to
have a _______ heart. Light hearts were earned from a lifetime of
doing good deeds.
After somebody died, the ancient Egyptians believed their heart had
to be ___________. It had to be lighter than a _________. To find
out if a person’s heart qualified for the trip to the afterlife, their
spirit had to enter the Hall of Maat.
First they had to plead their ____________ to the Gods and their
fellow men.
Then the God Anubis would lead them into the Hall of ________
and weigh their heart.
The God _________ recorded the findings. (In ancient Egypt,
everything was recorded and written down.)
If a person’s heart was light, they were considered to be pure and
free from sin. This meant they had passed the test and entered the
afterlife. They were lead by _________ to Osiris.
BUT, if a person’s heart was heavy because their deeds were
dreadful, the God _________ would suddenly appear ... and eat
them up!