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Department of the Public Sciences № 1
Lecture № 10 on the subject "Religious studies"
Theme: National religions.
Lecturer: candidate of philosophical sciences,
senior teacher Atamuratova F.S.
2013 year
Theme-10: National religions.
The plan:
1. Zoroastrism. Zarathustra’s life and activity. Авеста - the sacred book.
2. Judaism occurrence, its sources.
3. Hinduism, its doctrine and sources.
4. Confucianism, the doctrine Taoism.
5. Shinto
1. Zoroastrianism - "Good faith worship Wise", pers. «‫ »ب هدی ن‬- behdin,
«Good Faith") - one of the oldest religions that originated in the revelation of the
prophet Zoroaster Spitama he had received from God - Ahura Mazda. At the heart
of the teachings of Zarathushtra - free moral choice man good thoughts, good
words and good deeds (humata-, huxta-, hvaršta-(read Humata, huhta, hvarshta.)
This ethical triad of Zoroastrianism, which must follow every Zoroastrian. In
antiquity and early Medieval Zoroastrianism was distributed mainly in the Greater
Iran. Zoroastrianism are currently largely supplanted by Islam, small communities
remained in Iran and India.
Already in the Achaemenid period, began to spread in the teachings of the
prophet Zoroaster Iran, which appeared in eastern Iran and adjacent regions of
Central Asia and to determine the I millennium BC the nature of religious beliefs
of the Iranian people. Zarathushtra personality rather real, though there is no direct
evidence of his life and clear information on the place and time of the activity. One
can assume that Zoroaster lived and preached in the first half of I millennium BC,
not later VII., Rather - about 700 in the eastern part of settlement of Iranian tribes.
Zoroaster - the only prophet of Ahura Mazda, brought people the good faith and
laid the foundations of moral development. The sources described as the perfect
priest, soldier and grazier, an exemplary leader and protector of the people of the
world. The preaching of the prophet had an obvious ethical, condemned unjust
violence, praising peace between people, honesty and creative work, as well as the
faith in one God (Ahura).
Hymn - Zarathustra appeals to the gods, and the existing set of text around
them sketched a dualistic view of the world, rich confrontation between good and
divine Ahura demons Daevas. Creator-God, wise and just, Ahura-Mazda, is headed
"seven saints", the most respected of them, except himself, Mitra - Sun and
Anahita - Ardvisura - the goddess of fertility. ). Supreme Divine Seven in the
interpretation of Zoroaster did not look just like the seven holy immortals (Amesha
Spenta), but as an allegory of good virtues of Ahura Mazda, his six emanations good thought (Vohu Mans - Vohuman, Bachmann - protector of livestock and
herders and farmers), the best Truth (Asha Vahishta - Artvahisht - patron of the
elements of fire, guardian of law, justice and morality), piety (Hshatra Vaira Shahrevar - protector of metals and palate) integrity (Spenta Armayti - Spandarmat
- Protecting the earth), welfare, health (Haurvatat - Aurvat , Khordad - the patron
of the water element), immortality (Amertat - protector of plants). Ahura Mazda
himself headed the seven divine as the holy spirit. Among the creations anghri
Mainyu were such creatures: Aka Mann (Akoman - evil thought), Indra (Andar one of the versions of the leader of the Devas), Ball (Sarah Shovar, Sovar) nats
(Nakahed, Nakiash) Tarvi (hunger ), Zaire (Zarig - hunger) Mitaohta (Mitoht
devas-lies and false ideas) progenitor Druj (DRAUG, Zend. Friend), the root cause
of all sins and crimes of evil Ayshma (Eshm - rage, anger, inspiration robberies,
rapes, murders, robberies patron nomads).
Demons opposed Ahura, heads peer media-evil Angra Mainyu.
The struggle of Ahura Mazda and Angra Man'yo primordial,
uncompromising, and everyone should take their personal in it, select the order"art" ("Ash"), well, work, light, purity, water, fire, or lie - " friend ", darkness, evil,
destruction. Zarathushtra sermon addressed to the person and on the free will and
choice in place of the person pre ¬ separately edge of the opposition between good
and evil, when the man's actions determine his fate in the afterlife, and in this
world. One must believe in good deity, pray to him to fight the forces of evil, he
was required to good thought, good word, deed, and purity: ritual, thoughts, and
good home come first especially productive labor, agricultural, welfare, birth and
education of offspring.
As for the people, the first man in the beginning was considered
zaroastriyskoy mythology Yima (similar to the Indo-Aryan Pit), who at the behest
of Ahura Mazda engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, cultivating plants,
animals, birds, and, most importantly, to do good. When he did not have enough
for all of this land, he waved his whip - and it parted. Everything was good, but
proud Yima, stop listening Ahura Mazda, began to eat the meat of the sacred bulls.
As punishment Yimu expelled from paradise, and all the people lost their
immortality. It was after this idyllic golden age ended and the era of the struggle
between good and evil. Avestan texts mention that Yima was lying on the side, that
is, did the fall. They have an episode that tells how Ahura Mazda somehow Yimu
warned that the world could soon face death from frost and floods caused by
melting snow, and that he has to build a fortress, which should have been placed,
and thus saved from death by a pair of each species of animals and birds, and all
kinds of plants.
Also, the mythology of Zoroastrianism developed eschatological (prophetic
and facing the future) teaching about the end of the world and a sort of "Last
Judgment" on the division of all the people on the righteous and the sinners
righteous soul in three of the sky fall in Lightbringer area where staying close to
Ahura Mazda, and the wicked are in hell. Zarathustra himself while helping souls
to cross the line that separates the world of the living from the dead, to the magical
bridge Chinvat: for the righteous bridge wide, for sinners - narrow as a razor blade.
The holy book of the Zoroastrians is called the Avesta. Essentially a collection of
multi-text, constitute the Zoroastrian community in the archaic period of ancient
Iranian language, now called "Avestan". Even after the appearance of writing in
Iran, the main method of transmission of the millennium was an oral text, the text
have been the guardians of the priests. A well-known tradition of writing appeared
only during the later Sasanians, when in V-VI century. for writing the book was
invented special phonetic Avestan alphabet. But after that Avesta prayers and
liturgical texts learned by heart.
The main part of the Avesta are traditionally considered Ghats - hymns of
Zoroaster, dedicated to Ahura Mazda, which set out the basis of his faith, his
philosophical and social message, described reward the righteous and the defeat of
Modern Zoroastrians usually structured their faith as a 9 basics:
- The belief in Ahura Mazda - "Wise Lord" as the good Creator.
- Belief in the prophet Zoroaster, as the only Ahura Mazda, who pointed the
way to humanity to righteousness and purity.
- Belief in the existence of the spiritual world (mine) and two spirit (Holy
and Evil), the choice between them depends the destiny of man in the spiritual
- Belief in Ashu (Arta) - Primordial Law of righteousness and harmony
established by Ahura Mazda, the maintenance of which shall be sent to the efforts
of a man who has chosen the good.
- Faith in human nature, which is based Daena (faith, conscience) and hratu
(mind), which allows each person to distinguish good from evil.
- Faith in seven Ameshaspents the seven stages of development and
disclosure of the human person.
- Belief in Dadodahesh and Ashudad - that is, mutual aid, assistance to the
needy, and the mutual support of the people.
- Belief in the sanctity of the natural elements and wildlife as the creations of
Ahura Mazda (fire, water, wind, earth, plants and animals) and the need to care for
- Faith in Frasho-Keret (Farshkard) - eschatological miraculous
transformation of life, the ultimate victory of Ahura Mazda and the expulsion of
evil that come true thanks to the joint efforts of all the righteous people, led by
Saoshyant - Saviour of the world.
2. Judaism - (from other Jews. Yahudut - the inhabitants of ancient Judea).
National religion of the Jews. A characteristic feature of Judaism that distinguishes
it from other peoples religions, is monotheism - the belief in one God.
In religious studies to distinguish between three historical periods in the
development of Judaism:
- Temple (in the period of the Temple in Jerusalem)
- Talmud (Room I - VI centuries. BC)
- Rabbinic Judaism (with VI. To present).
Representation of the ancient Hebrews of the one God evolved over a long
historical period (XIX - II cent. BC. E.), Known as the Bible and includes the age
of the Patriarchs (fathers) of the Jewish people. As the legend tells, the very first
Jew, was the patriarch Abraham, who made a sacred union with God - "covenant"
(brit). Abraham and promised that he and his descendants would be faithful to God
and to prove that the commandments (mitzvot) - behaviors that distinguish human
worshiper of the true God. During that God promised Abraham to protect and
multiply his seed, from which place the whole nation. This people will receive
from God the possession of Israel - the land on which it will create their own state.
But before we get God's promised land ("land of promise"), the descendants of
Abraham were in Egypt (around 1700 BC. Oe.), Where 400 years were in bondage.
From this slavery they brought the prophet Moses (Moshe). The outcome of God's
chosen people was accompanied by many miracles that God has done in the proof
of its power. This was followed by 40-year journey through the desert, during
which all the former slaves had to die so that only free men entered the land of
Israel. During the journey through the desert is the central event of Judaism and of
its history: God calls Moses on Mount Sinai, and through it gives the Jewish
people the Ten Commandments and the Torah - the Law, written five books and
called the Pentateuch or the Sinai revelation received by Moses , marks the
beginning of the existence of the Jews as a people, and Judaism - the religion that
these people profess.
God of the Jews, named Yahweh ("I AM", which comes from being all), had
no pictures, no temples. The main object of worship of the Jews was the "Ark of
the Covenant" - a casket, which contained the two stone slabs ("tablets") carved
with the Ten Commandments. "Ark of the Covenant" was considered God earthly
sojourn, invisibly present in the world.
In the XI century. BC. e. Jews created the state of Israel, whose capital is the
city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In 958 BC. e. King Solomon erected in
Jerusalem on Mount Sinai Temple in honor of the one God, where he was placed
"Ark of the Covenant." At the beginning of a new history of Judaism, the temple
period, which lasted for about 1500 years. During this period, the Temple is the
main spiritual center of Judaism, and the only place where committed ceremonies.
In the same period completed writing the Tanach - the Holy scriptures of Judaism
(Christian tradition fully included in the section Tanach Bible, called the Old
In 587 BC. e. Israel captured the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II, who
destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem, and the majority of Jews forcibly deported to
Babylonia. Spiritual leader and mentor of immigrants is the prophet Ezekiel. He
developed the idea of the rebirth of Israel, but as a theocratic state, the center of
which is the new Jerusalem Temple. The creator of the new state should be the
Messiah - a descendant of King David. When the Persian Achaemenid dynasty the
Jews could return to Jerusalem, which granted the status of a self-governing city
(U1-U c. BC. E.). Was built the second Temple in Jerusalem, but the leaders of the
new religious community of Ezra and Nehemiah refused to take her to the Israelis,
not the former in the Babylonian captivity, and had remained in Palestine, because
they believed that they are no longer Jews, mingling with the people, read other
gods. Rejected part of Israel has created its special community of Samaritans,
preserved in Palestine till date. Since the days of Ezra idea of God's chosen people
of the Jewish people in the teachings of Judaism acquires special significance.
Period in the history of Judaism from II. BC. e. to VI. n. e. called the Talmud. It is
characterized by thorough systematization and ritualization of Jewish worship,
which became sacred rites of the temple in the numerous prescriptions, often
meticulous and petty - down to the details of the external appearance, hairstyle and
clothes - are righteous Jew would follow in their daily lives.
In I. BC. e. over Israel established the Roman domination. In 67-73 years. n.
e. famous Jewish War broke out against the rule of Rome, during which the
Temple of Jerusalem was again destroyed (70 AD), and after the Bar Kochba
revolt (132-135 years). Jews were exile from Israel, spread throughout the Roman
Empire and in Asia, where they formed a vast diaspora.
With the formation of the diaspora begins a new stage in the history of
Judaism, called Rabbinic. An important innovation was the replacement of the
Diaspora temple worship, which could only take place in Jerusalem, worship
services in synagogues under the guidance of teachers of religious law - Rabbis
(from al-evr.rabbi - "my teacher"). The rabbi, as a recognized expert on religious
tradition, is the spiritual mentor of the community (kegilla), is a religious court and
teaches in a religious school.
The basic ideas of Judaism set out in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:217).
1. I, the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, from the house of
2. You shall have no other gods before me. Do not make yourself an idol, or
any likeness of what is in heaven above and the fact that on the earth beneath or in
the waters under the earth. Do not bow down to them nor serve them: for I the
Lord your God - a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the fathers to
the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing mercy unto
thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
3. Do not misuse the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not
leave unpunished that teeth his name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and
do all thy work: But the seventh day - Sabbath of the Lord thy God, do not do any
work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor
thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made
heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day.
Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days in the land which the
Lord thy God will give thee.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, do not desire your neighbor's
wife, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his village, or anything that your
These precepts was mounted special contract - "Testament" - between God
and the Jewish people who have been through this act of "chosen" in the sense of
the sacred teachings first owner - Torah. The Ten Commandments are not only to
the Jews. For non-Jews is much easier to achieve righteousness, because it needs to
stick to just the seven commandments prescribed by all the sons of Noah. He just
needs to avoid:
1. Idolatry
2. Debauchery and adultery
3. Bloodshed
4. Desecration of God's name
5. Injustice and lawlessness
6. Robbery
7. Cruel, inhumane acts, including ill-treatment in animals
The holy book of Judaism - the Torah. The essence of the Torah: "Do not do
the neighbor what does not want." Torah or Pentateuch, consists of the following
parts: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which is the most
revered of the Bible in Israel. In III century began to develop the teachings of
Judaism as a comment to the Bible - the Mishnah. Collection was made legal
interpretations of biblical texts - Gemara. The Mishnah and Gemara comprise the
The vast majority of Jews living in different countries of the world, observe
only those provisions of the Torah and Talmud that deal holidays (Moed) and the
most common in the Jewish community orders and prohibitions (Mitzvot). The
most important of them: Shabbat (Saturday) - the stay and the prohibition of any
activity, Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year, Yom Kippur (Day of forgiveness)
diurnal HYDRATED post, symbolizing repentance for sins, Pesach (Passover) holiday, which marks the beginning of spring and the outcome of the people of
Israel from slavery in Egypt; shvuot and Sukkot - holidays devoted to harvesting,
involving complex rituals, symbolizing Glare religious and national unity of Jews
Simchat Torah (the joy of the Torah) - is celebrated on the occasion of the
completion of the read cycle Torah in the synagogue, Tisha B'Av-post tribulation
and mourning for the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem,
Hanukkah - the holiday lighting candles to commemorate the liberation of the
Temple in Jerusalem during the Maccabean revolt, Purim - a holiday save the
people of Israel from total destruction during Babylonian captivity. Many Jews
observe the rites of passage - The knowledge of the boys on the eighth day after
birth, bar mitzvah ceremony and batmitsva, marking the entry into completely ¬
years respectively for boys and girls, as well as numerous rituals sanctifying
marriage, death, and mourning for the deceased. Yet other numerous and onerous
restrictions, rituals, fasting, food taboos and permits (kashrut) and other provisions
of the Torah and the Talmud are observed only a few orthodox-minded Jewish
3. Hinduism - the religion that emerged in the Indian subcontinent. The
historical name of Hinduism in Sanskrit - Sanatana-Dharma (Sanskrit sanātana
dharma), which means "eternal religion," "eternal way" or "eternal law."
Hinduism - this is the third in the number of followers of the religion in the
world after Christianity and Islam. Hindus are more than 1 billion people, of whom
about 950 million live in India and Nepal. Other countries in which the adherents
of Hinduism form a significant part of the population, it is Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, Guyana,
Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, Canada and the USA.
In the second half of the XX century, Hinduism has spread beyond India,
crossed national boundaries and gained a large following around the world.
Widespread and have become familiar ideas such as karma, yoga and
Hinduism has its roots in the Vedic civilization, which is why it is called the
world's oldest religion.
The basis of all religious faiths of India - Brahmanism, Jainism and
Hinduism - became Vedic religious system. Its appearance is referred to as X - VII
centuries. BC. e. Vedas - a collection of hymns, spells and rituals of worship
(prib.s1500po600gg.don.e.) Rigveda (gimnybogam) Samaveda (melodies, chants),
Yajurveda (sacrificial formulas and sayings), Atharveda (conspiracy).
After experiencing a deep crisis, much transformed, unable to compete with
Buddhism and Jainism, Brahmanism and Hinduism is more precisely, could best
meet the needs of the public, particularly its organic connection, and even merge
with the caste system. Inherited from the Vedic religion, and developed ideas about
the ritual hierarchy of unequal groups, the role of the Brahmin as a mediator in
human communication with the gods, saving the Vedas as sacred texts (but
providing them with many comments), Hinduism carefully explore the concept of
rebirth of the soul in the world (samsara) according to the law of retribution
(karma), is determined primarily by compliance with the standards of conduct for
the group, caste (dharma). Social differences between Hinduism began to explain
the ritual purity of the individual, who was born in the respective caste. Violation
of the same rules of the relationship between castes ritually defile a man and
attracted not only the lifetime penalty (for example, the exclusion of caste and
divestment of state), but also the birth of the next time in an extremely unfavorable
form of low caste, outside of society (in a group outside the caste " untouchables "outcasts of society) or in the form of an animal.
Although it is impossible to formulate a perfect definition of Hinduism and
is common to all areas of the doctrine of Hinduism, there are practices and beliefs
which occupy a central place in Hinduism, and which can be considered typical of
- Dharma - the moral and ethical duty ethical obligations.
- Samsara - the cycle of birth and death, belief in reincarnation of the soul
after death, the bodies of animals, humans, gods.
- Karma - the belief that the order is determined by the rebirth of life
committed by the acts and their consequences.
- Moksha - liberation from the cycle of birth and death of samsara.
Supreme, God in Hinduism is thought both single, and an infinite set. He
seems to be playing with himself and playing, creates the world. Sacred play (lila)
and magic, illusion (Maya) - one of the central concepts of Hindu theology. The
most important of the many gods of Hinduism, as well as in Brahmanism, consider
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. They represent the cycle of nature - the creation,
development and death. Brahma is considered as the root cause of the world and
the creator of humanity, from various parts of which occurred different caste.
Vishnu appears as the guardian of world order and has many guises (avatar). And
Shiva is the destroyer of worlds.
The basic tenets of Hinduism is the idea that the world is not a random,
chaotic mix of things and phenomena as universal cosmic order - Mouth. He rules
over all, and under his command the gods. This order is primordial and eternal.
Hinduism calls it the universal and eternal order that preserves the universe as a
whole - dharma. Dharma - is a kind of impersonal law, which is in the things
themselves and phenomena. Everything is subject to this law: the gods, nature,
people. Thanks to it a place of every phenomenon, every particle of the universe as
a whole. Dharma is understood as a duty - a set of religious and social
responsibilities of each person and each class.
The ultimate goal of spiritual practice is denoted by such terms as "Moksha",
"nirvana" or "samadhi", and the various sects of Hinduism is understood in
different ways:
- The realization of his unity with God
- Awareness of their eternal relationship with God and return to His abode
- Achievements pure love of God
- Awareness of the unity of all existence
- Awareness of the true "I"
- Achieve perfect peace
- Complete freedom from material desires
Reaching the ultimate goal of human existence, the individual is released
from samsara, thus stopping the cycle of reincarnation.
4. Confucianism (Chinese tradexercise, Pinyin rúxué, Pall. Zhusyue) Chinese ethical and political doctrine, attributed to Confucius (551-479 BC. Oe.).
In China it is known as the doctrine or (ie "school learning");
The main categories are the concepts of Confucianism noble man (chintz),
philanthropy and the rules of the ritual.
Run the state, according to Confucius, called noble men, led by the Emperor
(Emperor) - "son of heaven." In "Lunyue", a collection of sayings of Confucius,
compiled by his students recorded his conversations with them, reveals the ideal of
the perfect man (chun tzu), and the human person is seen as valuable in itself.
Confucius, starting from constructing his social ideal, formulated the basis of the
social order, which would like to see in the Middle Kingdom, "Let the father is the
father, son - his son, the Emperor - the Emperor, the official - official", that
everything in this world chaos and confusion will fall into place, everyone will
know their rights and responsibilities, and to do what they are supposed to. Orderly
way society should consist of two major categories: upper and lower classes, who
thinks and operates, and those who work and duties. Such a social order and a
second Confucius founder of Confucianism - Mencius (372-289 BC. Oe.) And all
their followers to be an eternal and unchanging, going from the legendary sages of
antiquity. One of the most important foundations of the social order, by Confucius,
was strict obedience to elders. Any senior, whether father, an officer finally, sir - is
unquestioning authority to junior, subordinate subject. Blind obedience to his will,
incidentally, will - is the basic rule for junior and subordinate both in the state as a
whole, and in the ranks of the clan, or family corporations. It is no accident
Confucius reminded that the state - is a big family, and the family is a small state.
This comparison highlights not only the paternalism within society, but also the
structure of family life, which really existed and persisted in the old China, until
recently: base family - unquestioning obedience younger seniors, children to
Xiao, as though Confucius - is the foundation of humanity. Being a dutiful
son must each, and especially - people are literate, educated, humane, and striving
for the ideal of chintz. Xiao sense, as it interprets Lazy - serve the parents by the
rules whether to bury them according to the rules and a sacrifice to them according
to the rules or something. Under these rules, detailed and thorough discussion in
Lazy, respectful son has committed a lifetime to take care of their parents, to serve
and to please them, to be ready at all for the sake of their health and welfare, to
honor them at all times. Even if the father non-virtues, if a villain, a thief or a
murderer, respectful son only obliged humbly admonish parents, humbly ask him
to return to the path of virtue.
The noble man - is an example of moral perfection, a man who all his
behavior says morality. It is for these criteria Confucius suggested to nominate
people to public service. The main task of noble men - to cultivate and spread
throughout humanity. Philanthropy included: parental care of children, filial piety
in the family, and just relations between those who are unrelated. Transferred to
the sphere of politics, these principles should underpin the whole management
system. For Confucius five important "permanence": ritual, humanity, justice,
duty, knowledge and confidence.
Education subjects - the most important affair of state, and have the power to
carry out his personal example. "Manage - then do the right thing." In turn, the
people must show filial piety to the rulers, unquestioningly obey them. The
prototype of the organization of state power to control Confucius served in family
clans and tribal communities.
Confucius was a determined opponent of management according to law. He
condemned the rulers, rely on frightening legal prohibitions, and advocated the
preservation of traditional religious and moral methods to influence the behavior of
the Chinese. "If you lead the people through laws and maintain order by
punishment, the people will seek to evade punishment and will not suffer shame.
If, however, lead the people by virtue and keep order with the help of the ritual, the
people will know the shame, and it will improve. "
To meet the religious needs of the people Confucianism limited to one side a
well-defined ritual worship of ancestors (only seen by some Sinologists, the cult of
primitive Chinese) and derived rites, a, on the other hand - the recognition of the
cult of persons who have been awarded the state honor or using a purely national
reverence. The main subject of honor should be the ancestors to the 4th knee
inclusive. Each dedicated to a single tablet or table. These tables are stored in
special cabinets and honored every morning, bows and smoking candles, and on
certain days - and the sacrifices of various drinks and foods. Before these same
tables should be performed and required reports on any more or less significant
absences from home and on any outstanding event in the house.
The most important rituals after death: small, then a large dressing the
deceased in the coffin position, feeding the dead (actually - fabric dolls, which is
supposed to be moved the soul of the deceased), and finally, the funeral (not later
than 100 days after the death, the soul of the deceased , on the proposal of the
Chinese, moved to a table with his name). While the body is in the house (or rather
- in the best tent beside him in the yard), it is recommended for the amusement of
the yearning of the soul of the deceased, inviting musicians (playing at the gates of
the house), and the whole family every day, morning and evening, going by the
grave and mourn the deceased, with This senior person in the house lights the
candles and smoking makes libations of wine. Mourn (always white, and business
cards are not written on red paper, as always, and the yellow) is divided into
several levels, according to the length of time and quality at this time worn clothes.
The most complete mourning worn by parents, wife to husband, etc. In a time of
mourning cannot eat meat and vegetables, drink wine, listen to music and generally
have fun.
Important in marriage and obligatory requirement - that the bride and groom
had different names (so the kinship on the mother did not take into account) and
had the first of at least 16 years, the second - at least 14. At the conclusion of the
major rites of marriage: a formal suit, collusion, the meeting of bride to the
groom's house, drinking bowls at dinner in the house of the groom, and, finally, the
presentation ancestors young man, unto whom it is now entering.
"Rite donning caps" committed by any of the family members (but not the
father), in the presence of all his relatives, and sacrifices to ancestors of youths 1520 years, with the latter gets a new name and, as has already become an adult, is to
all older relatives and friends. Appropriate ceremonies and takes over the girl, after
reaching its 15 years, any of the relatives and with less solemnity.
Not being a religion in the full sense, Confucianism became more than just a
religion. Confucianism - it is also a policy and administrative system, and supreme
control of economic and social processes - in short, the basis of the Chinese way of
life, the organizing principle of the Chinese society, the quintessence of Chinese
Confucianism much color in his tone throughout the national culture of
China, the national character of its people. It managed to become a mainstream,
and this is not his indispensability in the past. The fact that many educated
Confucian national characteristics (and not only the Chinese, but also all those who
in one way or another has historically been involved in the Confucian civilization)
- social discipline combined with the ability, if need be content with little, and not
complain; hard work and love of knowledge, and to conceive a new ability to use
the new name in the consolidation of the old settled, permanent impulse to selfimprovement and competition in an effort to occupy a higher compared to the other
position, strength of social and family relationships, to grow into the strength of
business relationships in the modern the world, and much more - actively
contributed to the phenomenon, which manifested itself first in the beginning of
the century (a phenomenon in Japan), and then after the war, when the Confucianoriented countries in the Far East and Southeast Asia have one after another to
astound the world with their success.
Taoism originated in China almost Zhou almost simultaneously with the
teachings of Confucius as an independent philosophical doctrine. The founder of
the Taoist philosophy is the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. Older
contemporary of Confucius, which - in contrast to Confucius - in sources no
reliable data either historical or biographical, Lao Tzu is a legendary figure in
modern researchers. Legends tell of his miraculous birth (mother wore it for
several decades old and bore - hence its name, "Old Child", though the same sign
Tzu means both the concept of "philosopher", so the name can be translated as
"The Old Philosopher ") and about his departure from China. Going west, Lao Tzu
was kind enough to leave the warden of the frontier his work - Tao Te Ching.
In his treatise Tao Te Ching (the middle III. BC. E.) Sets out the basis of
Taoism, the philosophy of Lao-tzu. At the heart of the doctrine - the doctrine of the
great Tao, universal law and the Absolute. Tao prevails everywhere and in
everything, always and infinitely. Nobody did, but everything comes from him.
Invisible and inaudible, inaccessible to the senses, a constant and inexhaustible,
nameless and formless, it gives rise to, the name and form around the world. Even
the great sky should Tao. Cognize Dao, follow it, merge with it - this is the
meaning, purpose and happiness of life. Seen as an emanation of Dao through through de, and if all Member generates a de all feeds.
Ways Tao Te inherent strength. It is through the power of the U-Wei Tao
manifests in each individual. This force is not to be construed as an effort, but
rather as an attempt to avoid any effort. Wu-wei - means "non-action", the denial
of purposeful activities that are contrary to the natural order. In the course of life is
necessary to adhere to the principle of non-action - the principle of wu-wei. This is
not inaction. This is a human activity, which is agreed with the natural course of
the world order. Any action contrary to the Tao means a waste of energy and leads
to failure and death. Thus, Taoism teaches contemplative attitude. Bliss reaches no
one who seeks to gain the good things the Tao, and the one who in the course of
meditation, dipping into his inner world tends to listen to yourself, and through you
to listen and understand the rhythm of the universe. Thus, the purpose of life is
comprehended in Taoism as a return to the eternal, the return to their roots.
Moral ideal of Taoism - a hermit, who with the help of religious meditation,
breathing and physical exercises to achieve high spiritual state, allowing him to
overcome all the passion and desire to plunge into communion with the Divine
5. Shintoism. The complex process of cultural synthesis of local tribes and
had to lay proper foundation of Japanese culture, religious-cult aspect which has
received the name of Shinto. Shinto ("the way of the spirits") - symbol of peace
supernatural, gods and spirits (kami) that are worshiped by the Japanese since
ancient times. Shinto origins date back to ancient times and include all forms of the
primitive peoples beliefs and practices - totemic, animism, magic, the cult of the
dead, the cult leader, etc. The ancient Japanese, like other people, inspired by the
natural phenomena around them, the plants and animals, dead ancestors, reverently
referred to intermediaries in communication with the spirit world - the magicians,
sorcerers, shamans. Later, been influenced by Buddhism and adopted many things
from him, primitive Shinto shamans become priests, ceremonies in honor of
various deities and spirits in a specially constructed for this temple.
Formation of Shinto as a national and state religion Japanese relate to the
period VII-VIII centuries BC. e., when the country was united under the authority
of the central region of the rulers of Yamato.
Old Japanese sources VII-VIII centuries. - Kojiki, Fudoki, Nihongi - let the
picture of beliefs and practices of early, pre-Buddhist, Shinto. A prominent role is
played by the cult of dead ancestors - spirits led by clan ancestors ud-ridges,
symbolizing the unity and solidarity of the clan members. The objects of worship
were the deities of land and fields, rain and wind, forests and mountains. Like other
ancient peoples, farmers Japan solemnly, with the rites and sacrifices, celebrated
the autumn harvest festival and spring - the awakening of nature. The dying man to
his countrymen as they relate to care in a different world, where to accompany the
dead had to follow people around them, and items.
Both are made of clay and buried in abundance in the late (the pottery called
Ancient Shinto myths retained their actually Japanese version
representations of creation. According to him, there were originally two gods, or
rather, the god and goddess, Izanagi and Izanami. But not their union has created
all living things: Izanami died while trying to give birth to first child, a deity of
fire. Saddened Izanagi wanted to save his wife from the underworld realm of the
dead, but failed. Then he had to do one thing: to the left of his eyes was born the
sun goddess Amaterasu, whose descendants were destined to take the place of the
Emperor of Japan.
Basis of Shinto is the deification of natural forces and phenomena, and
worship them. It is believed that many things have their own spiritual essence kami (Jap.). Kami can exist on earth in a material object, while not necessarily in
that which is considered to be living in the standard sense, such as wood, stone, or
sacred place of natural phenomena, and under certain conditions it may be in the
divine dignity. Some kami are the spirits of the land or of certain natural objects
(for example, the spirit of a particular mountain), others represent global natural
phenomena, such as Omikami Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Revered kami - patrons
of families and genera, as well as the spirits of dead ancestors, who are considered
the patron and protector of their children. Shinto involves magic, totemism, belief
in the efficacy of various talismans and amulets. Considered a possible defense
against hostile kami or their subordination with special rituals.
The main spiritual principle of Shinto is life in harmony with nature and
people. According to the beliefs of Shinto, the world - a single habitat, where the
kami, and the souls of dead people live nearby. Kami immortal and are included in
the cycle of birth and death, through which everything in the world is constantly
updated. However, turnover in its current form is not infinite, and exists only for
the destruction of the earth, and then acquire other forms. In Shinto there is no
concept of salvation, instead, everyone defines its natural place him my feelings,
motivations and actions.
If a person acts with a sincere, open heart, sees the world as it is, if its
behavior with respect and flawless, it is likely to do good, at least with respect to
themselves and their social group. Virtue admits sympathy for others, respect for
elders on the situation, the ability to "live among the people" - to support the
sincere and friendly relations with all who surrounds and makes his company.
Condemned anger, selfishness, competition for competition, intolerance. Evil is all
that violates the social order, destroys the harmony of the world and prevents
serving the kami.
The soul of man is initially good and sinless world initially good (although
not necessarily of goodness), but evil (Jap. mage?) Invading from outside, brought
evil spirits (Jap. magatsuhi), Use of human weakness, his temptations and evil
thoughts. Thus, evil, in the view of Shinto - a kind of peace or human disease.
Creation of evil (ie harm) for human unnatural men to do evil, when cheated or
been self-deception, when he cannot or does not know how to be happy, living
among the people, when his life is bad and unnatural.
Since absolute good and evil, not to know the difference can only be man
himself, and for good judgment he needs an adequate perception of reality ("the
heart, like a mirror") and union with the deity. Such a state a person can achieve by
living right and natural, purifying the body and mind and approaching the kami
through worship.
For a long time, myths and beliefs coexist without any system as long as the
statute book "Tayhore" (702 g AD) Shinto did not get the status of state ideology.
At the heart of Shinto is the proclamation of the divine nature of power the
Japanese emperor, whose lineage goes to the gods. "The emperors gods live, which
led all of their activities," - proclaims Shintoism. Hence the idea of the continuity
of the imperial dynasty. Schools of Shinto form another part of the ideology kokutay (solid state), according to which the gods live in each Japanese, carrying
him through his will. Openly proclaims a special divine spirit of the Japanese
people and their superiority over others. It was also announced on the special role
of Japan in the world, where it should be central. Japan - a country of the gods,
which must bow before all the others, if not voluntarily, by the force.
Shinto religion requires its followers to pray or read the scriptures. Suffice it
to participate in temple festivals and ceremonies.
Shinto temple is divided into two parts: internal and closed (honden), where
the symbol is usually stored kami (Xingtai), and the outer hall for prayers
(hayden). Come to visit the temple in hayden, stop in front of the altar, filling the
box in front of him a coin, bow and clap their hands, sometimes spelled with a
prayer (and you himself) and go. Once or twice a year at the temple is a gala
celebration with rich offerings and lush devotions, processions with the palanquin,
in which at this time of Cynthia moved spirit deity. These days the priests in the
shrines of their ritual robes look very richly. The rest of the days they spend their
temples and spirits a little time engaged in humdrum chores, mingling with the
common people.
Used Books:
1. Karimov I.A. God in our souls and hearts T.: 1999
2. Karimov I.A. Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the XXI century. T: 1997
3. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent. Uzbekistan, 1992
4. Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious
5. Foundations of Religious T.: 1995
6. "Religious Studies" Nasyrov Tashkent 1998
7. Dinshunoslik asoslari T.: 1995
8. Dinshunoslik. Maruzalar badwords T.: 2000
9. Makhmudov T. "Avesta" hakida T.: Shark, 2000
10. "History of Religion" lecture Burkova RA Yankarola 1999
11. "The religious tradition in the world" Bishkek 1997
12. "Religion in the history of the world" Tokarev SA Moscow 1986