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Name: _________________________
Date: ____________
Period: ______
World History Mid-Term Exam Review
Chapter 1: The First Humans (Prehistory – 3500 B.C.)
The period before writing was developed is called ____.
Keeping animals and growing food on a regular basis is called _____.
Items left behind by early peoples are called _____.
The term Paleolithic refers to the _____ Age.
The study of past societies through an analysis of what people have left behind is ___.
The term ____ means “wise human being”.
Paleolithic peoples were nomads because they had no choice but to ____.
The real change in the Neolithic Revolution was the ____.
Historians have identified the basic characteristics of civilization as ___.
Chapter 2: Western Asia and Egypt
10. A(n) ___ is a government by divine authority.
11. A(n) ___ is a large political unit or state, usually under a single leader, that controls
many peoples or territories.
12. The “wedge-shaped” writing of the Sumerians was called ____.
13. A ___ society is one that is dominated by men.
14. A society is ___ if its people believe in many gods.
15. The ____ were the creators of the first Mesopotamian civilization.
16. The religion of the Israelites is known as ____.
17. Hammurabi is remembered for ____.
18. Modern historians have divided Egyptian history into three major periods known
as ___.
19. The leaders of the Ancient Egyptians were known as ____.
20. Egyptian picture-writing is known as ____.
21. The religion of Judaism differed from the other religions of the time in that it ____.
22. The founder of the Israelite’s religion was _____.
Chapter 3: India and China (3000 B.C. – A.D. 500)
23. In the far northeastern section of India are the _______ Mountains, the tallest
mountains in the world.
24. The primary feature of India’s climate is the _____ (a pattern of seasonal winds in
southern Asia).
25. From around 1500 B.C. to 1000 B.C., a group of Indo-Europeans known as the
_____ migrated into India and took control.
26. Princes in ancient India were called _____.
27. The ____ system strictly divided Indian society into social classes.
28. At the bottom of this system were the _____ who were considered to be completely
29. The religion of ____ originated with the Aryan people.
30. Confucius believed that everyone should be governed by the ____ (example: parent
and child).
31.Qin Shihuangdi’s response was to strengthen an existing system of walls resulting in
the____ of China.
Chapter 4: Ancient Greece
32. The works of Homer appeared near the end of the Dark Ages; Homer’s epic poem
the Iliad recounts the attack on____.
33. By 750 B.C., the city-state or ____ became the central focus of Greek life; it
consisted of a town, a city, or a village and the surrounding countryside.
334. The main gathering place in each polis was a hill at the top of which was a fortified
area called an____ .
35. Below the acropolis was the_____ , an open area that served as a meeting place and a
36. The Greek soldiers, each carrying a round shield, a short sword, and a spear, went
into battle in a tight formation known as a____.
37. Conquered people were made to come and work for the Spartans; they were known
as ____; to control these conquered people, the Spartans decided to establish a military
38. In 499 B.C., the Ionian Greeks assisted by the Athenians, led an unsuccessful revolt
against the Persians. Persian ruler ____ vowed to seek revenge against the Athenians.
39. In 478 B.C., the Athenians formed a defensive alliance known as the ____ League.
By controlling this league, Athens had created an empire.
40. Under ____, who dominated Athenian politics from 461 B.C. to 429 B.C., Athens
expanded its empire while democracy flourished at home.
41. The Athenian form of government was a ____ democracy as every male citizen
participated directly in government decision making through mass meetings.
42. Sparta and its allies feared the growing power of the Athenian empire; a series of
disputes finally led to the outbreak of the ____ War in 431 B.C.
43. The Greeks worshipped twelve chief gods and goddesses who were said to live at the
top of Mt. Olympus. ____ was the chief god and father of all the gods.
44. The Greeks were the first to present history as a systematic analysis of past events.
____ (the Father of History) wrote the History of the Persian Wars, the first real history n
Western civilization.
45. The ____ Method used a question-and –answer format to lead students to see things
for themselves. This belief in an individual’s ability to reason was an important
contribution of the Greeks.
46. Aristotle taught that ____ was a midpoint between extreme behaviors. For example,
courage would be a midpoint between reckless behavior and cowardice.
47. In science, Aristotle was the first to analyze and ____ things (like plants) based on
observation and investigation. His work became served as the origins of the scientific
48. ____ was only 20 when he became king of Macedonia, but he had been carefully
trained by his father. Like his father, he wanted to conquer the Persians both for glory
and to avenge the Persian burning of Athens in 480 B.C.
49. First Alexander conquered Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. Continuing east,
Alexander’s army reached ____ (326 B.C.). His tired troops refused to go any further.
50. Alexander created the ____ Era; the time during which Greek language and ideas
spread to the non-Greek world of Southwest Asia and beyond. The word comes from the
Greek and means “to imitate Greeks.”
Chapter 5: Ancient Rome
51. The city of Rome was located inland on the ____ River.
52. In 509 B.C., the Romans overthrew the last Etruscan king and established a ___. In
this form of government, citizens vote for representatives to act on their behalf in
53. Early Rome was divided into two groups. The _____ were wealthy landowners who
became Rome’s ruling class.
54. Rome’s first code of law was the ____ adopted in 450 B.C.
55. Rome’s first war with Carthage began in 264 B.C.; the war was called the ____
after a Latin word for Phoenician.
56. Caesar had gained a loyal following of veterans as commander in ___ (France).
57. Caesar entered Italy illegally crossing the ____ (a river that formed the southern
boundary of his province).
58. Caesar was officially made ____ in 45 B.C. Many feared that Caesar wanted to
maintain complete control. In 44 B.C., a group of leading senators, fearing Caesar’s
growing power, assassinated him.
59. In 27 B.C., the Senate awarded Octavian the title of ___-the revered one.
60. The rule of the “good emperors” concluded a period of peace known as the ____ (the
Roman Peace) which lasted for almost 200 years.
61. After the conquest of the Mediterranean, huge numbers of foreign slaves were
brought back to Italy. _____ slaves were in demand as tutors (teachers) and artists.
62. The official state religion of Rome focused on the worship of a number of gods and
goddesses. Beginning with Augustus, ____ were often officially made gods by the
63. In the fourth century, ____ became the first Christian emperor. In 313, he issued the
Edict of Milan which proclaimed official tolerance of Christianity.
64. Constantine (306-337) constructed a new capital city in the east on the site of the
Greek city Byzantium-it was named ____. This “New Rome” became the center of the
Eastern Roman Empire.
65. In 410, the Visigoths sacked Rome. Another Germanic group, the____, poured into
southern Spain and Africa; in 455, they too sacked Rome.
66. In 476, the western emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was deposed by a Germanic
general. This event is usually taken as the date of the fall of the____.
67. A series of Germanic kingdoms replaced the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern
Roman Empire, or ____, continued to thrive with its center at Constantinople.
Chapter 6: The Rise of Islam
68. Early Arabs organized into tribes ruled by a ___________, which was chosen by one
of the leading families or a council of elders.
69. Arabs were the major carriers between the Indian Ocean the ____________.
70. Muhammad, the father of Islam, was born in _____________.
71. The Quran is the:
72. Those who practice Islam are called:
73. In 622 A.D Muhammad and his followers left to Medina, because they were
persecuted. This journey was known as the:
74. After Muhammad died Muslim scholars developed a law code known as the:
75. Some of Muhammad’s followers chose, ___________, to be named caliph (successor
of Muhammad).
76. By 725 most of Spain had become a Muslim state with the main Muslim city at: