Download Chapter 9 Review Sheet: Cellular Respiration: Calorie definition

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Chapter 9 Review Sheet: Cellular Respiration:
Calorie definition =
Calorie per gram of fat, protein, carbohydrates
Know how to calculate calories from grams known
Photosynthesis vs. cellular respiration
Aerobic vs. anaerobic
Words and symbols of cellular respiration equation
o In symbols: 6 O2 + C6H12O6  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy
o In words:
Oxygen + Glucose  Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy (as ATP and heat)
3 steps of cellular respiration
o In and Outs of all 3 steps:
Krebs Cycle
Glucose (6 Carbon)
2 pyruvic acids (from Glycolysis)
Electron Transport Chain
Oxygen, O2
FADH2 and NADH (carries H+ and e-)
2 pyruvic acid (3 carbons)
4 ATP (NET = 2 ATP)
32 ATP
o Main function/product of each of the steps, where do the steps occur?
o Energy carriers are NADH, FADH2 and ADP/ATP
o TOTALS 1 glucose = 36 ATPS, 36% of glucose energy into ATP, 64% released as heat
Fermentation definition =
2 types
o Alcohol Fermentation
 Ins and outs
 Who does it?
o Lactic Acid Fermentation
 Ins/Outs
 Who does it?
 Need Oxygen to get rid of Lactic Acid build up, that’s why huff and puff after exercise
Main purpose of Fermentation = 1 way to get NAD+ back so can do glycolysis again to get the 2 ATP
Exercise and Energy:
o 90 secs of activity use fermentation, beyond that need Cellular Respiration
o 15-20 minutes use stored up glycogen
o 20+ minutes…use fats and other stored molecules for energy
Know the picture of Glycolysis pg 255, and the overall
Cellular Respiration picture 260 and the pictures from your homework packet.