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1. The omohyoid, the sternocledomastoid and the posterior belly of
the digastic muscle forms
the boundary for which of the following triangles?
A. occipital
B. submandibular
C. submental
D. carotid
E. omoclavicular
2. The digastric muscle is a two-bellied muscle that attaches by an
intermediate tendon to which
of the following?
A. mandibular condyle
B. thyroid cartilage
C. cricoid cartilage
D. styloid process
E. hyoid bone
3. The largest and most important interfascial interval in the neck is
which of the following spaces?
A. suprasternal
B. retropharyngeal
C. submandibular
D. lateral pharyngeal
E. parotid
4. Which of the following nerves innervate the cricothyroid and the
inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx?
A. inferior carvical cardiac
B. external branch of the superior laryngeal
C. inferior laryngeal
D. recurrent laryngeal
E. superior carvical cardiac
5. Which of the following structures contriubutes to the formation of
the vocal ligaments?
A. thyrohyoid membrane
B. cricotracheal ligament
C. quadrangular membrane
D. conus elasticus
E. hyoepiglottic ligament
6. Which of the following nerves supplies parasympathetic fibers
through the otic ganglion to the parotid gland?
A. vagus
B. glossopharyngeal
C. facial
D. hypoglossal
E. accessory
7. The levator anguli oris muscle is innervated by which of the
following nerves ?
A. auriculotemporal
B. facial
C. ansa cervicalis
D. inferior alveolar
E. inferior palpebral nerve
8. The pterygomandibular raphe is a ligamentous band that stretches
between the pterygoid hamulus and which
of the following structures?
A. spine of the sphenoid
B. hyoid bone
C. mental protuberance
D. posterior end of the mylohyoid line
E. posterior nasal spine
9. The mental artery is a terminal branch of which of the following
A. superficial temporal
B. transverse facial
C. inferior alveolar
D. facial
E. lingual
10. The masseteric fascia is formed from which of the following?
A. superficial layer of carvical fascia
B. carotid sheath
C. prevertebral fascia
D. buccopharyngeal
E. pretracheal fascia
11. Which of the following muscles is innervated by the first cervical
A. stylohyoid
B. mylohyoid
C. hyoglossus
D. geniohyoid
E. anterior belly of the disgastric
12. The spinal portion of the accessory nerve enters the cranial cavity
through which of the following foramina?
A. jagular
B. hypoglossal
C. foramen magnum
D. stylomastoid
E. foramen spinosum
13. With respect to lymphatic drainage which nodal area is likely to be
affected from a lesion on the left-anterior tip
of the tongue?
A. submental
B. right juguloomohyoid
C. left buccal
D. left juguloomohyoid
E. left jugulodigastric
14. The node associated with drainage from the palatine tonsil is
A. juguloomohyoid
B. jugulodigastric
C. buccal
D. retropharyngeal
E. superficial cervicals
15. The principal abductor of the vocal folds are the
A. posterior cricoarytenoids
B. lateral cricoarytenoids
C. thyroarytenoid
D. aryepiglottic
E. transverse epiglottis
16. The oculomotor foramen is created by the annulus of Zinn
enclosing the optic foramen and a portion of the superior
orbital fissure. Which of the following does NOT pass through the
oculomotor foramen?
A. cranial nerve II
B. cranial nerve III - superior division
C. cranial nerve III - inferior division
D. cranial nerve V - lacrimal division
E. cranial nerve V - nasocilliary branch
17. Ciliary body muscle contraction
A. relaxes the zonules thereby decreasing curvature of the lens
B. relaxes the zonules thereby increasing curvature of the lens
C. tightens the zonules thereby decreasing curvature of the lens
D. tightens the zonules thereby increasing curvature of the lens
E. has no effect on the lens curvature
18. With regard to the oropharyngeal complex
A. pressure produced by the tongue during swallowing is concetrated on
the anterior center of the roof of the mouth
B. contraction of the styloglossus muscle lifts the valum of the soft palate
into contact with the superior pharyngeal
C. a functional labial and velar seal are important stages of the
Accomodation Reflex
D. It is easier to build a functional prothesis to replace a total soft palate
resection than to build a prosthesis to
replace a partial soft palate resection.
E. relaxation of the cricopharyngeal (inferior pharyngeal) constrictor is an
important part of the Oral Prepartory
Phase of swallowing
19. Features of the medical wall of the tympanic cavity includes the
A. promontory
B. ostium of the auditory tube
C. pyramid
D. aditus and antrum
E. chorda tympani
20. With regard to the cochlea and conchlear duct, the
A. scala tympani is most closely related to the oval window
B. scala vestibuli contains the Organ of Corti
C. scala vestibuli is most closely related to the oval window
D. cochlear duct is filled with perilymph
E. endolymphatic sac is filled with perilymph
21. When examining the tympanic membrane with an otoscope, the
following structures are seen:
A. manubrium of the malleus, body of the incus, footplate of stapes and
light reflex
B. manubrium of the malleus, light reflex, annulus, pars tensa and pars
C. manubrium of the malleus, body of incus, light reflex pars flacidda and
D. manubrium of the malleus, pars tensa, body of the incus, light reflex and
footplate of the stapes
E. manubrium of the malleus, promontory, annulus, chroda tympani and
light reflex.
22. Blood may be found in the CSF following
A. a tear of the middle meningeal artery
B. epidural aspiration
C. a tear of an emissary vein entering the superior sagitial sinus
D. rupture of an intracranial anuerysm
E. none of the above
23. Bells's Palsy, caused by damage to the facial nerves as it leaves
the stylomastoid foramen and enters the
parotid gland, is characterized by:
A. paralysis of all extracular muscles except lateral rectus and superior
B. paralysis of the muscles of mastication
C. disruption of the parasympathetic innvervation of the ciliary ganglion
D. paralysis of the muscles of facial expression
E. Deviation of the soft palate upon swallowing
24. The two nerves most commonly injured during a facelift procedure
are the
A. buccal and frontal branches
B. buccal and marginal mandibular branch
C. frontal and branch to orbicularis oculi
D. frontal and marginal mandibular branch
E. none of the above
25. In surgical procedure such as neck dissection or thyroidectomy
the _______ plane is often utilized for the
initial incision and reflection.
A. subinfrahyoid
B. supratrapezoid
C. suprarisorial
D. interdisgastric
E. subplatysmal
26. To a Radiologist, the Masticor Space is important because it
A. seldom contains tumors or pseudotumors
B. may be involved in abscesses from infected teeth
C. contains no soft tissue
D. contains the maxillary nerve
E. none of the above
A. if choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B. if choices 1 and 3 are correct
C. if choices 2 and 4 are correct
D. if only 4 is correct
E. if all are correct
27. Which of the following statements correctly apply to the stapedius
1. it is innervated by the facial nerve
2. it inserts onto the malleus
3. it takes origin from the pyramidal eminence
4. it is attached to the incus
28. The internal ear consists of which of the following structures?
1. cochlea
2. semicular canals
3. utricle
4. saccule
29. The floor of the temporal fossa is formed by parts of which of the
following bones?
1. frontal
2. parietal
3. temporal
4. sphenoid
30. Incisions through the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth
give access to which of the following
1. sublingual gland
2. submandibular gland
3. lingual nerve
4. facial nerve
31. Which of the following statements correctly apply to the lens?
1. The shape of the lens is modified by the cillary muscle.
2. It has a tendency to lose its transparency in later years
3. It is a transparent biconvex body.
4. The lens is nearly spherical in the fetus
A. if choices 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B. if choices 1 and 3 are correct
C. if choices 2 and 4 are correct
D. if only choice 4 is correct
E. if all are correct
32. Which of the following statements apply to the opthalmic artery?
1. It is a branch of the internal carotid artery
2. it passes through the optic canal
3. it terminates at the medical angle of the eyes as the supratrochlear and
dorsal nasal branches
4. it is a terminal branch of the maxilary artery.
33. The oculomotor nerve innervates which of the following muscles?
1. levator palpebrae superiors
2. lateral rectus
3. superior rectus
4. super oblique
34. Early tumors of the superficial parotid gland may lead to paralysis
of the
1. frontalis muscle
2. buccinator muscle
3. orbicularis oris muscle
4. occipitalis muscle
35. Arterial supply to the face and scalp is provided by
1. facial artery
2. superficial temporal artery
3. traverse facial artery
4. infernal carotid artery
36. The cavernous sinus
1. communicates directly with the internal jugular vein via the superior
petrosal sinus
2. often is compressed following tumors of the pituitary gland
3. contains cranial nerves II, III and IV
4. receives venous drainage from the face via ophthalmic veins
37. The hypoglossal nerve ( CN XII ) innervates which of the following
1. intrinsic muscles of the tongue
2. mylohyoid
3. genioglossus
4. palatoglossus
38. Within the nasal cavity, the
1. maxillary sinus drains into the middle meatus
2. postganglionic parasympathesis are derived from the otic ganglia
3. main sensory innervation is derived from V2
4. nasolacrimal duct drains into the middle meatus
39. In the phraynx, the
1. levator veli palatini assists in opening the auditory tube
2. pharyngeal plexus contains a motor component from the cranial nerve X
3. superior constrictor muscle is related to the palatine tonsil
4. pharyngeal plexus contains a sensory component from cranial nerve IX
40. The floor of the posterior triangle is formed by
1. splenius capitis
2. rectus capitis
3. middle scalene
4. inferior belly of omohyoid
41. Arterial branches that come off of the anterior surface of the
external carotid include
1. Superior thyroid
2. Inferior thyroid
3. Lingual
4. Inferior Alveolar
42. Which of the following is a part of the uvea?
1. iris
2. zonules
3. choroid
4. vitreous
If the Item is associated with (A) only.
If the Item is associated with (B) only.
If the Item is associated with both (A) and (B).
If the Item is associated with neither (A) nor (B)
A. the palatoglossus
B. the palatopharyngeus
C. both
D. neither
43. Forms the palatine arches
44. Inserts into the side of the tongue
45. Innevated by the vagus nerve
46. Takes the origin on the torus tubaris
A. foramen rotundum
B. sphenopalatine foramen
C. both
D. neither
47. Maxillary nerve sends fibers to nasal cavity by way of the
48. Maxillary nerve sends fibers to the soft palate by way of the
If the Item is associated with (A) only.
If the Item is associated with (B) only.
If the Item is associated with both (A) and (B).
If the Item is associated with neither (A) nor (B)
A. Translation in the superior synoval cavity
B. Rotationin the inferior synovial cavity
C. Both
D. Neither
49. Buccinator
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. CN V, mandibular division
B. cn vii
c. both
d. Neither
50. travels with the maxillary artery across the lateral pterygoid