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Ancient Rome Vocabulary
1.Appian Way: The ____ was the most famous Roman road. Extending south from Rome to
Brindisi, it helped the Romans move troops and supplies quickly.
2.Aqueducts: Roman ____ were used to carry water from the countryside into the cities. They
had to maintain a gradual slope over long distances.
3.Arches: Roman ___ were used to make strong walls with a minimum amount of materials.
4.Caesar Augustus: ___ was the first Roman Emperor. A nephew of Julius Caesar, he
convinced people that he would preserve the power of the old families. In reality, he
systematically destroyed them while building his own power.
5.Circus Maximus: The ___ was the Roman outdoor arena in which public games, such as
chariot races, were held.
6.Cloaca Maxima: The ___ was the Roman sewer.
7.Colosseum: The Roman ___ was a huge sports arena. Romans would watch gladiators,
executions, animal fights, and naval battles.
8.Hannibal: ____ was a general who commanded the Carthaginian army in the second Punic
War. He attacked Rome by crossing the Alps on elephants.
9.Julius Caesar: ___ effectively ended the Republic and made himself dictator of Rome. He
was murdered by his fellow senators.
10.Legions: Rome organized its soldiers into ______. Each contained five thousand foot
soldiers and a group of soldiers on horseback.
11.martyr: A ____ is someone who dies for a cause.
12.Numerals: Roman ___ are still widely used today.
13.Pantheon: The ____ was the Roman temple to "all gods." It also served as an architectural
model for later domes.
14.Patricians: The ____ were the the wealthy, land-owning class in Roman society.
15.Pax Romana: The ____ was a period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire,
lasting from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180.
16.Plebians: The ___ were members of the lower class of Ancient Rome. This included farmers,
merchants, artisans and traders.
17.Punic Wars: The ____ were a series of three wars between Rome and Carthage (264-146
B.C.). They resulted in the destruction of Carthage and Rome's dominance over the western
18.Republic: When the Latins first ousted the Etruscans, they set up a _____ or representative
19.Romance Languages: _____ are the five modern languages that have evolved from Roman
Latin; French, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish.
20.Roman Concrete: Using ____, the Romans to able to build massive structures. Even under
water, it held its integrity.
21.Roman Forum: The _____, or marketplace, was the centralized area around which ancient
Rome developed as a city. Key government and public buildings were once located there.
22.Roman Republic: The ___ was made up of rich families who were greedy and corrupt. It
eventually failed because it could not provide food or land to the common people.
23.Roots: Latin ___ are used in many modern languages, including English.
24.Twelve Tables: The earliest written collection of Roman laws, drawn up by patricians about
450 B.C.