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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Proposed outline for CS 486
Required background
Programming experience in a high-level programming language [CS 134 or equivalent]
Basic understanding of data structures and algorithms [CS 341 or equivalent]
Knowledge in probabilities [STAT 231 or equivalent]
Knowledge in logic [CS 245 or equivalent] is helpful but not required
In a typical course offering, there will be four or five assignments, a midterm (optional), and a final
Overall goals
Allow student to gain an understanding of the fundamental problems of artificial intelligence
and the basic models and algorithms used in tackling these problems.
Bring students to frontier areas of computer science, while providing sufficient foundations to
enable further study.
General guidelines
The order of topics is quite standard and follows the text. This order has been followed by all
instructors in the last few years. Each topic (modulo minor details) has been covered by instructors
with the exception of the final topic, “Communicating” or “Natural Language Understanding”. In
some offerings, time runs out before this topic is covered or it is replaced by an alternative topic
such as “Computer Vision”. It is recommended that the instructor use real-world example
applications and example fielded systems to introduce and motivate each module. The choice of
application examples is open to the instructor as well as the choice of textbook (although, the same
text has been used by all instructors as far back as can be remembered). The assignments generally
consist of a mixture of written parts and programming parts, although not each component is
necessarily present in each assignment. The written part focuses on modeling, algorithms and
mathematical concepts and the programming part focuses on implementation and result
For the last decade or more, the textbook in the course has been various editions of:
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig
Prentice Hall, 2003
There are no official, continuing course notes. Each instructor has supplied their own specific to
each offering.