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Crucible of Civilization Video Notes
1) Who was Socrates?
2) In 508 BC, why did the Athenians revolt?
3) Which social class ruled Athens in the 6th century BC?
4) Greece has too many of what physical barrier type to have been able to unite Greece under
one rule?
5) Each part of Greece was divided up into what type of small nation?
6) Name 4 Greek city-states:
7) The men of Sparta were brought up into what specific profession?
8) Sparta conquered how many miles of territory by the time Cleisthenes was born?
9) The Iliad and The Odyssey were tales written by Homer. What were they about in general?
10) Which “goddess” accompanied the first tyrant of Athens (Cleisthenes’ brother-in-law,
11) What did Peisistratos do to help the common Athenians build up their farms?
12) What valuable economic commodity (item) flourished during Peisistratos’ rule?
13) The ____________________ Mediterranean [Sea] was the “greatest marketplace of the
ancient world”.
14) Which item started Athens’ artistic legacy?
A) Canvas
B) Pottery
C) Olive oil
D) Silk
15) Piesistratos’ son, Hippias, turned into a (circle one): benevolent /
cruel tyrant
16) Hippias knew that which social class would be the biggest threat to his rule?
17) In what year did Cleisthenes take power?
18) The contest that took place every 4 years in Olympia, Greece, was the ancient equivalent of
what modern-day event?
19) The most powerful city-state in Greece at one point was?
20) Cleisthenes and 700 other families suffered what punishment after Isagoras seized power?
21) Upset by Isagoras’ rule, the people of Athens did what?
22) Cleisthenes instituted the rule of the ____________________ (also called democracy)
23) A white pebble meant _____________, a black pebble meant ______________
24) In 490 BC, Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens away from which invading army?
25) Who was emperor of Persia when Persia attacked Greece the first time?
26) The hoplites’ weapons were made out of _____________________ (type of metal)
27) The Athenians were outnumbered by the Persians by what ratio?
28) How many Persians were killed in one day?
29) A trireme was a powerful _______________
30) Themistocles knew that the Persians would not attack Greece again by land. He understood
that in order to defeat the Persians again, the Athenians would have to build a powerful (circle
one): army / navy
31) Xerxes, son of Darius, gathered armies from across his empire to fight the Greeks for
revenge against his father’s defeat. The Oracle of Delphi told the Athenians the first time that
they would be (circle one): the winners / defeated
32) The Persians did what to the Acropolis in Athens?
33) The Persians were (circle one): victorious / defeated at the Battle of Salamis.
34) The Delian League was what?
35) Which Greek city-state was the leader of the Delian League?