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Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology
IV Therapy Exam
Multiple Choice Questions
Directions: Place the best answer on the scantron form.
The direction of the catheter in venous access should always be:
a. Against the flow of blood, away from the heart
b. With the flow of blood, toward the heart
c. Can be placed either way
d. None of the above
2. Factors to be considered in venous site selection for IV therapy are:
a. Duration of the therapy
b. Type of therapy
c. Condition of veins
d. All of the above
3. Tips for selecting veins include starting with distal veins and working ____________.
a. Laterally
b. Posteriorly
c. Proximally
d. Distally
4. IV related lawsuits against a nurse are most likely to occur because of failure in:
a. The prevention and early detection in IV associated problems
b. Properly maintaining the IV solution
c. Selecting and preparing the correct equipment
d. Addition of certain medications to solutions
5. LR 500 ml’s is to be infused over 4 hours. The drip factor of the tubing is 15. How many drops
per minute?
a. 28
b. 18
c. 31
d. 42
6. The nurse’s role in IV therapy is to:
a. Assess and monitor the client’s fluid status before, during and after therapy
b. Determine the need for fluid therapy
c. Determine the appropriate type of fluid therapy
d. Change the patients IV site whenever the patient requests it
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7. When administering IV therapy, nursing interventions that help avoid or minimize lawsuits
a. Observing for signs and symptoms of complications and taking prompt action
b. Documenting care in a legible, objective and complete manner
c. Maintaining a caring and therapeutic relationship
d. All of the above
8. Malpractice is defined as the negligent conduct of a professional person.
a. True
b. False
9. A patient is receiving a bolus of 0.9% Sodium Chloride at 50 ml/hr over 1.5 hrs. How much fluid
are they receiving?
a. 75 ml
b. 150 ml
c. 125 ml
d. 150 ml
10. If there is a possibility a patient is having a reaction to a transfusion, you should
a. Stop the blood
b. Keep the vein open with a new line of saline
c. Call the MD
d. All of the above
The following 3 questions are matching. Please select the correct term for the definitions below:
11. Extravasation
A. A solution or medication capable of causing tissue
necrosis when extravasated
12. Vesicant
B. The inadvertent administration of a vesicant/irritant
solution and/or medication into the surrounding
13. Irritant
C. A solution or medication that causes inflammation
or irritation
14. _______________________is an isotonic solution.
a. 0.9% NaCl
b. 5% NaCl
c. D2% 0.25% NS
d. D5% LR
15. Arteries have valves and veins do not.
a. True
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b. False
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16. The outer layer of the vein that can become sclerosed with overuse is called:
a. Tunica intima
b. Tunica adventitia
c. Tunica media
d. Endothelium
17. LPN’s with advanced training may:
a. Administer IV solutions with premixed additives
b. Check blood with an RN
c. Start peripheral IV’s
d. All of the above
18. TKO, TKVO and KVO are abbreviations that :
a. Are never to be used
b. Are interchangeable
c. Means to make the infusion to go in as fast as possible.
d. None of the above
19. Following the vein entry during a venipuncture, you should cautiously advance BOTH the
cannula and the needle as one unit into the vein.
a. True
b. False
The following 4 questions are matching. Please select the correct term for the definitions below:
20. Phlebitis
a. Formations resulting from the infiltration of blood
Into the tissues at the venipuncture site
21. Infiltration
b. The presence of pathogenic organisms in the blood
22. Hematoma
c. Inflammation of a vessel
23. Sepsis
d. The process of fluid infusing into the tissue instead
the vascular system.
24. The vein of choice when starting an IV is he:
a. Cephalic vein
b. Basilic vein
c. Saphenous vein
d. Median cubital vein
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25. A compression injury of a nerve results in pain, numbness and tingling in the arm or hand,
occurring _________________hours after the venipuncture.
12-24 hours
24-96 hours
7-10 days
26. ________________________is a device with a central catheter that is implanted in the
subcutaneous tissue.
a. Leuer lock
b. Port
c. Cannula
d. Catheter
27. Never give Potassium IV push.
a. True
b. False
28. You have a 250 ml bag of NS which runs over 30 minutes. What will you set the pump rate at?
a. 125 ml
b. 83 ml
c. 500 ml
d. 250 ml
29. Irritating drugs given IV can cause:
a. Septic phlebitis
b. Mechanical phlebitis
c. Chemical phlebitis
d. Bacterial phlebitis
30. What information is needed to be documented on the actual IV site. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
______ a. Time
______ b. Date
______ c. Patient initials
______ d. Gauge of IV needle
31. The MD orders 2000 ml’s of LR to run over 24 hours. The drip factor is 20 gtt/ml. What is the
drops per minute?
a. 28
b. 32
c. 66
d. 20
32. Which venous sites are commonly used in infants and not in adults?
a. Veins in the feet and ankle
b. Scalp veins
c. Antecubital veins
d. A and B
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33. Which of the following would not be used when starting an IV on an infant?
a. 18 gauge catheter
b. 24 gauge catheter
c. Butterfly catheter
d. 26 gauge catheter
34. Cannula size is based on the inside diameter and is expressed as gauge. The smaller the gauge,
the larger the inside diameter.
a. True
b. False
35. Hypertonic fluids draw fluid out of the cells, causing them to shrink.
a. True
b. False
36. Mechanical phlebitis is due to:
a. Introduction of microorganisms into the venipuncture site
b. Introduction of irritating chemicals
c. Movement of the catheter in the vein
d. Blood clot formation at the end of the catheter
37. Pediatric medication dosing is based on the age group for the individual child.
a. True
b. False
38. Factors that affect the infusion rate are:
a. Cannula diameter, venting of the fluid container, position of the extremity
b. Short peripheral catheters, tubing size, drip factor
c. Blood pressure, excess fluid volume, heart rate
d. None of the above
39. Care of the CVC includes: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
______ a. Using a 10 ml syringe for all flushing procedure
______ b. Changing the transparent every 72 hours
______ c. Aspirating to check patency
40. The highest concentration of dextrose that may be given via a peripheral line is 5%.
a. True
b. False
41. OSHA requires all facilities to use needle-protected/needleless intravenous systems.
a. True
b. False
42. The maximum hang time for a unit of PRBC’s is 5 hours.
a. True
b. False
43. In a healthy adult the 24 hour fluid I&O is approximately equal.
a. True
b. False
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44. The following are expected IV catheter complications except:
a. Phlebitis
b. Infiltration
c. Staphylococcus aureus
d. Hypothermia
45. “Under the direction of a registered professional nurse” means:
a. The RN must be on the premises and immediately, physically available
b. The RN has delegated IV therapy functions to a qualified LPN
c. The LPN must observe and report subjective and objective signs and symptoms of
adverse reactions directly to the RN
d. The LPN has to do whatever the RN directs him/her to do
46. When the nurse is to give an IV push medication to a patient who is receiving a continuous
infusion, the nurse injects the medication:
a. Into the hanging IV bag
b. Directly into the insertion cannula after temporarily disconnecting the IV bag
c. Into the port nearest to the insertion site to ensure quick delivery
d. Into the port nearest to the IV bag for less painful administration
47. The physician orders an infusion of 1000 ml of 5% dextrose in 0.45% NS to be completed in 8
hours. The IV delivery system’s drop factor is 20 gtts. The nurse should set the electronic
infusion pump to deliver _____________________ml/hr?
a. 125
b. 150
c. 100
d. 75
48. The nurse is choosing an IV cannula for an older adult patient and will choose the smallest size
that will deliver the appropriate fluid. Which size should she choose:
a. 14 gauge
b. 16 gauge
c. 20 gauge
d. 22 gauge
49. In an assessment of a patient who has been receiving intravenous (IV) fluids for the last 6 hours,
the nurse finds that the pulse is now bounding, the blood pressure is more than 15 mmHg
higher than the last reading and pedal edema has developed. The nurse evaluates these signs as
associated with:
a. Infiltration of the IV
b. Fluid volume overload
c. Mechanical phlebitis
d. Pulmonary embolism
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50. As part of a written standard protocol for the unit, the nurse adds that irrigation of an occluded
cannula is not recommended. The rationale against performing this procedure is that it may:
a. Damage an arterial valve
b. Introduce an air embolus into the line
c. Cause the patient pain
d. Force blood clots into the main bloodstream
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