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Evolutionary Biology
Unit/Chapter Title: Mechanisms of Evolution/ Chapters 22 – 25
Course: AP Biology
Essential Questions:
How does the process of evolution drive the diversity and unity of life?
How does the change in the genetic makeup of a population over time relate to evolution?
How does life continue to evolve within a changing environment?
What effect does variation within biological systems have on their interactions with the environment?
How are all organisms linked by lines of descent from common ancestry?
How is the origin of living systems explained by natural processes?
How does variation within biological systems affect interactions with the environment?
Unit Overview
Unit Components
Descent with Modification – A
Darwinian View
Evolution of Populations
Origin of Species
History of Life on Earth
Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
Fossil record
Population genetics: gene pool,
Hardy-Weinberg theory
Speciation: macroevolution,
prezygotic barriers, postzygotic
Allopatric speciation
Continental drift: adaptive
Darwin: natural selection
Evidence for evolution:
adaptation, fossils, homologies,
convergent evolution,
AP College Board Frameworks
Gene frequency: genetic drift,
gene flow, natural selection,
heterozygote advantage
Relative fitness: directional
selection, disruptive selection,
stabilizing selection
Sympatric speciation
Endosymbiotic hypothesis
Biogenesis: protobionts, Oparin,
Miller & Urey
1.A.1 Natural selection is a major mechanism of evolution.
1.A.2 Natural selection acts on phenotypic variations in populations.
1.A.3 Evolutionary change is also driven by genetic drift and artificial selection.
1.A.4 Biological evolution is supported by evidence from many scientific disciplines.
1.B.2 A phylogenetic tree and/or a cladogram is a graphical representation (model) of evolutionary history that can be tested.
1.C.1 Speciation and extinction have occurred throughout the Earth’s history.
1.C.2 Speciation may occur when two populations become reproductively isolated from each other.
1.C.3 Populations of organisms continue to evolve.
1.D.1There are causal models about the origin of life on Earth.
1.D.2 Evidence from many different scientific disciplines supports models of the origin of life.
2.E.1 Timing and coordination of several events are necessary for the normal development of an organism, and these events require regulation by multiple
4.C.1. Variation in molecular units provides cells with a wider range of functions.
4.C.2. Environmental factors influence the expression of the genotype in an organism.
4.C.3. The level of variation in a population affects population dynamics.
I Can……
convert a data set from a table of numbers reflecting a change in the genetic makeup of a population over time and apply
mathematical methods to investigate the cause(s) and effect(s) of this change.
evaluate evidence provided by data /sets/ to qualitatively and quantitatively investigate the role of natural selection in evolution.
use data from a real or simulated population, based on graphs or models of types of selection and apply mathematical methods
to predict what will happen to the population in the future.
evaluate data-based evidence that describe evolutionary changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time.
connect evolutionary changes in a population over time to a change in the genetic variation or make-up of the population.
use data from mathematical computer models based on the HW-equilibrium to analyze genetic drift and artificial selection in the
evolution of specific populations.
make predictions about the effects of genetic drift on the genetic makeup of a population.
evaluate evidence provided by data sets from many scientific disciplines to support biological evolution.
design a plan to collect data from morphology, biochemistry and geology to answer scientific questions regarding how organisms
have changed over time.
connect phenomena across spatial and temporal scales to articulate the claim that biological evidence of evolution is supported
by evidence from many scientific disciplines.
pose scientific questions that identify the essential shared characteristics (derived and primitive) of a group (or groups) of
organisms whose relatedness is described by a phylogenetic tree in order to infer the evolutionary history of the group and to
identify character data that potentially could extend/improves the phylogenetic tree hypothesis.
evaluate evidence provided by a data set in a phylogenetic tree to determine evolutionary history and speciation.
analyze data that demonstrates speciation.
design a plan for collecting data to support the claim that speciation and extinction have occurred throughout life’s history.
justify the selection of a data set from a group of data sets that answers the question ―Does reproductive isolation lead to
describe the speciation in an isolated population and connect it to change in gene frequency, change in environment, natural
selection, and genetic drift.
describe a population that has evolved.
describe scientific models about the origin of life on Earth.
evaluate questions about the scientific theories about the origin of life on earth.
describe the reasons for revisions of scientific theories of the origin of life on earth.
evaluate scientific models about the origin of life on earth.
to justify geologic, physical, and chemical data that supports model construction of early Earth conditions and describe
experiments that produce monomers and polymers of organic molecules.
justify claims with evidence to show that timing and coordination of several events are necessary for normal development in an
organism, and that these events require regulation by multiple mechanisms.
use a graph or diagram to analyze situations or quantitatively or qualitatively solve problems that involve timing and coordination
of events necessary for normal development in an organism.
construct explanations based on evidence how variation in molecular units provides cells with a wider range of functions.
construct explanations of the influence of environmental factors on the phenotype of an organism.
use evidence to justify a claim about the variety of phenotypic responses to environmental factors.
predict the effects of a change in an environmental factor on genotypic and phenotypic expression in a model organism
make claims or predictions about the effects of variation population dynamics using theory and models.