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Biology 20 Chapter 8 Review
1. Functions of the Circulatory system – Name the three functions.
2. Complete this chart:
Take blood away from heart
Are deoxygenated (except one exception –
pulmonary vein)
Have thick walls and high pressure
Have valves
3. Capillaries:
a. The walls are thin to allow exchange of _____________________________.
b. The circular muscles allow _________________ to occur, which helps conserve
heat, as well as ___________________, which helps to cool the body.
4. Put the following parts in order to show how the blood passes through them as it goes
through your heart. (Start with the Inferior and Superior Vena Cava at #1). Indicate at
which point the blood becomes oxygenated.
Aortic Semilunar Valve
Bicuspid Valve
Inferior and Superior Vena Cava
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Pulmonary Artery
Pulmonary Vein
Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Tricuspid Valve
5. The SA node and AV node control your heartbeat by making your _____________ and
________________ contract, respectively. The fibers attached to your ventricles are
called _________________________ fibers.
6. Your first heart sound is caused when blood hits ________________________________,
and the second heart sound is caused when blood hits
7. When measuring blood pressure, the systolic pressure is when your ventricle is
relaxed/contracted (circle one) and the diastolic pressure is when the ventricle is
relaxed/contracted (circle one).
8. The major cause of heart attacks and strokes is
9. Varicose veins occur when the ___________ in the leg veins don’t do their job.
10. What is a shunt?
11. Which type of procedure uses a balloon?
12. The blood is 55% ____________ and 45% ______________.
13. Which are more numerous, red or white blood cells?
14. Which can fit through blood vessels, red or white blood cells?
15. When discussing blood types, which blood types are universal donors/ universal
16. If a person has Type AB blood, which proteins and antibodies do they have?
17. Which is true – an RH- person can receive RH+ blood ……. Or……. An RH+ person
can receive RH- blood?
18. White blood cells can fight infection directly by __________________ and indirectly by
producing _________________.
19. If your white blood cells were an army, which cell would be:
a. The sniper
b. The one passing ammunition to the sniper
c. The lookout
d. The one who waves the white flag
e. The ones producing weapons
20. The smallest wbc is a ________________ and it helps your blood clot.
21. Anemia is a lack of ______________.
22. Hemophilia is when your blood cannot _______________.