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Second Semester Exam June 2014
Chp 7 The Skeleton All the cranial and facial bones of the skull. Be able to identify them on different
views of the skull. The four sutures for the cranial bones; coronal, sagittal, lamboid, and squamous.
Skull Markings. Know how to identify and locate all the five different regions of the vertebral column
and their associated curves, their numbers; (Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx). Know how
to differentiate between the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrate and the different processes and
foramina in them. The Appendicular Skeleton. Pectoral Girdle with Scapula/Clavicle and Bones of arm
and hand; Humerus/Radius/Ulna/Carpals/Metacarpals/Phlanges. Know location and important
markings. Pelvic Girdle Hip (Ilium, Ischium, Pubis) and bones of leg and feet Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals
Metatarsals and Phlanges. And their associated locations and markings.
Chp 11 Nervous System Organization of Nervous System CNS, PNS, ANS, etc. Structure/parts of a
neuron, types of neurons, neuroglia/support cells (oligodendrocytes, microglia etc.) Generating an
action potential (gates, steps; depolarization hyperpolarization etc.) types of synapses axodendritic etc.,
neurotransmitters (inhibitory/excitory/release from axon terminals)
Chp 12 Brain Major structures and their functions (cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, pons, medulla,
hypothalamus etc.) white and grey matter, lobes of cerebral cortex frontal occipital etc. and the related
association areas; visual, motor, pre-motor cortex etc. that go with the cerebral cortex
Chp 15 Special Senses Eye Structures and Functions Ear Structure and Function, and a little bit with
smell and taste, type of receptors chemo/mechano/thermo/photo etc.
Chp 17 Heart/Cardiovascular Chambers and Valves of the heart, blood flow through heart and body,
layers of heart epi/myo/endo, basic heart rate blood pressure, diastole, systole,