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Rob DeBevoise
Study Guide
U.S. History
Chp 1: New World Beginnings
Lake Bonneville- created by glaciers, mineral rich
Land Bridge- connected Siberia to North America
Cahokia- held over 25,000 natives
Maize- corn
Three Sister Farming- makes plants help each other to grow
Matrilineal cultures- women having significant role in society
Norse discovery of America- 1000 AD
L’Anse aux Meadows- where Norse landed
Plantation System- slaves grow crop for master
The Sugar Revolution- led to more sugar in Europe
Taino- society that suffered from diseases
Syphilis- Europeans gave it to natives
Columbian Exchange- trade between New World and Europe
Treaty of Todesillas- Spain secured claim of Columbus’s discovery
Potosi- Spain found lots of gold and silver
Encomieadas- Spain gave natives to colonists to Christianize them
Popes Rebellion- natives killed Catholics
Black legend- Natives believe Spain only caused harm
-95% kill rate of Indians from diseases
-Settlers took already cleared land
Chp 2: The Planting of English America
Newfoundland- first English attempt to settle
Protestant Wind- destroyed Spanish Armada
Charter of the Virginia Company- gave settlers same rights as Englanders
Jamestown- Virginia Company landed here
Captain John Smith- took control of Jamestown
First Anglo- Powhattan War- War on American Indians
Second Powhattan War- Indians attacked settlements
John Rolfe- father of tobacco industry
King Nicotine- tobacco saved south’s economy
House of Burgesses- 1619, first representative government in America
Lord Baltimore- founded Maryland as a safe haven for Catholics
Indentured Servants- more of them came to America when England’s wages were low
Act of Tolerance- gave religious tolerance to all Christians who believed in the trinity
Barbados Slave Code- limited slave’s rights
Carolina- created to grow food
Charlestown- busy port
League of the Iroquois- alliance of tribes
- 1619 slavery was introduced
- Chesapeake area is Maryland + Virginia
Chp 3: Settling the Northern Colonies
Predestination- predetermined to go to heaven or hell (Calvinism)
Puritans- separated from Church of England
Separatists- extremist puritans
Mayflower Compact- agreement to rule by majority
William Bradford- governor of pilgrims
Massachusetts Bay Company- founded by non separatist puritans
Great Migration- 70,000 left England for New World
Anne Hutchinson- argued against Puritan ideas
Roger Williams- founded Rhode Islands
Fundamental Orders- constitution of Connecticut
King Phillip’s War- bloodiest war (by percentage)
New England Confederation- protection against foes
English Navigation Laws- trade only with Britain
Salutary Neglect- allowed colonists to trade freely
New Netherlands- Dutch colony, fur traders
Bread Colonies- Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey
Chp 4: American Life in the 17th Century
Bacon’s Rebellion- against Virginian Governor, Bacon wanted to respond to Indian
Stono Rebellion- African American rebelled
Halfway Covenant- partial rights to non-elect
Salem Witch Hunt- 20 deaths
Leister’s Rebellion- mob placed Jacob Leister in charge
Chp 5: Colonial Society on the Eve of the Revolution
Pennsylvania Dutch- 1/3 of population in colonies
Scots- Irish- came to avoid religious persecution, rabble-rousers
Paxton Boys- wanted stricter policies on Indians
Triangular Trade System- New England: rum  Africa: slaves  West Indies: molasses
Jonathan Edwards- started great Awakening
George Whitefeild- voice of Great Awakening
Great Awakening- revival of spiritual life
University of Pennsylvania- first school without religious affiliations
Ben Franklin- “Poor Richards Almanac”, diplomat in France for Continental Congress
-South Carolina= rice, Virginia= tobacco
-South Carolina is 2/3 black
Chp 6: The Duel for North America
Coureurs De Bois- French fur traders
New Orleans- French fort blocked Spain
Albany Congress- meeting of colonies against England
Battle of Quebec- French ousted from North America
Peace of Paris- 1763, ended French and Indian war
Pontiac’s Rebellion- 1763, tribes banded together against Colonists and British
Proclamation of 1763- Colonists can’t go past Appalachian Mountains
Chp 7: The Road to Revolution
Republicanism- citizens give up some things for common good
Mercantilism- export more than you import
Navigation Law of 1650- colonist trade only with Britain
Royal Veto- king can veto Colonial laws
Stamp Act- raise money for military
Stamp Act Congress of 1765- colonists protest stamp act
Boston Port Act- “Intolerable Acts” closed Boston harbor because of Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress- met in response to Coercive Acts
Articles of Confederation- first constitution adopted after Revolution
Chp 8: America Secedes from the Empire
Second Continental Congress- asked king for fair treatment
Olive Branch Petition- begged Britain for peace
Common Sense- called for independence as a republic, read by tons of people
Republicanism- power from the people
Saratoga- patriots won, gained French support
Treaty of Paris- granted American independence