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Name ____________________________________________ Date: ___________ Block: ___
Each and every cell in our body requires important and life-sustaining nutrients. One of these
nutrients is oxygen- O2. In addition, our cells produce many waste products, including carbon
dioxide- CO2. As a result, our body needs a method to acquire oxygen and eliminate carbon
dioxide. The lungs, and/or the pulmonary system, perform these tasks. The lungs are
actually a network of enclosed air spaces and blood vessels, which culminate in the alveoli
(tiny air sacs) and pulmonary capillaries (tiny blood vessels). It is between these two
structures that the two gases are exchanged; oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the
capillaries and the carbon dioxide diffuses from the capillaries into the alveoli. In this lab we
will measure some data that can be used to help determine the efficacy of the lungs.
Pre-lab Question:
1. Draw arrows and indicate the direction of gas diffusion by labeling the arrows O2 and
Spirometer Procedure:
A spirometer is a medical devise that measures different pulmonary volumes and values.
Follow the procedure below and measure vital capacity, tidal volume, and expiratory
reserve volumes at rest.
Stand while using the spirometer.
Attach the plastic mouthpiece to the nozzle of the spirometer
Rotate dial to “0” reading.
Hold spirometer at base horizontal and still.
DO NOT cover small holes.
5. Pinch nostrils.
6. Blow into mouthpiece.
7. DO NOT INHALE from the spirometer.
Vital Capacity (VC) - the maximum amount of air a person can exhale.
1. Breathe in as deeply as possible, and then exhale into the mouthpiece as fully as
possible. Record this volume as Vital Capacity in Table 1.
Average young adult male - 4600ml
Average young adult female - 3565ml
Tidal Volume (TV) - the amount of air inspired or expired during a single normal breath
2. Breathe normally a few times. Inspire normally and blow a normal exhalation into the
tube. Record this volume as Tidal Volume in Table 1.
Average young adult male - 500ml
Average young adult female - 387ml
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) - the maximum amount of air that can be expelled from
the lungs by exhaling forcefully after taking a normal breath and exhaling.
3. After a normal exhalation, exhale as forcefully and fully as possible into the mouthpiece.
Record this volume as expiratory reserve volume in Table 1.
Average young adult male - 1100ml
Average young adult female - 852ml
Residual Volume (RV) – the amount of air remaining in the lungs after expelling the
maximum amount of air. You cannot measure this with a spirometer so use the average
below. Record this average in Table 1.
Average young adult male - 1200ml
Average young adult female - 930ml
Calculate Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) – the amount of air that can be inhaled in
excess of normal inspiration. Record this value in Table 1.
IRV = VC – (TV + ERV)
Average young adult male - 3000ml
Average young adult female - 2325ml
Calculate Inspiratory Capacity (IC) – the maximum amount of air that can be inhaled
following exhalation of the tidal volume (a normal breath). Record this value in Table 1.
Average - 3500ml
Calculate Total Lung Capacity (TLC): Maximal amount of air contained the lungs can hold.
This is the sum of the four volumes listed above. Record this value in Table 1.
Average - 5800ml
Calculate Functional Residual Capacity (FRV): The amount of air remaining in the lungs
after a normal expiration. Record this value in Table 1.
Average – 2500ml
Table 1:
Lung Volumes
Vital Capacity (ml)
Tidal Volume (ml)
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ml)
Residual Volume (ml)
Inspiratory Reserve Volume (ml)
Inspiratory Capacity (ml)
Total Lung Capacity (ml)
Functional Residual Capacity (ml)
At rest
Record the vital capacity of each member of your lab group. Calculate the lab group's
average vital capacity
Vital Capacity
Graph the data for each individual, the group’s average, and the given averages for
males and females.
1. Pre- Hyperventilation - Measure duration of breath hold while resting and seated
comfortably. (If you feel lightheaded or dizzy during this part of the lab, STOP
immediately and record the data you have up to that point.)
2. While SEATED - inhale and exhale deeply according to a set pace for 30 seconds. At
30 seconds, inhale deeply and hold breath. Measure breath-hold duration. Rest for 5
3. While SEATED - inhale and exhale deeply according to a set pace for 60 seconds. At
60 seconds, inhale deeply and hold breath. Measure breath-hold duration. Rest for 5
4. After 5 minutes of vigorous exercise, measure breath-hold duration, while SEATED.
Inhale deeply and begin breath hold.
Table 2: Breath-hold
Breath-hold time (sec)
30 second hyperventilation
60 second hyperventilation
After exercise
1. Sit quietly for a while, and then to establish your breathing rate, count the number of
times you breathe in 1 minute. This works best if you just relax and have your partner
count your breaths.
2. Calculate your “respiratory minute volume” by multiply your breathing rate by your tidal
volume. Record this data in Table 3.
Minute respiratory volume = tidal volume x breathing rate
3. This value indicates the total volume of air that moves into your respiratory passages
during each minute of ordinary breathing.
4. Use this value to calculate the total volume of air that moves into your respiratory
passages during a 24 hour day of normal breathing.
Table 3: Respiratory Volumes
Minute Respiratory Volume
24-hour Respiratory Volume
1. Build a model lung like the diagram below.
2. Use tape to seal area around the hole where the straw enters the cup.
3. If needed, also use tape to seal the small balloon onto the straw.
1. What happens to the lung balloon when the bottom balloon is pulled downward and why?
2. In your body, what muscles control this action?
3. What happens to the lung balloon when the bottom balloon is pushed upward and why?
4. In your body, what muscles control this action?
5. Draw a diagram of your model lung. Label the parts of your model that represent the lung,
trachea/bronchus, and diaphragm.
6. How does your lab group average vital capacity compare to the give averages?
7. Why might different individuals have different tidal volumes?
8. How might an individual increase their vital capacity?
9. How would an increased vital capacity impact an individual?
10. Explain your breath-hold data. What happened to the time you could hold your breath after
hyperventilating and after exercise and why?
11. What happens to one’s minute respiratory volume when they are older (senior citizen) and
12. Match the description with the correct term by writing the letter in the far left column.
Letter Term
A. Volume in addition to tidal volume that leaves the lungs
reserve volume
during forced expiration
B. Vital capacity plus residual volume
residual volume
C. Volume that remains in lungs after the most forceful
D. Volume that enters or leaves the lungs during a respiratory
reserve volume
cycle (normal breathing)
Residual volume
E. Volume in addition to tidal volume that enters the lungs
during forced inspiration
Tidal volume
F. Maximum volume a person can exhale after taking the
deepest possible breath
Total lung
G. Maximum volume a person can inhale following exhalation
of the tidal volume
Vital capacity
H. Volume of air remaining in the lungs following exhalation of
the tidal volume
Uncontrolled hyperventilation is caused by overexertion, panic, and/or fright. A person breathes in and
out rapidly but the breaths are shallow. Little oxygen gets into the lungs. The person feels they are out of
air. The remedy is to relax and "catch your breath." Underwater the key words are: "Stay calm!" If the
diver starts hyperventilating they must stop what is being done, take deeper breaths, and relax!
Controlled hyperventilation is done to increase the time one may hold their breath underwater. If it is
done to excess it can be very dangerous. In the case of controlled hyperventilation, every bit of air that
can be exhaled is released from the lungs. This lowers the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood stream.
Then a deep breath is taken. This raises the oxygen in the blood. If this is done enough a person will be
able to hold their breath for a much longer time.
There is a sensor in the carotid artery going into the brain. This monitors the level of CO2 in the
blood. If it rises too high the sensor sends a signal to a part of the brain that sets in motion all those
things a person goes through when they are not getting fresh air into the lungs. So, CO2 controls the
breathing rate. There is also an oxygen level sensor in the body, but it is not nearly as effective in
stimulating one to breathe when the oxygen level gets low.
Every time a person consciously hyperventilates they lower the CO2, but only raise the oxygen a
small amount because there is only 21% in the air. If one hyperventilates 4 or more times there is the
chance the CO2 level gets so low that a person can hold their breath to the point of blacking out. What
happens is, the CO2 level never climbs back to the point to tell the breath-holder they must breathe
before the oxygen level drops to a point the brain causes a blackout. Swimmers trying to go long
distances underwater while holding their breath after excessive hyperventilation have blacked out and
continued to swim, only to crash into the end of the pool. The part of the brain causing the blackout is in
the cerebrum. The swimming coordination is controlled by the cerebellum which continues to function
after the blackout.