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-Natalie Putka
• Energy is the ability to do work.
• There are all different types of energy.
• Energy can not be created nor destroyed.
Potential Energy
• Potential energy is stored energy
• For example if you pull back a bowling ball
that is potential energy.
Kinetic Energy
• Kinetic energy is moving energy.
• For example when you let a bowling ball go
that is kinetic energy.
Mechanical Energy
• Mechanical energy is motion energy.
• When you have to move for something's
purpose to work.
Light Energy
• Light energy is when an object provides light.
Sound Energy
• Sound energy is when an object makes noise.
Electrical Energy
• Electrical energy is when something that has
to be plugged in or turned on.
Thermal Energy
• Thermal energy is heat energy.
• Thermal energy is when an object is hot.
• Thermal energy moves in three ways
conduction, convection, radiation.
Chemical Energy
• Chemical energy is when an object has
chemicals in it or that uses batteries.
• The heat form conduction is when you have to
touch something to feel the heat.
• Conduction is also heat moving through a
solid object.
• Convection is the transfer of heat by a moving
gas or liquid.
• Radiation is heat moving through space as
energy waves.