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Animal and Plant Cells: Organelles
All living things are made up of cells and these cells are made up of different parts. The
parts are called organelles. Organelles are structures that are scattered throughout the
cytoplasm of the cell and carry out the activities that keep the cell alive. Plant and animal
cells have many of the same organelles, but they also have some major differences.
These different cellular structures have a huge impact on how these different living things go
about the business of life.
Animal Cell
Cell Membrane: encloses cell and acts like a gatekeeper regulating what goes in and out.
Cytoplasm: a gel-like fluid that takes up most of the space inside the cell. Mostly H20.
Nucleus: Control center of the cell, that holds the cell’s chromosomes. Chromosomes are
made of DNA and hold the cell’s genes (inside is nucleolus that makes ribosomes).
Vesicles: storage containers of the cells. Store wastes and other substances temporarily.
Mitochondria: power house of the cell. Uses O2 to transform energy in food to a form that
the cell can use.
Endoplasmic Reticulum: internal delivery system for the cell. Rough ER works together
with ribosomes to make proteins and lipids. Smooth ER transports things.
Ribosomes: protein producers. Very small organelles that work with the endoplasmic reticulum to make proteins using DNA as the blueprints.
Golgi Bodies: package products made by the ER and distribute them around the cell and
to the outside of the cell.
Lysosome: small vesicles that contain digestive chemicals to break down food for the cell.
Plant Cell
Cell Wall: outer barrier that provides extra support to the cell and gives it a shape.
Mostly cellulose, which is the main fiber in wood and paper
Cell membrane: encloses cell, gatekeeper controls what goes in and out
Cytoplasm: gel-like fluid filling much of the cell
Nucleus: control center where DNA is found (inside is nucleolus that makes ribosomes)
Chloroplast: Food-making structure that contains the pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll
uses sunlight energy to do photosynthesis
Mitochondria: powerhouse of the cell where cellular respiration occurs
Endoplasmic Reticulum: Internal delivery system. (RER + SER)
Ribosomes: protein factories using DNA for the blueprint
Golgi Bodies: makes cellulose for the cell wall and packages materials in the cell
Vacuole: storage structure for the cell storing mostly mostly water and help the cell
maintain its shape.
Lysosomes: digestive organelles
Bacteria Cell
DNA: No nucleus, circular DNA or RNA
Cell Wall: outer protection and shape.
Cell membrane: encloses cell, gatekeeper
Cytoplasm: gel-like fluid filling much of the cell
Ribosomes: protein factories