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European History
January 23-27-2017
 Don't get confused below: for Monday 3rd and 4th Period will be on separate
assignments but both will quiz on Tuesday (see below)
 The Communist Manifesto book review will be due February 3rd but be aware that
you will have other assignments to complete so do not procrastinate!
 We will be moving into chapter 22 in your textbook without a discussion of the
Revolution in the German states. I prefer to discuss this with German unification a
little later on. At the end of the week you will need your textbook on both Thursday
and Friday
MONDAY (Period 3)
Examine the Congress of Vienna and the resurgence of conservatism in the early 19 th century.
 Well, as you remember we dispatched Napoleon to St. Helena never to deal with him again.
However, the major powers were left with the fallout of 10 years. The French Revolutionary Wars
and Napoleonic Wars left a scar not just on the landscape of Europe but upon the collective
psyche of conservative powers (deep huh?).
 Liberalism and nationalism will become the most powerful forces of the 19th century. Both will be
feared by conservative regimes because they do not subscribe to all liberal values and most of the
conservative empires rule over multi-national and sometimes multi-ethnic peoples. Therefore
nationalist movements would lead to diminished power (think about the Austrian and Ottoman
Empires here). By mid century these two will have also blended together and were reflected in
cultural movement known as Romanticism. Finally also by mid-century a new and powerful force
makes it appearance; socialism.
 The major powers had come to Vienna to discuss not only a peace treaty but a way to establish a
lasting balance of power structure for the future. After the 100 Days interruption of Napoleon’s
return from Elba in 1814 the Congress of Vienna reconvened but tensions developed over a
number of issues. Britain’s representative would ultimately leave the meeting believing that it had
failed. However, the Concert of Vienna did craft a congress system that helped stop any major
wars until WWI (The Crimean War will ultimate cause the breakup of the Congress System in
France after Napoleon
Once Napoleon was finally defeated, French royalists returned the Bourbon Monarchy to the
throne and, similar to the English Restoration and Glorious Revolution, now the French monarchs
knew that they would always be a constitutional monarchy.
Louis XVIII was old and in generally poor health when he ascended the throne. Though his reign
was not contentious as might have been expected, future Queen Victoria said of him, “Louis
XVIII was a clever, hard-hearted man, shackled by no principle, very proud and false.” His reign
was not as embattled as the leaders that would follow. Louis XVIII was the last French monarch
to die while reigning. All of the others would be overthrown.
The Charter of 1814 was the new constitution. Catholicism was once again proclaimed the official
religion of France. To be eligible for election to the Chamber of Deputies, one had to pay over
1,000 francs per year in tax, and be over the age of forty. The King appointed peers to the
Chamber of Peers on a hereditary basis, or for life at his discretion (similar to the House of Lords
in Britain). There were 90,000 citizens eligible to vote, far below the number that had existed
under the French Revolution and Napoleon’s reign.
One of the key issues that did cause problems for Louis XVIII was the growing divisiveness of
factions within the government. Though he was obviously royal, he tended to support the
centrists, a moderate group. However, a more conservative faction generally known as the “ultras”
were growing. Their goal was to return France to most of pre-revolutionary values.
The Congress of Vienna and the Holy Alliance forms 1814-1815
In Vienna Prince Clemens von Metternich was the primary architect of the Congress System and
masterfully crafted a balance of power structure
Czar Alexander I of Russia represented his kingdom at the meeting (though he had his advisor Nesselrode
with him) and was constantly voicing support for a more conservative Europe that would guarantee that the
liberalism that he believed caused Napoleon’s rise, must be controlled.
The British representative was Foreign Secretary Lord Castleraegh. He was constantly worried that the
meetings were not staying on task and realized that the czar was perhaps pushing conservativism too far.
He left the meeting and committed suicide and was replaced by Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington
For Prussia a series of negotiators were involved but like Czar Alexander I, Kaiser Frederick William III
was also there
France was represented by Foreign Minister Lord Tallyrand.
One of the most important aspects of the meeting was the decision to not severely punish France for the
war. The fact that France now had a king again probably had some role to play in the far treatment. While
France did lose some land, it became more important to let France retain its power as a player in
international politics and as a weapon of conservatism.
Important Decisions
There were serious disputes at the meeting. One of the most critical was the future of Poland and Saxony.
Of course Poland had been partitioned between Austria, Prussia, and Russia but Napoleon had returned
some level of sovereignty called the Duchy of Warsaw. Saxony, a land taken by Prussia but returned to
Austria, was now more of a bone of contention because the new French king held estates there.
Russia believed in keeping the Duchy of Warsaw but wanted to control it. Czar Alexander I would be the
new Polish King. Alexander I received support for this from Prussia in exchange for Russians assurances to
get Saxony from Austria.
Austria did not want to lose Saxony and was supported in this by Britain who feared a much stronger
Russia (who might one day cause problems for the “line of communication” to India)
Tallyrand shrewdly stepped in offering a secret treaty with Britain to join them in a war over Poland if
Russia and Prussia became aggressive. (an interesting historical note is that this was the ultimate situation
that occurred when WWII started September 1st 1939) then “leaked this” at the Congress. It had the desired
effect. Russia backed off but a smaller Poland was created under a “congress” all knew that the Russia was
still the major player in the region. They will later essentially take it over.
Another problem at the meeting was a growing German nationalist movement. This was a direct result of
Napoleon’s influence and will be discussed in great detail later this week. He had supported German
unification and had created the pro-French Confederation of the Rhine led principally by Bavaria. This was
a direct threat to Austria because technically they still controlled the Germanic States (now 39 of them).
Also, they feared any strengthening of Prussia because they were a rallying point for German nationalists
who saw Frederick William III as a potential king of a united Germany. More on this later. Instead of an
independent Germany, a loose German confederation was inaugurated with Austria as the so-called leader.
The Holy Alliance 1815
 Though the Holy Alliance professed to export the Solemn Ideas of Christianity, it also was
something of a declaration of war on liberalism and nationalism. They reaffirmed a concept of
divine right, “the three allied Princes looking on themselves as merely designated by Providence
to govern three branches of the one family, namely, Austria, Prussia, and Russia.” This later
included France.
 By 1820 the Holy Alliance showed its true intent. The Protocol of Troppau , promulgated by
Metternich, consecrated the right of the great powers to intervene in the internal affairs of other
states where revolution may threaten their rule or interests. Among the European powers, only
Great Britain took objection to this principle and refused to abide by it. The text follows.
"States which have undergone a change of Government due to revolution, the results of
which threaten other states, ipso facto cease to be members of the European Alliance, and
remain excluded from it until their situation gives guarantees for legal order and stability.
If, owing to such alternations, immediate danger threatens other states, the Powers bind
themselves, by peaceful means, or if need be by arms, to bring back the guilty state into
the bosom of the Great Alliance."
The Protocol of Troppau committed the above to use military force if necessary to halt nationalism
and liberalism because both forces were seen as revolutionary at the time. This was a key turning
point. It is similar to the current “war on terrorism” in that the Holy Alliance (like the US and
Britain) have declared war on an ideology rather than simply a government. This marks a major
shift in both wars and politics and will be completely evident in the early 20 th century.
A Key example of this was when German nationalists protested for a united Germany under the
German Kaiser Frederick William III. Metternich responded with the Carlsbad Decrees that
escalated pressure on German revolutionaries and the governments that may have been supporting
them. (More on this later)
Britain refused to join the Holy Alliance for several reasons. First, Britain was already more
liberal than any of the alliance members and as a result, could not in good conscious attack others. Second,
King George IV rightly assumed that such an alliance would commit Britain to military interventions. The
Holy Alliance seemed poised to return conservatism to Spain and the worry was where or not that this
would include the newly independent Latin American nations such as Bolivia and Argentina (and others). It
is at this juncture that Lord Canning, the new head of the Foreign office and later PM, reaches out to the
U.S. about the possibility of forming an alliance to stop the potential threat of the Holy Alliance. While the
U.S. refused this alliance secret negotiations and commitment of similar goals formed the cornerstone of
the Monroe Doctrine 1823.This committed the US and Britain to what came to be known as a “special
relationship.” While there were many bumps in the road thereafter, generally the Anglo-American
relationship remained strong.
Study the web notes and class notes for a quiz on Tuesday. This will cover both Romanticism and the
Conservative Resurgence (short answer format)
MONDAY (Period 4)
Analyze primary sources on the Romanticism and Revolution
primary source documents
Strategy/ Format
Analyze source-close text reading
Introduction and Instructions
 As we have seen, the post-Napoleonic era was rife with political turmoil between conservatives and the
liberal nationalists (plus a smattering of socialists). Today we will use some primary and secondary sources
to examine the wave of revolutions that erupted in the 1820s-1830s. On Wednesday we will go into more
details about the 1830July Revolution in France but for now a few primary sources will suffice.
 Simply read the primary sources and answer a few guided questions on the topic. This is not a group
project and it is due today!
Homework for Tuesday Night
Study the web notes and class notes for a quiz on Tuesday. This will cover both Romanticism and the Conservative
Resurgence (short answer format)
TUESDAY (Both Classes)
Assessment: Romanticism and the Conservative Resurgence
quiz forms
Assessment and review
This is a short answer format quiz covering the two major topics of the new unit Romanticism and the Conservative
Resurgence of, what I like to call "The Empire Strikes Back"
You will need your own paper for this assignment and it should
likely take most of the class period.
 Examine the causes and effects of the 1830 and 1848
French Revolutions (PP-10)(SP-4)
Analyze primary sources
ppt and video (Les Mis)
source analysis
 As we mentioned yesterday with our discussion of Romanticism, mid-late 19th century Europe was
characterized by a wave of liberal nationalism that impacted many European nations. Unleashed by the
Enlightenment and Napoleonic Wars. We saw that Britain like other nations was impacted by the process
and, after a flirtation with ultra-conservatism moved more towards liberalism avoiding revolution (The Sic
Acts and Peterloo Massacre culminating in the Great Reform Bill 1839). However, on the continent matters
were different. Without most vestiges of liberal government, the people turned toward revolution (much of
it captured in the work of Romantic writers and artists). The revolutions fall into two categories: liberal and
nationalist covering a period from 1820-1848. A few of the revolutions fall into both categories (like
Belgium and Germany among others)
 Well, as we saw following Napoleon's defeat the Congress of Vienna reinstalled the Bourbon Monarchy of
Louis XVIII to rule France. While it was a monarchy it was far from absolutist (only Russia could truly be
called that by this era). There was a bicameral assembly but qualifications were very narrow (property and
age 40+ to serve). And, only a few thousands of eligible voters for a nation of several million.
 While Louis XVIII was never terribly popular he did understand that he had to rule with some measure of
consent of the people. Nearing the end of his life and in failing health he the King opposed the extreme
conservative views of a group known as the Ultras of the who were determined to wipe out every vestige of
the Revolution, and he dissolved the parliament in September 1816. After 1820, however, the ultras
exercised increasing control and thwarted most of Louis’s attempts to heal the wounds of the Revolution.
At Louis XVIII death in 1824 he was succeeded by his brother, the Count d’Artois, who now ruled as
Charles X.
 There was little doubt that now as king Charles X and his Ultras would attempt to not only overthrow Louis
XVIII slightly more liberal Chart constitution but perhaps restore absolutism itself. Consequently his first
move was to restore power to the most reactionary elements in French society. The power of the Catholic
Church was to be restored and there was some hint that lost lands (1792) would be restored. One of the first
signs of discontent was when Because of what it perceived to be growing, relentless, and increasingly
vitriolic criticism of both the government and the Church, the government of Charles X introduced into the
Chamber of Deputies a proposal for a law tightening censorship, especially in regard to the newspapers.
The Chamber, for its part, objected so violently that the humiliated government had no choice but to
withdraw its proposals.
 The monarchy was now faced with a shock. Though citizenship was extremely narrow, the new July
elections saw the defeat of many conservatives. Not content to stand for this Charles X directed his Prime
Minister pass the July Ordinances which would have effectively disbanded the Chamber of Deputies. This
coupled with his adventurism in Algeria (that took longer than expected to subdue tribesman) resulted in a
sweep of popular uprisings.
"The Three Glorious Days" of 1830
 As the name implies as series of rising tensions against the monarchy started with a police attack against a
newspaper known for its criticism of the monarchy stoked tensions. One the first day the King sent troops
into Paris to protect key facilities like the Tuileries Palace. The evening turned violent after the crowds
began pummeling the troops who fired upon the crown killing 21 people. Another big turning point came
on the second day when members of the Royal Guard within the city began to desert their posts. Not only
was this symbolically important but the desertions reduced the number of troops in the city center. A
committee of liberal politicians and businessmen hoped for a cease-fire asking for the end of the July
Ordinances. By the 3rd day the situation was far more desperate than the king had been led to believe. The
révoltés were well organized and very well armed. In only a day and a night over 4,000 barricades had been
thrown up throughout the city. The tricolor flag of the revolutionaries – the "people's flag" – flew over
buildings, an increasing number of them important buildings.
 The turning point on the 3rd day was a small pitched battle that erupted around the Hotel de Ville, the HQ
of the rebels. The king's Swiss Guards had originally been ordered not to fire upon the crowd by the king's
main general, Marmont. This is not that surprising b/c he was a liberal who, only out of a sense of duty
obeyed the king at all. The Swiss Guards, seeing the crowd swell, retreated. A few hours later, politicians
entered the battered complex and set about establishing a provisional government. Though there would be
spots of fighting throughout the city for the next few days, the revolution, for all intents and purposes, was
over as a settlement was sought. Then came the news that the king and his son had abdicated and the brief
Orleans Dynasty was over.
The 1848 French Revolution
 The 1848 Revolution had its origins in the incomplete reforms of 1830. During these times France was yet
a monarchy under Louis Philippe but with his "Liberal" monarchy having few real supporters. Elections
were held on the basis of quite limited suffrage, many felt excluded from any possibility of gaining wealth,
and others felt that his "Bourgeois and Liberal" monarchy compared unfavorably with earlier, "Glorious",
eras of French Monarchy or Empire. Many persons in France were also alienated by a series of 'reactionary'
foreign policy positions being adopted by Guizot as prime minister to Louis Philippe. Similarly to 1788-89
the economy was an issue plaguing France. Additionally what you might call the "misery index" was a
problem as severe winters hurt harvests.
 The Spark that ignited the revolution came on January 14, 1848 the authorities banned a "banquet", one of a
series that had intermittently been held by 'liberal' interests after July 1847 in Paris, and subsequently
widely across France, in protest at such things as limitations on the right of assembly and the narrow scope
of the political franchise, with the result that the it was postponed by its organizers. There was actually a
law in place requiring official permission for any meeting to be attended by more than six persons.
 The government agreed to allow the postponed banquet to reconvene. The postponed banquet, now set for
the 22nd February, was banned by the authorities at the last minute and there were some serious
disturbances on the Paris streets on the 22nd and on 23rd February which featured the building of some
formidable barricades by groups of protesting citizens. If you are a fan of Les Miserables then you saw
these barricades play a prominent role. There were instances of units of the civilian National Guard that had
been deployed by the authorities refusing to act to contain the protest.
 More serious turnings of events followed however - there was a number of fatalities and serious injuries
after a group of soldiers fired their weapons directly into a crowd, (allegedly in a period of confusion after
the accidental discharge of one of the soldiers firearms), on the morning of the 23rd of February. Protestors
subsequently threw up a large number of barricades in several areas of the city chopping down thousands of
trees and tearing up hundreds of thousands of paving stones in the process. There further widespread
instances of members of the citizen National Guard siding with the protesters against the government's
 Louis Phillippe agreed to abdicate in favor of his grandson. Although Louis Phillippe had sought to
abdicate in this was not fully communicated to the Chamber of Deputies. The mother of this young Duke
brought her sons to the Chamber of Deputies seeking the acceptance of the Duke of Orleans as the next
King of France. This seemed to be on the verge of unanimous acceptance but events took a different course
after an armed and determined looking crowd composed of national guards, workers and students burst into
the parliamentary chamber.
The 1848 revolution was also important for another reason. In 1848 socialism was a growing ideology in
France (more on this next unit). For the urban working class of Paris and other major cities, liberalism was
not an alternative to conservatism because it stressed capitalism and private property. It had worked with
the conservatives to suppress early labor movements. This bread a radicalism that would one day lead to
socialism and more critically Marxist communism. In fact, the government formed following the worst part
of the revolt included Louis Blanc, an early advocate of socialism.
The new provisional government revealed the stresses incidental to this divergence of ideals and outlook
between Republicans and Liberals on the one hand and Socialists on the other nevertheless resulted in a
compromise resolution where a red rosette was to be added to the standard carrying the tri-color and where
figures of authority would take it upon themselves to wear red rosettes.
A system of "National Workshops" was instituted on 26 February in relation to this guarantee of "labor to
every citizen". On 28 February, Louis Blanc, became the chairman of a Commission of Labor.
Freedom of speech, association and assembly were proclaimed. Some political prisoners were released.
On 2 March the Commission of Labor reduced the working day in Paris from 11 to 10 hours, and from 12
to 11 hours in the provinces. It was accepted, also on 2 March and in fulfillment of one of the key demands
of the Banquet Campaign, that future elections would be based on universal adult (male) suffrage - a
concession which recognized some nine million persons as being competent electors (compared to the
250,000 previously recognized voters under the previously much more restrictive rules suffrage).
On 5 March it was agreed that elections to be held on 9 April would return delegates who would more fully
decide the future direction of the governance of France.
In the long run the formation of the Second French Republic and briefly led by poet and writer Alphonse
Le Martine was too wracked by factions and differences to be effective. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte would
finally become the head of state but then in 1852 overthrow that government and establish the Second
French Empire and rename himself Emperor Napoleon III.
Complete the following for bell work in class on WEDNESDAY Night
Read the following link on the Greek Revolution of 1821. Start at the section Revolutionary influences
Complete for THURSDAY Night
Read the following link on the Belgian Revolution for bell work
FRIDAY (textbook needed)
Bell work on the Belgium Revolution
Analyze primary and secondary sources on the Emerging Urban society (La Belle Epoche)
Textbook and guided questions
Guided questions, close text reading, docs analysis
 Starting today we will complete a guided research packet on the development of the middle class across
Europe. In France this is the start of a period known as "La Belle Epoche" when the middle class rose in the
post revolutionary France but also saw a period of relative prosperity across the continent.
 Also in this period we see important social and cultural advancements across the continent.
Weekend Homework
Complete class guided reading if necessary
The Communist Manifesto is due on Friday February 3rd so be ready