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ESRI maps limitations
Markers moved from their actual position after changing selection in attribute selector
Case scenario
ESRI maps widget is targeted by a few selectors. Each time users change the attribute element in the selector,
bubble markers are moved from their actual location. They go back to their actual location on the map after changing
the zooming.
Before changing the selection:
After changing the selection:
This is a known issue with MicroStrategy 9.4.1.
Map zooming on a part of a country after reprompting
Case scenario
Dashboard with ESRI maps widget is prompted by a few attributes. For some selections, zoom setting is so high that
you can see only a part of the country. Users tried saving the dashboard with zooming settings so that whole country
is visible, but after running the dashboard again, there was no change saved.
This is a known issue with MicroStrategy 9.4.1.
Widget settings reset every time widget properties are open
Case scenario
Each time the user edits the widget settings for the ESRI map, the latitude and longitude settings are reset.
This is a known issue described in TN 46933.
Sorting in info window does not work on ESRI Maps
Case scenario
Sorting in the information window on ESRI maps does not work properly.
This is a defect.
Rendering areas takes a lot of time
Case scenario
Dashboard with areas and zip codes takes a long time to load. Users have already limited the data but the dashboard
renders much longer compared to loading with data markers. If more data is used, then it will not load at all.
This issue is a known performance issue.
The only workaround currently is to focus only on a few areas by zooming in. The future MSTR release will not
directly address this performance concern but instead display a message to the users prompting them to zoom in and
focus only on few areas.
No layers in Cloud based ESRI maps
Case scenario
It is not possible to have multiple datasets for ESRI maps and be able to use various layers on the same map widget.
The ability to have layers in an ESRI map is only available if you have the ESRI on premises solution. Additionally,
this feature is available only in DHTML mode so the layers are available neither in Flash mode nor in Visual Insight.
This information can be found in the ESRI manual:
Instead of having two datasets you can have one dataset and then, for example, have the State or Zip Code plotted
as an area and the latitude and longitude attributes plotted as bubbles.
ESRI maps do not work offline
Case scenario
It is not possible to enable ESRI maps to work offline, if we export a map to Flash.
Exporting ESRI maps to PDF or MHT files is not available at this moment.
No possibility to cache maps
Case scenario
A map automatically loads with all zip codes. Users can choose multiple zip codes via search box selector. When
users want to come back to 'All Zip Codes' view, it takes a really long time. It is not possible to cache ESRI Map.
It will not be possible to cache the map data as cache is handled by the browser (not by MicroStrategy) and all the
queries to ESRI are not necessarily the same (so a different cache would be created).
Map with areas does not retain initial white borders when the metric selector is changed
Case scenario
When users change a metric using ESRI maps metric selector, the Zip Code white borders disappear. Changing back
to previous metric, users still cannot see Zip Code borders. It looks like users can only see them when the map is
loaded for the first time. Users tried to set white borders for areas in thresholds but it did not work - in Editable Mode
the areas have the white borders, however when they switch to the Map View (Flash Mode) it is still the same.
Use a standalone metric selector and not the built in.
10. No possibility of formatting image markers on ESRI Maps
Case scenario
Users cannot format image markers (by default diamonds with white borders). Users would like to have all image
markers in another color or black borders for all of them. Additionally, as there are also areas on the map, users
would like to keep formatting of the areas (currently applied in thresholds). It is possible to apply images in thresholds
but using this option, the image markers are disproportionally big (their size as pictures in .PNG format does not
This functionality is not available in MicroStrategy at the moment.
Helpful technotes
TN204884: An ESRI map with areas displays as an empty map in MicroStrategy Web 9.4.1 HF5
TN210826 How to determine the ESRI name conventions when plotting maps with areas in an ESRI Widget in MicroStrategy
9.4.1 HF6
TN214827: Markers on Visual Insight ESRI map appear on incorrect locations after changing a filter in MicroStrategy Web 9.4.1
Hotfix 6
TN34705: How to deploy and use ESRI map in MicroStrategy Web 9.0.2
TN43912: Google and ESRI Maps support multiple dataset for plotting data on the map layer in MicroStrategy Web 9.3.1.
TN45324: What are the prerequisites to use the ESRI Map Widget with the ESRI sample server in MicroStrategy Web 9.4.0 or
earlier versions
TN46614: Summary of ESRI and Google Map integration feature list in MicroStrategy Analytics Enterprise 9.4.1 Hotfix 2 and
TN46933: ESRI properties are reset everytime the widget properties dialog is open in MicroStrategy Web 9.4.1 HF2
TN47413: Geo Attributes do not display in tooltips for ESRI maps in Visual Insight for MicroStrategy Web 9.4.1 Hotfix 2
TN47442: How to create Custom Shapes for ESRI Maps in MicroStrategy Web 9.4.1 HF3