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6th Grade Science Test 1
Chapter 1 (1.1-1.4)
1. Photosynthesis is the chemical process by which a plant produces food.
2. Tropism is any growth response of a plant to a condition in its environment.
3. The transfer of pollen from the stamen to the pistil is called pollination.
4. The process in which an egg stored inside an ovule unites with a sperm cell from a grain of
5. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives a plant its green color.
6. Bract is a colorful leaf surrounding certain flowers such as the dogwood and poinsettia.
7. The pitcher plant has the bright colors and honey-scented nectar of this plant lure the insects
that drown in its leaves.
8. The bladderwort is an underwater plant with hollow bladderlike leaves filled with water that
are used to trap insects.
9. The plant with hinged leaves that close shut like the jaws of a steel trap is called a Venusflytrap.
10. Sundew is the sticky, glistening dew drops on this plant are the bait that attracts insects.
11. The root cap is the layer of thick, protective cells at the tip of the root.
12. An especially large vein running up the middle of many leaves is a midrib.
13. Cuticle is the waxy substance that coats the leaf.
14. The part of the plant that grows below the ground is called the root system.
15. Stomata are the pores on the underside of a leaf.
16. Plants store sugar in their roots in the form of starch.
17. The guard cells are the structures that allow the stomata to open and close.
18. “Packages” of chlorophyll found in leaf cells are called chloroplasts.
19. The tough, fibrous material used to form the cell walls of plants is called cellulose.
20. A particularly deep main root is a(n) taproot.
21. The part of the seed that is a miniature undeveloped plant is the embryo.
22. The noticeable part of the flower that attracts bees is the petal.
23. Geotropism is a plant’s response to gravity.
24. A botanist studies plants.
25. Wheat, rice and corn are examples of cereal grasses.
26. The shoot system is the part of the plant that is above ground.
27. Spanish moss is a type of epiphyte.
28. The ovary of the plant develops into the fruit.
29. The main function of the leaf is to make food for the plant.
30. The main function of the roots is to absorb water and minerals from the ground.
31. An underground storehouse made with layers of thick, fleshly leaves that surround a very
short stem is a bulb.
32. A seed that is alive but inactive is dormant.
33. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of the plant.
34. In order for a seed to sprout, both moisture and warmth are needed.
35. Be able to identify the name of each flower part:
a. Sepal
d. petal
b. pistil
e. ovule
c. stamen
f. ovary
36. Be able to write the name of each family described below:
a. Lily family
d. Rose family
b. Pea family
e. Composite family
c. Grass family