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Review for Test on Evolution
Key Terms: (These
Natural Selection
Artificial Selection
Sexual Selection
are some of the terms
Gene Pool
Gene Flow
Genetic Equilibrium
Genetic Bottleneck
Genetic Drift
Founder Effect
Reproductive Isolation
we covered in this unit.)
Allopatric Speciation
Sympatric Speciation
Adaptive Radiation
Convergent Evolution
Divergent Evolution
Co Evolution
You should know/be able to …
1. The key factors that affect the evolutionary process (ex genetic
mutations, selective pressure, environment).
2. Explain the theory of evolution is and the mechanisms that drive the
process of biological change over time.
3. Explain the processes of adaptation of organisms to their environment
(ex beneficial adaptations allow an organism to survive and are passed on to
the next generation)
4. What speciation means. Define the term and explain the processes by
which new species are formed.
5. Describe some evolutionary mechanisms – both selective and by chance (ex
natural selection, artificial selection, sexual selection, genetic variation,
genetic drift, genetic bottleneck, founder effect)
6. Describe the contributions of James Hutton, Charles Lyell, Jean-Baptiste
Lamark, Thomas Malthus and Charles Darwin to the theory of evolution.
Sample Short Answer Questions:
1. Explain the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.
2. Provide a piece of evidence that suggests that whales and humans evolved
from a common ancestor.
3. Complete the table to show the contributions of each scientist to the
theory of evolution
James Hutton
Charles Lyell
Jean-Baptiste Lamark
Thomas Malthus
Charles Darwin
4. Compare and contrast genetic bottleneck and founder effect using an
example from class.
5. Illustrate the process of genetic drift using an example of a circumstance
in which it occurs.
6. How does allopatric speciation prevent a beneficial mutation arising in one
population from being shared with another population?
7. Explain how Darwin’s finches are a good example of adaptive radiation and
divergent evolution.