Download Realism vs. Liberalism: Which theory best explains the current world

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Realism vs. Liberalism:
Which theory best explains the current world affairs?
Aikerim Daurenbayeva
Realism vs. Liberalism
Laying out the basics
 Realism: The
traditional path that emphasizes the centrality of
the state on the world stage and the pursuit of national selfinterest above all else.
 Liberalism: The
alternative path that emphasizes a more
cooperative, globalist approach and the important role nonstate actors and instituions representing individuals or groups
interests on the world stage.
Realism and the Nature of Politics
Influence of Thomas Hobbes and Hans Morgenthau: Conflict is
Largely pessimistic: Humans are aggressive and self-serving, and
they are unlikely to change
Liberalism and the Nature of Politics
Influence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Humans join civil
societies and cooperate to achieve mutual benefits.
Human beings are not always evil and can learn
The Roles of Power and Principles:
Realism–an emphasis on power
 Power-based perspective–survival of the most powerful
Emphasizes pragmatic, self-help policy prescriptions
‘Might makes right’
Liberalism–an emphasis on principles
 Based on cooperative and ethical standards
 Seeks to create policy norms of justice and peace
Prospects for Competition and Cooperation
Realism–realpolitik approach
 Place national interest first in international politics
 Practice balance-of-power politics
 Achieve peace through strength
Liberalism–globalist approach
 Power is not the essence of international relations
 Power politics is futile and destructive
 Peace is achieved through cooperative relations
 Willingness to surrender some sovereignty to international structures promoting
Assessing Reality: Realism and Liberalism
Comparing the ability of realism or liberalism to explain world
Both realism and liberalism influence current policy
Competition has dominated world history
Realpolitik is the order of the day
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