Download Muscles Worksheet Muscle Tissues

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Muscles Worksheet
Muscle Tissues
1. All muscle cells are called ____________________.
2. The three types of muscle tissue are:
3. Muscles that move bones are called ___________________ because they are under conscious
control; all other muscle tissue is called ___________________because it cannot be consciously
4. The connective tissue around each muscle fiber bundle has a ______________ and
____________ connected to it.
A ____________________connects muscle to bone. Bones are connected to each other by
___________ and _____________ protects bone from rubbing together and causing damage.
All types of muscle tissue produce movement; skeletal muscle also maintains body
___________________ and stabilizes _____________________.
Skeletal Muscle Activity
Label the diagram.
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
1. The plasma membrane of muscle cells is called the ____________________.
2. The ____________________, with alternating bands, make the cells look striated.
3. The threadlike proteins that cause contraction are the thick, or __________ filaments and the
thin, or __________ filaments. The _____________________ is specialized endoplasmic
reticulum; its role is to store and release ____________________ to trigger contraction.
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