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Stem Cells and Cancer
What are stem Cells?
 Cells that can develop into many different types of
cells - differentiation
 Cells that can multiply as they go through the cell
cycle and divide
Every cell “stems” from this type of cell
Stem cells lie dormant in many of your tissues and can
spring to life to renew, repair organs in case of cell
death or injury
Types of Stem Cells
Totipotent: Embryonic cells that can become any
cell in body (Toti= total potential)
2. Pluripotent: 7 days after fertilization- fetal stage.
Cells can become almost any cell in the body
(Pluri = more)
3. Multipotent: Umbilical cord and many adult
stem cells can develop into many types of cells
(range is limited) Ex: Bone marrow cells
Let’s review
Potentials of Stem Cell research
 To cure diseases and/or
to replace repair
damaged tissue or organs
by rewiring existing stem
cells or transplanting
stem cells
Ex Parkinson’s disease
 Best type of stem cells for
Ethical, Legal and Social of Stem Cell research
 Is it morally right to work with embryos left over
from IVF – What is it to become human?
 Should this type of research be under a legal watch
dog? What are the potentials of illegal/inhumane
 How will this effect society as a whole?
How has this worked to date?
 Leukemia can be treated with adult bone marrow
cells and rates of cure are high
 Umbilical cord blood cells have the potential to cure
diabetes, heart brain and other tissues
 Retinal stem cells to cure blindness
 New Organs?
What is Cancer?
 Normal cells know when to divide and when to stop cell
When cells divide out of control they may become a mass
of cells called tumor
Tumors are benign – cells stay in original tissue and
often do not cause harm
or malignant – cells break away and spread to different
parts of the body
Cancer results when the mass of cells interfere with the
normal function of the organ or body as a result of
uncontrolled cell division
How does one get cancer?
Genetic mutation that is hereditary or a result of mutation
caused by environmental factors (carcinogen)
Most cancers are a combination of both
Ex: skin cancer is related to UV exposure and family tree
Breast Cancer/Prostrate: hereditary and environment
Lung cancer – mutations in lung tissue due to tar in
Also: excessive radiation, car exhausts, asbestos, arsenic,
excessive alcohol
 Surgery
 Radiation therapy – use of radioactive elements to
target the cancer cells and destroy them
 Chemotherapy – use of drugs to target the cancer
cells ex. Drugs that do not allow spindle fibers to
form or not allow them to function.
 How will this effect other cells?
 Why are some side effects of cancer therapy hair loss,
nausea and weakness?