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Listening/Viewing Note-taking Guide
The Power of Myth: The Hero’s Adventure with Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers –
30 class participation points
Myth defined:
Why are there so many of the stories of the hero in mythology?
Define hero according to Campbell: Someone who has
What are the two types of deeds he identifies for the hero?
1. Physical -2. Spiritual --
What is the basic motif of the hero journey?
Campbell describes three kinds of heroes. Add notes to explain:
The princely hunter:
The father hunter:
The hero of an adventure into which he is thrown:
What is the moral objective of the hero?
How does Campbell explain the typical early culture hero?
The evolution of the hero coincides with the evolution of __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
What are the 3 steps of the spiritual hero? (He gives the examples of Moses, Jesus, and the Buddha, and
All three of the great religions teach that the _ _ _ _ _ _ of the hero journey are a significant part of it.
What do ALL the myths have to deal with?
How is the consciousness transformed?
By _________________,_______________________, and _____________________________.
The hero “goes for something”…The hero is ready for his adventure and achievement. What does the hero’s
adventure evoke?
What does the scene in the bar of Star Wars represent?
The mythological significance of the “belly of the whale” motif is what?
What does the whale represent?
What does water represent?
What are the two possibilities for the hero when he meets the monster after crossing the threshold?
What does the dragon represent?
How does Campbell say you slay your dragon?