Download Aztec Empire 1200-1521

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 South-central Mexico
 Mountainous area
 The capital city was
Tenochtitlan, an island in
present day Mexico City
The Myth Behind Tenochtitlan
 According to Aztec legend, in 1323, the
Mexicas were shown a vision of an eagle
perched on a prickly pear cactus, eating a
snake. This vision indicated that this was the
location where they were to build their home.
 The Mexicas eventually arrived on a small
swampy island in Lake Texcoco where they
founded the town of Tenochtitlan in 1325.
Aztec Government
 The Aztec Empire was very diverse including
many ethnicities due to the amount of people
conquered by the Aztecs
 The empire did not directly rule over its
conquered people and allowed local authorities
to remain in control
 The conquered people were only expected to pay
a tribute tax to the Aztecs and if completed then
they were left alone
 Although conquered enemy soldiers were used
as sacrifice in their rituals
Aztec Religion
 The Aztecs were polytheistic and believed in
over 100 gods
 Their main god was the sun god,
 There also regular human sacrifices to
appease the gods
 Some people considered the sacrifice to be an
Aztec Temple
Article About Religious