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Chapter 49: People and the Biosphere
Section 2: Pollution
Materials released into the environment fall into two categories:
_________________________ and ________________________________
Materials that can be degraded, or broken down, by microorganisms into the
essential nutrients from which they were made are _______________________
o ________________________________
__________________________________ materials cannot be broken down by
natural processes or are broken down only very slowly
o ____________________________________________________________
o Once these materials are released into the environment, they remain
there for a long time – __________________________________
Biological Magnification
Sometimes pollutants affect the biosphere in ways no one expects
Many ______________________________________ pick up nonbiodegradable
pollutants from the ________________
They concentrate them and store them in their ____________________
When _____________________________________________, they too
concentrate and store these nonbiodegradable compounds in their tissues
When __________________________________________, the compounds are
further concentrated
At each step in a food chain, the compounds are concentrated more and more
In other words, the amount of the compounds in each organism in a food chain
This phenomenon is known as ________________________________________
Biological magnification occurs with many __________________________ and
Air Pollution
The air supplies the _____________________ our cells need to metabolize food
and receives the waste products we give off as a result of our life processes
But the air also contains many other chemicals—chemicals that are not part of
the natural composition of the atmosphere
If you live in a city, you may be familiar with the dirty-brown haze called
Smog = _______________________________
Contains different pollutants in different places
The causes of smog also differ from one location to another
Weather conditions called ____________________________________________
can make smog a serious health hazard
Normally, cooler air is at higher altitudes than warmer air
The warmer air closer to the Earth’s surface contains ______________________
But because it is warm, it is _________________________ than cool air and
As it rises, it slowly _______________, and the pollutants it contains are carried
away by _________________
During an inversion, a layer of _____________________________________ is
trapped beneath a ____________________________________
Because the cool air is denser than the warm air above it, __________________
As a result, the _________________________ are kept ____________________
Temperature inversions can last for ______________, ____________, and even
Acid Rain
Certain pollutants in the air combine with ____________________________ to
form droplets of _______________
When these droplets fall to the Earth in rain, the rain is called ______________
In many areas, the ___________________________ burned in factories and
power plants to generate energy contain large amounts of __________________
When sulfur is burned, it forms ________________________________
Sulfur dioxide dissolves in water to form a strong acid: ____________________
Sulfur dioxide is often carried on prevailing winds far from where it is produced
The effects of acid rain on the environment are numerous and serious to life
Acid rain damages ______________________________________________
The Greenhouse Effect
The amount of _________________________________ in the atmosphere is
________________________ as a result of human activity in the biosphere
Carbon dioxide is produced when carbon-containing fuels are burned
Carbon-containing fuels include _____________ and ____________________
as well as _____________________________ such as ____________, ________,
and _____________________________
Over the years, the burning of trees and fossil fuels for energy has released vast
quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Energy from the _____________ is absorbed by the _______________ and
changed into ______________
Later, this energy is radiated back from the Earth to the ____________________
Carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere absorb this heat energy
o ______________________________________
As levels of carbon dioxide in the air increase, more heat is absorbed and the
The effects of this global warming are unclear
o ______________________________________________________
o ______________________________________________________
Holes in the Ozone Layer
A layer of ___________________ exists far above the Earth in a part of the
atmosphere called the ____________________________ (10 – 30 miles above
the Earth’s surface)
Protects the Earth from harmful _______________________________________
from the sun
Without the protection of this layer, few living things could survive
Scientists have recently discovered that the ozone layer is becoming
_____________________ in certain places around the _________________
o _______________________________________________
The major cause of ozone depletion is a form of chemical air pollution that
results from the addition of ____________________________________ to the
Scientists predict that if the amount of UV radiation that reaches the Earth
increases, the frequency of certain diseases—such as certain forms of
__________________________—will also increase
Water Pollution
In the United States, billions of liters of fresh water are used daily
o ________________________________________________________
Although water is a renewable resource, there is a limited amount of fresh water
____________ of Earth is water
Only ___________ is fresh water
o Only a small portion is available for living things
o The greater portion is locked up in __________, mainly in polar ice caps
and glaciers
The most common sources of water pollution are ________________________,
____________________________, and _________________________________
Chemical Contamination
_____________________________________ can pollute water in two ways
o The chemicals can enter into ___________________________________
o Chemical wastes discarded on land can ___________________________
____________________________ and enter the ground water supply
Sewage Contamination
_____________________ consists of large quantities of wastes that contain
nitrogen compounds
These compounds are used by ____________________ in a process that
requires oxygen
If untreated sewage is added to rivers and streams, the number of bacteria
These bacteria use up most of the available oxygen as they break down the
nitrogen compounds
Other organisms that live in the water may __________________________
because their supply of oxygen is depleted
In rural areas, where homes are far apart, sewage is usually treated in
In a septic system, bacteria work on the sewage, reducing it to water that is
This water seeps out of the septic system and into the __________________
In cities, sewage must be treated in ____________________________________
In special _________________, this sewage is broken down by bacteria
Once the bacteria have decomposed the organic matter, ___________________
that kill harmful microorganisms are added to the sewage and the treated water
is ______________________
Human sewage also contains many potentially harmful microorganisms:
Filter-feeding organisms, such as _______________ and __________________,
ingest the microorganisms and concentrate them in their tissues
When these shellfish are eaten, diseases such as ___________________,
____________________, and certain forms of __________________ can spread
Thermal Pollution
Many factories and power plants produce ______________ as a waste product
In the past, water from nearby rivers, lakes, or the ocean was used to
______________ such plants
The water was pumped through pipes in the cooling system, where it absorbed
The heated water was then pumped back into the environment
In some cases, heated water has no harmful effects on the ecosystem
But often, heated water ______________________________________________
This kind of water pollution is called ___________________________________
Ocean Pollution
For centuries people have _________________________________________
into the oceans
Too many people produce too much waste, a great deal of which is
Plastics and other wastes dumped into the oceans may float around for months
or even years
Large cities continue to dump so much sewage into the oceans that it cannot be
degraded quickly enough
Often, some of this sewage ___________________________________________
Pollution __________________________________ is a serious matter
Some wastes dumped into the oceans—such as containers of disposable medical
items—wash back onto shore, threatening the health of beach-goers
Other wastes remain at sea, posing a hazard to ocean life
Oil Spills
Regardless of the cause, once oil is spilled, it is ___________________________
Oil slicks are deadly to marine animals that swallow the toxic oil or become
coated with it
Toxic chemicals in oil often __________________________ in those animals
that are not killed immediately
In most cases, these chemicals make the animal ___________________
Some of the chemicals that accumulate in animal tissue are potent
_____________________________ that may cause ___________________ in
the people who eat them