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Ch 5
Periodic Table
Rows are called periods.
 Period number indicates the highest
occupied energy level of the electrons.
 The two named periods are the lanthanide
and actinide series found at the bottom of
the periodic table.
Lanthanide and Actinide Series
These two periods of elements are broken
apart from the rest due to the fact that are
 Lanthanides are shiny metals that are not
very reactive.
 Actinides are all radioactive metals and
are somewhat reactive.
Columns are called groups.
 Each group consists of a specific family of
elements that share similar properties.
 These families include
 Alkaline
 Transition
 Halogen
 Noble gas
Alkali Family
Alkali metals belong to group 1.
 They are soft, silvery metals with a low
melting point.
 They are the most reactive metal group.
 Their normal state of matter is solid.
Alkaline Family
Alkaline metals belong to group 2.
 They are harder, denser, and have a
higher melting than alkali metals.
 They are only slightly less reactive.
 Their normal state of matter is solid.
Transition Family
Transition metals belong to group 3-12.
 They have typical metal properties such as
a very high luster and good conduction.
 They are so unreactive that they normally
exist in nature as lone elements.
 Their normal state of matter is solid.
Halogen Family
Halogens belong to group 17.
 They are the most reactive nonmetal
 They typically react with metals to form
 The normal states of these elements
include two solids, one liquid, and two
Noble Gas Family
Noble gases belong to group 18.
 They are unreactive nonmetals.
 They normally exist in nature as lone
 Their normal state of matter is gas.
The periodic table is arranged in a very organized way
with distinct patterns. It can offers many clues that may
be helpful through this class.
Some of the periodic trends include:
Valence electrons
Oxidation numbers
Sates of matter
Metallic properties
Energy level blocks
Ionization energy
Atomic radii
Ionic radii
Valence Electrons
Valence electrons are the outer electrons
available to be lost, gained, or shared
when bonding.
 The last digit in the group number
indicates the number of valence electrons.
Oxidation Numbers
Oxidation number is the number assigned to an atom in
an ionic compound.
It indicates the number of electrons and how the
electrons are used while bonding.
It proceeds across the groups starting at group 1,
skipping over transition elements, and ending at group
The numbers are: +1, +2, +3, +4, -3, -2, -1, 0.
Elements with positive oxidation numbers lose the
specified amount of electrons to form positive cations.
Elements with negative oxidation numbers gain the
specified amount of electrons to form negative anions.
Reactivity increases as you go down a
metallic group.
 Reactivity decreases as you go down a
nonmetallic group.
States of Matter
With the exception of hydrogen, solids are
located on the left of the periodic table and
gases on the right.
 The only two liquids are mercury (a liquid
metal) and bromine (a liquid nonmetal).
Metallic Properties
There is a stair step line that divides the
periodic table into metals and nonmetals.
 Everything to the left of the line is a metal
and everything to the right is a nonmetal.
 With the exception of aluminum (a metal),
everything touching the line is a metalloid.
 A metalloid shares characteristics of both
metals and nonmetals and exist as very
brittle solids.
Energy Level Blocks
Groups are divided into blocks based on sublevels.
There is an s-block, p-block, d-block, and f-block.
S-block is group 1 and 2. Group 1 electron
configurations end with ns1, group 2 end with ns2.
P-block is group 13 through 18. Electron configurations
proceed as np1, np2, np3, np4, np5, and np6.
The n in each electron configuration indicates the main
energy level and can be found from the period number.
D-block is group 3-12. At this block electron configuration
rules have to be followed closely and there is no general
F-block does not belong to any groups. Rather, it
belongs to period 8 and 9, the lanthanide and actinide
Blue= s block
Yellow= p block
Red= d block
Green= f block
Ionization Energy
Ionization energy is the energy required to
remove one electron from a neutral atom
to form an ion.
 The trends are:
Increase across a period
 Decrease down a group
 IE increases with each successive ionization
Electronegativity is a measure of the ability
of an atom to attract electrons.
 The trends are:
Increase across period
 Decrease down a group
Atomic Radii
Atomic radii is a measurement of half the
distance between the nuclei of two
identical atoms that are bonded.
 The trends are:
Decrease across a period
 Increases down a group
Ionic Radii
Ionic radii is the radius of an ion formed by the
Group 1-14 have positive oxidation numbers and
therefore lose electrons to form cations.
Formation of a positive cation causes decrease
in size from atomic radii.
Group 15-18 have negative oxidation numbers
and therefore gain electrons to form anions.
Formation of a negative anion cause increase in
size from atomic radii.