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Chapter 9 Section 4 THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE and the CRUSADES
I. ___________________ becomes Byzantine emperor in 527
Ruled Church and State with absolute power
Code of Justinian (____________________________________) united the empire
The Body of Civil Law was ______________________ most important contribution.
This code of Roman laws was the basis of imperial law until 1453.
It was used in the West and became the basis for much of the legal system of
Byzantines preserved the learning of ___________________.
It becomes the __________________center of the world
II. The Church Splits (The ________________________)
1054 The Patriarch of Constantinople refuses to accept the authority of the Pope
Permanent split between ____________________and __________________Churches
This split permanently alienated East and West and doomed the Byzantine Empire
III. The Empire begins to decline
Bubonic Plague
Invasions 626-1204 (Persians, Avars, Arabs, Turks, Christian Crusaders)
Seljuk Turks defeat Byzantines at _______________________ in 1071
Emperor turns to the West for aid
A. Popes
1. ______________________ Roman Church with Eastern Church
2. Capture _______________________ from the Turks
3. Remove _______________________ from Europe
B. Knights
1. ________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
C. Merchants
1. Destruction of ____________________ and ____________________ competition
First Crusade 1097
The push for the Crusades came when the Byzantine emperor
___________________asked the Europeans for help against the Seljuk Turks, who
were Muslims.
__________________________ becomes a staging point for Crusades
_________________________ challenged Christians to take up their weapons and
join the Holy War Fall of Jerusalem
1099 Crusaders took _______________________ (massacred population)
Second Crusade
1140’s Muslims strike back and one of the __________________________ falls.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux enlisted King Louis VII of France and Emperor
Conrad III of Germany.
This Crusade was a total failure.
By 1187 ____________________________ fell to Muslim forces under Saladin.
Third Crusade--The Kings’ Crusade
Jerusalem retaken by _________________________1187
Saladin--united the Turks
The Kings
1. Frederick I Barbarossa
2. Philip Augustus
3. Richard the Lionheart
__________________________________ (Greatest Soldier)
Imprisoned in Austria on the way home
Eventually died in battle against Phillip
Richard kills prisoners at Acre
End of 3rd Crusade
Saladin and Richard signed 5 year treaty
Christian Pilgrims allowed to visit____________________________
Christians established Military Orders of monks to protect pilgrims called:
____________________ and ___________________
Forth Crusade 1204
About six years after the death of Saladin in 1193, _______________________
initiated the 4th Crusades.
Venice diverted Crusaders to attack Constantinople.
Constantinople was sacked.
Venice controlled Constantinople for 57 years, never went to Holy Land-__________________________ fatally weakened
End of Crusades
V. Results of the Crusades
Lasting changes in Europe
1. The most significant outcome of the Crusade was the sanctification of the use of
violence in the defense of an idea.
2. The break down of feudalism: Nobles lose power and kings were able to create
stronger central governments
This paved the way for the way for the development of true nations-states by the
1400’s : Portugal, Spain, England and France
3. First widespread attacks on Jews began in the context of the Crusades