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1001 Arabian Religions
100: What year marks the first year in the Islamic calendar? 622 CE
200: What are the two main branches of Islam? Sunni and Shi’a
300: What holy site is central to the Hajj, with pilgrims circling it 7 times? Ka’ba
400: What did Christians and Jews (People of the Book) have to do in order to practice their
religion in the Islamic Empires? Pay a tax
500: Name ALL FIVE Pillars of Islam! Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Hajj
Busy, Busy Byzantines
100: What was the primary language in the Byzantine Empire? Greek
200: Which Empire eventually conquered Constantinople in 1453? Ottoman
300: What massive building, located in Constantinople, was the largest cathedral in the world
for nearly 100 years? Hagia Sophia
400: Which Crusade began the process of the fall of the Byzantines? 4th Crusade
500: What Byzantine Ruler reformed the old Roman Law Codes? Justinian I
100: What argument caused the Sunni-Shi’a Split? Choosing 1st Caliph after Muhammad
200: What year did the Great Schism occur? 1054
300: What language is spoken in Orthodox churches? Greek, or the local language
400: What is the FULL, two-word name for the leader of the Orthodox Church? Ecumenical
500: Name the causes of the Great Schism. Language, Priests’ marriage, communion bread,
Holy Spirit, Papal Authority/jurisdictions
Mongols and Russians and Christians, Oh My!
100: Which pope called for the 1st Crusade? Urban II
200: Which Crusade was successful in conquering Jerusalem? Which one led to the
unsanctioned conquest of Constantinople (twice)? 1st Crusade, 4th Crusade
300: Name THREE things that allowed the Mongols to spread so quickly. Horses, Fear, No
religious aspect
400: What were the four khanates of the Mongol Empire? Mongolia and China, Central Asia,
Persia, Russia
500: Name TWO actions taken by Russian rulers to gain European respect. Changing name to
Tzar, conquest of lands, double-headed eagle, married Byzantine Princess, claimed “Third
Rome” status, absolute monarchy
100: Who was Justinian I’s wife? She was instrumental in helping him rule. Theodora
200: Why was there so little crime under Mongol rule? Killed any who disobeyed
300: What trade route did the Mongol Empire secure and rely upon for trade? Silk Road
400: Translate the following into Roman Numerals
500: Name THREE advancements made by scholars in the Islamic world. Various