Download Enzymes that cut DNA at specific base sequences. One type of

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Enzymes that cut DNA at specific base sequences. One
type of enzyme will always cut at the same sequence.
The base sequence that a restriction enzyme will attach to
and cut
The exposed bases when an enzyme makes an uneven cut
in DNA. The bases are free to attach to other bases, making them “sticky”
When an enzyme makes a cut that leaves no bases exposed
a “clean” cut of DNA
Escherichia Coli RY 13
Having restriction enzymes that can cut in many different places allows
genetic engineers to isolate genes for recombination and to cut DNA to
create a DNA fingerprints
Two different genes are involved in
expressing beta carotene; the two genes are taken from two different
sources and inserted into the nucleus of the rice plant. These genes
activate beta carotene production in the edible portion of the plant
The gene expression
is controlled by a promoter that is only found in the endosperm (the
edible portion of the plant)
This bacteria naturally infects plants and causes tumor like growths as it
injects it’s plasmids into the hosts’ plant cells. Once the beta carotene
gene is inserted into this bacteria’s plasmids, it will transfer the desired
gene into the rice plant.
Many diseases are related to Vit. A deficiency which beta carotene can
prevent: low immunity, night blindness. Beta carotene is a building block
of Vit. A
In communities where sufficient nutrition is an issue, fat may also
be a nutrient that is in short supply
More grains per plant, larger grains = more calories
Faster maturation means less grow time and more crops
Resistance to pests means healthier plants with higher yeild.
Not human insulin; allergic reactions could occur
Extraction techniques led to contamination; foreign particles = side effects
Using E. Coli is relatively inexpensive, you can synthesize a lot of insulin
in a reliable and controlled method. The insulin is free of contaminents
and is a human protein which means side effects are minimal
The gene is too large to be inserted into a plasmid, so it is cut and inserted
into two separate plasmids.
Because the beta-galactosidase gene is a promoter for transcription to
occur. The insulin will not be made unless it is prompted to start
Yeast is large enough to hold the insulin gene without it being cut
Yeast are eukaryotic and have packaging systems in the cell such as the
golgi makes secretion (and extraction) less problematic